life struggle

Chapter 35 Happy shopping

Wu Xiaojun dawdled, looked at Qin Meixiang and said with a wry smile, "Look at my feet, what's there to see? It's not a woman's three-inch golden lotus. It stinks. It smells so bad. I'm so worried about killing you." This jade girl is smoked.【 】”

Qin Meixiang looked domineering, "I'm not afraid of what smells or smells, I just want to see it, take it off quickly, if you don't take it off, I will take it off by hand."

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Wu Xiaojun had no choice but to say obediently, "Don't intervene, don't intervene, don't do anything. It's okay if I take it off, but you must not laugh at me." After speaking, he gently took off the sock.

Qin Meixiang opened her eyes wide and stared at Wu Xiaojun closely, "As long as you take it off, it's definitely not a joke."

Qin Meixiang bent down and looked carefully, and saw that both heels and sides were red, swollen and purple, with many blisters, so she stretched out her right hand and touched it lightly. Withdrawing, her face turned red to the base of her neck, and she said incoherently, "Don't touch, don't touch, how can you condescend to touch my dirty, smelly and hard feet with your slender hands? I really can't bear it, really Can not afford."

Qin Meixiang was taken aback, "This is frostbitten, red like a pig's paw. It's been like this, and I'm still pretending nothing happened. How long has it been? Does it hurt? Is it uncomfortable to walk?"

Wu Xiaojun's heart felt like being pricked by needles, and he said awkwardly, "It's still a problem I suffered from when I was a child. It happens every winter. I'm used to it. I don't really feel anything at ordinary times. It's just a little itchy and hard occasionally. It's okay. affect walking."

"You are really good enough. Let me tell you what's good about you. Your feet are already frozen like this. Don't tell me you've been holding on like this. Is there someone like you? You can't afford to buy a pair of cotton shoes, right? , I am no longer a child, and I don’t know how to love and take care of myself when I go out.”

"It's really nothing. It doesn't affect eating and drinking. I can do whatever I need to do. I never cared."

"Since it's already like this, it's uncomfortable to talk about you, and I won't talk about you anymore. Anyway, you can't go on like this. Why bother with this foreign crime? Put it on quickly. Let's go out for some dinner later, and then go Go shopping and enjoy the scenery."

Wu Xiaojun packed everything up, and the two walked out of the living area, went to a donkey broth restaurant nearby and ordered two bowls of soup and pancakes.Qin Meixiang was very curious, and repeatedly praised, "Xiaojun, I have never eaten lunch in Xiangzhou. Today is the first time I have this soup. It tastes very delicious, really delicious."

"Actually, locals generally like to drink soup most in the morning. They put the cakes in a bowl, and they are also used to call it paomo. Soup, donkey meat soup, bean curd soup, meatball soup, etc. are also special snacks here. I was not used to eating it when I first came here, but it has become commonplace now. I will let you taste more when I have a chance in the future. How about it? .”

"Okay, in the future you not only need to know how to drink, but also learn how to cook. I'm going to drink what you make for me often."

"If you give me the chance, I'll work hard. But I'm not going to buy a donkey and kill it just to make you some soup."

"You're talking out of tune. You're implying that I'm not even worth a donkey. If it's your sweetheart, do you have the heart to cut a piece of your body for him to eat?"

"Hahaha, you, you, you are so simple, you are really unforgiving, and you can't take a loss at all, so I won't talk to you about a donkey. Today, do you want to go shopping nearby, or think of the green river in the distance? Enjoy the winter snow scene.”

"The ice and snow on the road haven't melted yet, and it's too cold. I think it's better to take a walk in a more lively place nearby."

"Let's go to the newly opened Europa Shopping Mall on Gufeng Road. The surrounding area is also a large commercial area, which is very lively."

With the Spring Festival approaching, coupled with the heavy snow and freezing weather, the city management has also been released in advance. The Gufeng Road Night Market has changed to normal operation during the day, and the market is even more prosperous.Small merchants and hawkers who sell New Year’s goods, vegetables, snacks, and clothing all gather here. Those who are idle and have nothing to do, those who are shopping with their families, men, women, old and children passing by with carts, all kinds of people are waiting for you. The head is crowded and it is spectacular.There are endless sounds of hawkers, bargainers, and collisions and noises.

"The difference between the ancient style market during the day and the night is indeed not small. It is for mass consumption, and with the festival approaching, the flow of people can be several times higher than that at night. You can see that there are many people around each stall. Really hot."

"This market is bigger than Wenhua Road New Year's Shopping Street, and there are more people. Is this the place you used to set up a street stall to sell books?"

"It's here, the place where the shoes are sold in front. It's both sad and ridiculous when I think about it. It's here that I saw the complexity of society, understood a lot of truths, and gained a lot of knowledge. It must be an unforgettable experience. "

"What's the matter, I'm in love with the scene, and I have a lot of emotions. Let's go, visit your love and hate point again."

When he got closer, Wu Xiaojun recognized at a glance that the shoe seller was the woman who occupied the booth ignorantly and was pushed around. The memory of the acquaintance is deep.

Qin Meixiang looked at the shoes on the car, picked out a pair of men's cotton boots and asked, "Auntie, what's the price for these shoes?"

The woman raised her head and met Wu Xiaojun's eyes, she was taken aback, before Wu Xiaojun could speak, she said first, "Young man, it's you, but I haven't seen you for a long time, this is your girlfriend, she's so pretty."

Wu Xiaojun said, "Auntie, hello, I haven't seen you for a long time. Now you are selling cotton shoes instead of clothes. It is more in line with the season. How is the business? It's okay. Is this night market changed to daytime now?"

The woman said excitedly, "Yes, yes, it's changed to daytime. The night market is really inconvenient. The time is short and there are many fewer people. Sometimes the business can't go on. I can't earn ten or eight yuan a night. I can't even pay for meals. I can’t earn enough. It’s very good now, all day long, and the Spring Festival is coming soon, the business is very good, and I can earn 200 yuan a day.”

Wu Xiaojun said with a smile, "Auntie, it's not bad, but it's hard enough. It's really not easy to freeze from morning to night all day."

The woman said, "We don't have much ability, we just suffer and suffer, so we are content. Some time ago, you were beaten by Han San's people, and my aunt felt very distressed. Now he has no chance if he wants to be domineering, because he forcibly collects protection money from the street vendor. Being sued by the distant relatives of the leaders in the city, apart from him, seven or eight people were arrested, which is very satisfying."

Qin Meixiang listened quietly with the shoes in her hand, but she couldn't hold back her eloquence, so she got anxious and said, "Auntie, you two are just talking, but you haven't made an offer yet."

Wu Xiaojun glared at Qin Meixiang, "You don't need to ask, and you don't need to, don't delay Auntie's business, let's go."

Qin Meixiang turned her face away and ignored her, "Auntie, I want these shoes, so please tell me the real price."

The woman hurriedly said, "Young man, I've been thinking about you all the time. I'm so pitiful. When I saw you, I was very excited. This mouth didn't even guard the door. Girls are all old acquaintances. I won't earn your money for these shoes. 30 Yuan to you."

Qin Meixiang said, "Thank you, auntie, put it on and give you the money."

Wu Xiaojun quickly said, "No, no, I will give Auntie the money."

Qin Meixiang said, "You don't want it. I want to pay for it. I want to be your porter."

Going out for a walk when you are bored is a kind of release of mood.When you are very leisurely, shopping is naturally a kind of fun.For most women, shopping is a good way to enhance feelings, promote spiritual communication, and release stress. They like all good-looking and fun things whether they are useful or not. They talk to their friends while walking around and pay attention to the road. What kind of things are sold in every small stall on the side, bargain with every stall owner who intends to buy something, and you may not buy it in the end.

Wu Xiaojun has a responsibility this time, and he should do his best to go shopping with Qin Meixiang.Out of admiration for his girlfriend like a river, following her in the crowds, not only to fight wits and courage, but also to endure the fierce psychological struggle of whether to buy or not.

Qin Meixiang's curiosity came from nowhere, with no purpose and no time limit, she dragged Wu Xiaojun around, and walked around the entire Gufeng Market and the nearby cosmetics, specialty stores, supermarkets, and shopping malls one by one.Walk slowly, take a closer look, no matter what it is for sale, stop to look and ask every now and then, try it from time to time, ask if it is beautiful after trying it, hesitate if you say it is beautiful, let it go if the price is expensive , Sometimes a store can dawdle for half an hour.I ate a lot of snacks, tried a lot of clothes, applied a lot of cosmetics, asked for a lot of prices, and didn’t buy many things. After a day, I was still full of energy, excited, and not tired.

It was past eight o'clock in the evening when the two returned to Wu Xiaojun's dormitory.

Qin Meixiang ran non-stop for a whole day. At that time, she was carrying a lot of strength and didn't feel much. But when she returned to the foothold, she immediately felt tired, her whole body was weak, her limbs were weak, and she fell on Wu Xiaojun's bed. I'm dead, I can finally lie down for a while and calm down, rest my feet, relieve my fatigue, and take stock of what I've seen, heard and gained today."

Wu Xiaojun stretched, yawned, twisted his body, picked up the water glass, and lay on Yan Gaofeng's bed facing Qin Meixiang, looked at Qin Meixiang with a happy face and said, "Meixiang, I am very happy and happy today. After a long time, I didn't feel a little tired, but I felt very happy, why is that?"

"Do you need to ask? It's because you have grown and improved, and you speak duplicity to make people happy. In fact, it is normal for you to feel tired, and it is against your will to say that you are not tired. You are just afraid that I will be unhappy, so I am embarrassed to say it."

"Some people say that the power of a woman is enormous, and the power of a beautiful woman is infinite. Really, I am not lying to you. It is the first time in my life that I have such a beautiful and beautiful woman as your company. Even if I carry cement for a day, I will never run out of energy , not to mention such trivial things as shopping.”

"Blow it up, you should blow it up to the sky. Let me tell you, British experts believe that the damage a man gets when he goes shopping with his wife in a shopping mall is like a fighter pilot flying two accelerations (using an accelerator gun) Acceleration will cause the driver to faint for a short time). Chinese men believe that going shopping with their wives in the shopping mall is simply a mental and physical torture to their husbands! This is your deepest experience and feeling now.”

"Oh, it's not easy. I've grown up, matured, and learned to study men."

"I heard from others that when a woman wants a man to accompany her to go shopping, it is to hone the man's will, patience, and to test the degree of attachment to her. It is often best to hold that the road is tortuous and the future is bright. With the attitude that one corn cob is still in front of me, I walked all the way, killing time, exchanging physical torture for spiritual relaxation and pleasure.”

"So you're testing me, so there's no need to put so much thought into it."

"Testing you is just one of them, teaching you how to treat your girlfriend is the second, and the third is..."

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