life struggle

368 accident

Ning Pingping and Director Lu of the District Health Bureau talked over the phone and simply finished handling the affairs of the office, then went home early and waited for Wu Xiaojun.

Wu Xiaojun was worried that the Red Light District Case Office would be implicated. When he entered the door, he saw Ning Pingping sitting on the sofa with a tired face, sitting beside her, and asked eagerly, "Xiao Ning, did you read the newspaper? The murder case that night has been solved." , will it have any impact on your office?"

Ning Pingping said quietly, "I see, such a bad criminal case happened in the jurisdiction. The social impact is very bad, and it even alarmed the upper class. We are also responsible! If the deceased is an ordinary person, the branch office and the police station will just cover it up. The sub-city bureau had no choice but to deal with people and set up a task force. In the past few days, the office secretary and the deputy secretary and I have been called by the task force to cooperate with the investigation. Next, someone must come out and take charge!"

"Will you come out to top the bag?" Wu Xiaojun's face changed suddenly, and he asked very worriedly.

Ning Pingping sighed and said, "The comprehensive management of social security is handled by the secretary and deputy secretary. I am only the acting director. The time is very short. I should not be held accountable! The secretary of the committee and three of our team were called to have a conversation, asking us to actively cooperate with the investigation of the task force!"

Wu Xiaojun looked at Ning Pingping nervously, and said worriedly, "Will the special case team's investigation of you end tomorrow? Just now I went to the District Private Bureau to meet Director Wang. Time is tight, I didn't communicate with you, and told Director Wang directly that we will leave by train tomorrow night."

An unconcealable look flashed across Ning Pingping's face, she straightened her hair hanging on her forehead, and said with a wry smile, "It depends on what you asked. Many tasks, when it will end, is beyond the grassroots' ability to know! It seems that I may not accompany you to the deep sea this time!"

Wu Xiaojun's face changed greatly when he heard the words, and he frowned, "Isn't there still more than a day left? Such a good opportunity, how can you just give up and give up?"

Ning Pingping said with an innocent face, "I called Secretary Xiao in the morning. He was very sad and emphasized that my first task is to fully cooperate with the investigation of the special case team. It is not clear whether I can go to the deep sea. The murder investigation is not over yet. , The departure time of the city inspection team is so tight, and the two things have all rushed together, which makes me very disappointed. I was in a mess all morning. It turns out that everything we planned, I'm afraid I really let you down!"

Hearing this, Wu Xiaojun felt empty in his heart for a moment. After a long silence, he said in a deep tone, "Mayor Chang leads a team to inspect investment companies. Secretary Xiao attaches great importance to it. He personally arranged for the two of us to go to the deep sea to do preliminary work. , he will definitely think of a way. Otherwise, look at the situation, postpone the departure for a few days, or come back a few days later! You can't miss such a good opportunity for nothing!"

Ning Pingping shook her head slightly, and said embarrassingly, "It's probably difficult! Now Secretary Xiao is also under a lot of pressure! Even if it is delayed, it will be three or two days at most, and it will be too late. I will go to the district committee in the afternoon to ask , does Secretary Xiao have any special arrangements?"

Wu Xiaojun held Ning Pingping in his arms worriedly, and said sadly, "Xiao Ning, if you can't go, what's the point of me going alone. Besides, I really don't know anything about a lot of preliminary work, without you by my side , I don’t have a clue in my heart, I’m worried about messing things up and ruining your good impression in front of the leader. If you don’t want to go, I won’t go either!”

Ning Pingping raised her head leisurely, and said with some trepidation, "How can you say such nonsensical words, whether I go or not, you can go as you please, because you are doing things for Secretary Xiao, for the whole district. Do things for the development of the overall situation, and to exaggerate it is to do things for the municipal party committee and the municipal government, not if you want to go, and if you don’t want to go, don’t go!"

Wu Xiaojun said with a sad face, "My realm is not as high as yours. Everything I do is for your official career and future. As for other things, I don't even think about it, and I'm too lazy to think about it."

Ning Pingping said seriously, "No matter what your original intention is, the situation has changed now, and it is no longer based on your will. Whether you are for me or for the overall situation of the whole region, you can only go to the city without hesitation. Forward, there is no longer any room for retreat or choice!"

Ning Pingping is right, it is unrealistic for her to get out of this matter at present, she has to follow the requirements of the district no matter what, and said in a gloomy mood, "You say that, things are getting more and more complicated I feel like I was kidnapped by you and the district leaders, why are you doing this?"

Ning Pingping said affectionately, "Because you are my husband and someone I love deeply! At first I didn't expect things to develop to this point. After Secretary Xiao talked to me that time, I fell into deep thought. , you are in the smoky place of the hospital, it is really a bad idea, I decided to create conditions for you to jump out, and go to a space where you can give full play to your advantages and expertise. This time I went out for an inspection in the city, and the leader of the team was my uncle. I want you to perform well in front of him and leave a good impression. Therefore, whether I go or not is irrelevant for public or private purposes, you are the real protagonist. Of course, as long as Feng Dongken invests in Hedong, so No one can take away the great credit, and the district committee and district government will still credit me with the top credit."

Wu Xiaojun gratefully kissed Ning Pingping's ear, and said affectionately, "Xiao Ning, it's hard to forgive you for your good intentions for me. Don't worry, even if you are not by my side, I will do my job well. , I will never embarrass you! But I still hope to go out with you on honeymoon!"

Ning Pingping shyly buried her head in Wu Xiaojun's arms, and said softly, "As long as you have this heart, I will be satisfied. The future will be long, and there will be more opportunities for honeymoon in the future, so don't have any regrets!" He straightened his body, looked at Wu Xiaojun with both eyes, and said seriously, "You go to see Director Wang, did he ask you about the expenses for going out to work?"

"Not only did I mention it, but I also gave me all the cash. It's all in the document bag. Take a look!" Wu Xiaojun opened the document bag casually, took out the documents and a stack of banknotes inside, and placed it in front of Ning Pingping.

After seeing it, Ning Pingping said very angrily, "It's only 5000 yuan. It's impossible for him not to know what's going on with Wang Hongfa. Don't say that I haven't decided whether I will go or not. Even you alone are not enough. Are you kidding me?"

Wu Xiaojun said angrily, "He said that Secretary Xiao only approved 5000 yuan. I have a good relationship with Director Feng. Board and lodging will be arranged by Director Feng. If it is really not enough, you will solve the shortfall from the office! "

Ning Pingping couldn't help but cursed, "Bastard, you're so cunning. I heard that he was the one who plucked the wild goose in the district. He really can find a reason to plot. He dared to hack even this kind of money. If the matter is so important, at least [-] must be approved, no, I will find him in the afternoon!"

Seeing that Ning Pingping was annoyed, Wu Xiaojun smiled and said in a moderate tone, "We are indeed connected by heart and spirit. I exposed him at that time. If there is no fifteen thousand, I will not go. Let the old bald donkey decide what to do." !"

"What did he say?" Ning Pingping asked.

Wu Xiaojun said lightly, "What else can I say, find a way for yourself, talk about it and think of a way, and give us the money this afternoon!"

Ning Pingping said, "That's about the same. However, you also don't understand the Taoism and experience, and [-] is indeed too little. Now that the words have been spoken, it is unrealistic to ask him to increase it. It will not be enough at that time. I will The office has figured out a way to deal with it!"

In the afternoon, Ning Pingping went to the district committee and met Secretary Xiao. Secretary Xiao told her in a very difficult way, "Xiao Ning, Doctor Xiaojun is going to leave tomorrow night. The time is well calculated and he is very careful and thoughtful. This You have been following the project, and Doctor Xiaojun cooperated with you quite tacitly. I also feel very sorry that the two of you cannot fight together this time. The case requires that no one can do anything about it. You can work at home with peace of mind."

Ning Pingping cautiously asked, "Secretary, Dr. Wu has never directly participated in such a big event. He has no experience. If he goes alone, will he fail to complete the task and disappoint you!"

Secretary Xiao frowned slightly, and said comfortingly, "Director Xiaoning, don't worry about this, I have arranged for Director Yuetong and Doctor Xiaojun to go together. I speak more straightforwardly, so you don't have to think about it. , Director Yue Tong has been in the agency for a long time, and is familiar with the overall situation of the whole district. He has participated in organizing large-scale activities in the district many times, and has contacted more people at all levels than you. He has rich experience, carefulness and flexibility. Mayor Chang will definitely be satisfied with her working with Doctor Xiaojun."

Such a good opportunity to show her face was handed over to Zheng Yuetong for nothing. Although Ning Pingping was upset, she had to admire Secretary Xiao's level of employment. The advantages and advantages of Zheng Yuetong he mentioned were really incomparable to her, so she forced a smile Said, "The secretary is very considerate, I'll go back and tell Dr. Wu, tell him to connect with Director Zheng as soon as possible, and get ready to leave tomorrow!"

Secretary Xiao said earnestly, "If you can't go this time, it doesn't mean you won't go in the future. There are many opportunities, and they are all for work. Don't have any ideas!"

Since Secretary Xiao decided to let Zheng Yuetong and Wu Xiaojun go with him, it has become an unchangeable fact, and talking too much can only annoy the leader, Ning Pingping looked at Secretary Xiao's gentle and dignified face, and smiled with a disapproving expression, "Don't worry, Secretary, as long as it is beneficial to the work, it doesn't matter who goes!"

A good thing happened suddenly, but I couldn't stay away from troublesome work with Wu Xiaojun, and all kinds of entertainment troubles, large and small, to complete a major task together, and share a romantic and sweet journey of happiness. I couldn't help feeling A touch of sourness, especially depression and depression.

What made Ning Pingping feel even more awkward and depressed was that Zheng Yuetong held so much weight in Secretary Xiao's heart. Although she and she were both acting directors of the agency office, they did have a high starting point. In comparison, the gap was not so big , Strictly speaking, they are not at the same level at all, and there is a strong jealousy in my heart, and I can't be happy no matter what.

Right now, he missed another opportunity to show his ability and level in front of the leader, and he had to accept the reality of pushing Zheng Yuetong to the forefront of the leader's knowledge, and further distanced himself from himself. Unexpectedly, he made a game for Zheng Yuetong invisibly Cai, this kind of entanglement and helplessness is so painful.

Distraught, Ning Pingping came out of Secretary Xiao's office and came to the first floor. She hesitated for a moment, frowned, and resolutely stepped into the office of Director Wang of the Civil Affairs Bureau.


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