life struggle

359 Drunk 1 Mess

After two rounds, Ning Pingping had already mastered Zou Manhe's attacking routine, and her attacking skills were at an average level. She quickly entered the state, and after several very skillful and unpredictable moves, Zou Manhe had no choice but to parry. There was no offensive momentum, and he lost three games in a row. Ning Pingping also generously accompanied him for three cups.

A big man lost in the hands of a little girl, Zou Manhe felt a sense of frustration, he couldn't hold back his face, he felt upset because he underestimated the little girl Ning Pingping, picked up the wine bottle and poured another six glasses , said in a challenging tone, "Director Ning has kept his secrets, and he is really good. Let's play five more rounds! One round and one clear, no debts, no companions!"

Ning Pingping said nonchalantly, "Secretary Zou is so humble, let's just let it go!"

Zou Manhe said unhappily, "Director Ning, this is not acceptable. How can you forget it at the beginning? Could it be that you are timid, you must continue punching, or drink all fifteen wines!"

Ning Pingping smiled slightly, and said reluctantly, "Secretary Zou, what you said is too exaggerated. I really can't hold alcohol. I just barely managed it. I can't drink fifteen drinks at once. Since Secretary Zou has Yaxing, then I will accompany you for a few more rounds!"

I have to say that Ning Pingping's guessing skill is not comparable to that of ordinary people. She calculates very accurately and changes her techniques very flexibly. In the game, Zou Manhe drank a dozen wines, that is, more than four or two, plus three or two in the last game. After the whole noon, he drank half a catty of liquor and was completely overturned. He went to the bathroom and never did not come back.

After Zou Manhe left, Ning Pingping was still in the mood, picked up the wine glass and shook her head with the drinker, blushing and thick-necked, she couldn't get drunk. Xi Gaochao, the eight drunken immortals Liu Chen each drank three glasses, then raised their hands and smashed the glasses into pieces, Lie down on the dining table.

Zheng Weihong fought against the two of them alone, and although he reluctantly agreed to rely on his own skills, he was already drunk at this time, got up staggeringly and put his arm around He Guiling's shoulders, holding her hand and insisted on going upstairs to sing , making He Guiling dumbfounded, a little embarrassed, blushed and pushed him away, left the hotel without looking back, stopped a taxi and left.

Sun Ruoman didn't hold a lot of alcohol at first, but she was so nervous after toasting and responding to wine, her face felt feverish, her heart was beating fast, and seeing others leave one after another in a daze, she hurried home and lay down on the bed Sleep sober.

Sun Ruoman was deeply surprised by Ning Pingping's performance today. She never expected that the little girl who has always been clear-headed and quiet on the surface, is so pure and skillful in punching and acting. Bi, it can be called first-class, and there is a sense of admiration and fear in my heart.

Seeing her lying on the dining table, although she was asleep, she was very anxious and distressed, and couldn't bear to leave her alone, so she opened a room in the hotel, called the waiter to carry her in, put her on the bed, and ordered A few words.

Just when she was about to leave, Ning Pingping turned over suddenly, closed her eyes tightly, let out a deep breath, and said in a raving voice, "Smelly guy, I asked you to come in the afternoon, but you didn't even call me, like a dog The tortoise hides from my old lady, where did you die, get out quickly, and see how I deal with you!"

Sun Ruoman listened in a daze, Ning Pingping's voice was particularly creepy, and she didn't know what she meant. She wondered, who is a big unmarried girl who claims to be an old lady, is she talking in her sleep? Could it be that she has something to do with someone? I'm going to meet you this afternoon, and I'm still thinking about it. It doesn't matter if it's a dream language after drinking. If it's an important person, it's not a matter of delay. Hey, it's all caused by alcohol.

After hesitating for a moment, she picked up Ning Pingping's handbag and took out her pager. Seeing that it was on mute, there were a dozen incoming calls, seven of which had the same fixed number. The earliest time was 01:30, and the latest one At three o'clock, I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, so many calls, as if in a hurry, it must not be the person she wanted to meet.

Without any hesitation, Sun Ruoman went straight to the bar, picked up the phone and went back.

It was a woman who answered the phone. She came up and asked, "Is it Xiao Ning? Where are you? Why are you only answering now after so many paging calls?"

Sun Ruoman said cautiously, "I'm sorry, big sister, I'm Sun Ruoman, Director Ning's colleague. Our director has a dinner party at noon, and we drank a few more glasses of wine. We are resting in the Xiaxi Hotel room. Seeing that there are so many paging, I just wanted to tell you, what's the matter?"

"Well, that's it, it's okay, let her have a good rest!"

Seeing that the other party didn't say anything important, Sun Ruoman just said something lightly and hung up the phone. He didn't have any worries in his heart and went home directly.

Wu Xiaojun called Ning Pingping several times in a row, but he didn't see her reply until 03:30. Although he was a little worried and upset, thinking that he didn't know where she was, it might be inconvenient, and there was no need to wait any longer. So he gave up the idea of ​​seeing her, and went home from Feng Yudi's house with the child and Bai Lingyan in his arms.

Just about to get on the bus, the pager rang suddenly. Seeing that it was Feng Yudi calling, she hurriedly called back with a nearby public phone. When she heard that Ning Pingping had drunk too much and was still in the Xiaxi Hotel room, she couldn't help frowning wrinkled.

Xiaxi Hotel is less than 10 minutes away from her residence. How much did you drink at noon? Why didn’t you go back and rest in the hotel room? Save yourself some trouble, if you get up in a daze and do embarrassing things on the street in broad daylight, the embarrassment will be even greater.

Thinking of how drunk Ning Pingping was in the hospital before, Wu Xiaojun became calm and trembling, put down the phone, came to Bai Lingyan, and said nervously, "Just now Xiao Ning's colleague called, she had a drink at noon. Drunk, lying in the Xiaxi Hotel room. She rarely drank alcohol, but she suddenly drank so much. I don’t know who she was drinking with. Is there anything wrong? You and the child go back first, and I will go and have a look!"

Bai Lingyan thought that Ning Pingping was not an outsider, and seeing Wu Xiaojun's impatient look, she was also worried that something would happen to her, so she said quietly, "Go, if you have nothing to do, go back early!"

"I'll call you according to the situation! Xiao Ning is really serious, what is a girl doing drinking so much wine at home!" Wu Xiaojun said angrily, raised his hand to stop a taxi, and slipped into it , Go straight to Xiaxi Hotel.

Wu Xiaojun came to the bar in the hotel lobby anxiously, stared at the little girl on duty with big eyes, and gasped, "Quickly check for me, which room is a guest named Ning Pingping!"

Seeing his menacing look, the little girl was so frightened that she trembled all over, and said tremblingly, "Sir, I'm sorry, the information of the guests is kept confidential, and it's not convenient for you to check it. You should just sit there and wait for a while!"

Hearing this, Wu Xiaojun was furious, and said domineeringly, "If I tell you to check, you can check it, so much nonsense!" Looking up, he saw the guest registration book in front of the little girl, reached out and grabbed it, opened it and found Ning Pingping The room she was in turned around and left without even taking the elevator, and ran along the steps to the door of room 616 on the sixth floor.

Wu Xiaojun put his hands on his knees, gasped for a few breaths, straightened up and knocked on the door. Seeing that there was no movement inside, he anxiously asked the attendant on duty, "Have the people inside left?"


"Can you open the door for me, please?"

The waitress was about seventeen or eighteen years old. She probably hadn't been here for long, and she still had the youthful look of a country girl on her face. She said in embarrassment, "Sir, I'm sorry, we have a rule that you can't open the guest's room casually." !"

Wu Xiaojun said angrily, "What is the rule? The guests inside drank too much at noon. She has always been allergic to alcohol. If something happens to her alone, can you afford it? Open the door quickly and let me in!"

Seeing Wu Xiaojun jumping into a rage, with blue veins all over his face, his face paled with fright, he picked up the phone with trembling hands, and tremblingly said, "Sir, I'm sorry, I really can't make up my mind, the hotel will fire me, I need to ask the manager on duty for instructions." !"

Wu Xiaojun snatched the phone from the waiter, and said fiercely, "Excuse me, I'll tell you to open the door right away, do you hear me?"

The waitress saw this young man with anxious eyes. He is a difficult boss. There are not many customers upstairs. If he gets rough on him, he won't even have the time to call for someone. He is obedient and stubborn. Agreeing to his request, he took the key and opened the door.

The moment the door was opened, Wu Xiaojun strode forward and stepped in. When he saw the scene inside, he was stunned.

Ning Pingping was lying on the bed with messy hair, her eyes were closed, her complexion was pale, her lips were purple, she was panting lightly, she was not covered with a quilt, her woolen coat was thrown on the ground, her sweater was turned upside down, and her underwear was pulled up to her navel , showing a snow-white belly, one sock was removed, and a large pool of disgusting stomach contents was vomited in front of the bed, with some green bile. pain.

Wu Xiaojun stepped forward to feel her pulse very worriedly, it seemed a little weak, he pushed her body lightly, and asked softly, "Xiao Ning, I am Xiaojun, wake up, can you hear me?"

After shouting for a long time, Ning Pingping moved slightly, turned over, leaned her head against the edge of the bed, and then retched, Wu Xiaojun patted her back, maybe her stomach had been emptied, He didn't spit out anything, only some mucus water flowed out of his mouth.

After a while, Ning Pingping let out a long sigh of relief, "Ahh—I'm so sick! Water—"

Wu Xiaojun poured half a cup of boiling water for her. Because it was very hot, he poured it back and forth with two cups. After tasting it, he could basically drink it. He sat on the edge of the bed and helped the drowsy Ning Pingping to sit up and lean on his chest. Before, try to give her water.

Ning Pingping was really thirsty and wanted to drink it impatiently. Wu Xiaojun was worried about choking her, so he was very cautious. After drinking half a glass of water, Ning Pingping slowly opened her eyes and asked feebly, "Why are you here? Do I look very ugly and unhuman?"

Just as Wu Xiaojun opened his mouth, there was a sudden sound of footsteps and reprimands from outside, and someone yelled, "Manager, let's stop talking nonsense, just arrest him, throw him into the basement and beat him up! "

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