life struggle

Chapter 38

At 04:30 in the morning, the two of them were full of hope of returning home, with few morning stars above their heads, facing the biting cold wind, stepping on the icy road, carrying their bags, walked out of the living area hand in hand, and came to Beijing Road. 【 】Standing on the side of the road, the cold wind biting the bone, breathing into fog, rubbing hands and stomping feet, anxiously waiting for the sparsely approaching cars.

"The sky is cold and blue, and the north wind is called dry mulberry. The thick ice has no cracks, and there is cold light in short days"!On the wide road, there is no bustling and hustle and bustle of the city in the daytime. The lonely street lamps emit a pale light, and the sporadic pedestrians on the road are in a hurry, which is extraordinarily quiet and deserted. There are very few taxis, and occasionally one cannot be stopped. , watching helplessly whizzing past from the front.

Qin Meixiang surrounded her head and face tightly. The clothes she was wearing couldn't resist the cold wind. Her icy body was like a person who couldn't breathe, twisting her soft but firm waist from time to time. Limbs and limbs, watching every vehicle passing by with expectant eyes.

Wu Xiaojun clasped his arms tightly to his chest and kept changing his footsteps back and forth, his heart was restless like an ant on a hot pot, impatient, he kept shaking his head and sighing, "The cold wind is blowing, the sky is thousands of miles away, the darkness is like the clouds, Sa Sa blows away the smoke of travel life. The season is not right, God commits a crime, deliberately breaks the wind and rain and returns to people at night."

Qin Meixiang flinched, her teeth chattered and said, "You still want to have the feeling of singing and drinking during the day, and returning to your hometown with the company of youth. You just waited for more than 20 minutes, and then sighed and sighed, helpless. If you wait halfway A few hours or a few days, and you're going crazy. Don't be a loser, be a little more calm, a little more patient, and everything will come and pass naturally."

"Di...di...di... are you two arriving at the station? Are you taking a car?" A taxi braked suddenly in front of the two of them, and the driver rolled his window and asked.

Wu Xiaojun looked inside the car, and there was one person sitting in the passenger seat, and the two seats behind were empty, so he hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, please wait a moment."

Turning around, he picked up the luggage, opened the door, put it in lightly, called Qin Meixiang to get in the car, closed the door, and the car started.Sitting in the car did not bring any warmth to the two of them. A window glass was missing at the back of the car. The car was speeding forward, and the cold wind rushed into the car unscrupulously, hitting the face like a knife.Qin Meixiang couldn't bear the bone-piercing cold, so she plunged into Wu Xiaojun's arms, pressed her chest tightly, absorbing the warmth, and never dared to raise her head.

There are few pedestrians and few vehicles on the road. The taxi master is skilled in driving. He crosses the streets and alleys, stops at red and green, and arrives at Pingxi Railway Station in less than half an hour.The two got out of the car and trotted into the waiting hall.In the waiting hall, there are people, men, women, old and young, with their families and their families, and there are quite a lot of passengers with big bags and small bags. They are all stumbling around, exhausted, and their lives are noisy and chaotic.The two turned around twice, but couldn't find a seat to rest, so they had to sit down on an old table at the exit of the bathroom.

Qin Meixiang went to the bathroom to wash her face, combed her messy long hair, and put on some light lipstick on her lips. She looked more satisfied, then stepped out, and asked with a smile, "Xiaojun, See if I am so energetic, am I pretty?"

Wu Xiaojun looked carefully up and down, left and right, nodded repeatedly, and said softly, "It's really good, it's so beautiful, with an innocent expression, a clear complexion, elegant demeanor, graceful appearance, and delicious colors, even better than the ones in the paintings."

Qin Meixiang was beaming with joy, staring intently at Wu Xiaojun, pursed her lips and said with a smile, "Unfortunately, my neat attire and appearance are just a flash in the pan, and will soon be ruined by the crowded and dirty passengers on the bus. Maybe she will become a country girl who has weathered the vicissitudes of life."

At this time, some people waiting for the bus had already stood up from their seats, carried their luggage and moved to the ticket gate to line up. Wu Xiaojun laughed and said, "It's okay, the hibiscus comes out of the clear water, and it's natural to carve. Our natural conditions are good, and nothing can be changed. Hurry up." It's time to check the ticket and enter the station, let's queue up and prepare for the ticket check." Then, he picked up his luggage and moved towards the ticket gate with Qin Meixiang.

Soon, the queue was full of people behind them, pushing forward non-stop. From time to time, there were people in the front carrying big bags rushing into the queue, pushing back and pushing forward, and there were constant yelling, and the scene was quite chaotic.At this time, five or six station management personnel in uniforms and holding wooden sticks more than one meter long came over. Without a word, they aimed at a passenger in front of him and beat him violently, scaring the people behind him like dominoes. , retreated one after another.

Wu Xiaojun and the two were quietly watching the ticket inspection prompts at the station and listening to the station broadcast with a high concentration of attention. Suddenly, there was a sudden change, and they were caught off guard. The middle-aged woman in high heels in front of her suddenly stepped back and stepped on Qin Meixiang with one foot. On her left foot, the pain made her pale, she grinned her teeth, and fell to the side with a sound of "Oh my god".Wu Xiaojun quickly reached out and grabbed Qin Meixiang's shoulders, and helped him to sit down on the seat next to him, "How is it, does your foot hurt badly?"

Qin Meixiang's facial features were twisted into a ball, her brows were tightly wrinkled, her eyes were full of tears, she bit her lips tightly, lifted her stiff and heavy left foot with great difficulty, and squeezed out a few words through her teeth for a long time. "It hurts me to death."

Seeing Qin Meixiang's pained expression, the middle-aged woman hurriedly asked, "Little girl, where did you step on you, is it serious? I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it either."

When Qin Meixiang heard the middle-aged woman speak, she became angry and said angrily, "Why don't you have eyes and step on other people's feet, why don't you step on your own? The heel almost crushed my toes, and you still said it wasn't intentional, did I let you step on it when I was full and stretched my feet?"

The middle-aged woman had an indecent appearance, her face was full of powder, her nose was pungent, her face was dignified and she said angrily, "little girl, you are not old and you have a good temper. How can you talk like this? There are so many people in front of you. I can’t bear the crowding, and I’m also a victim. I’m going to get angry with someone, and I’m going to say that your feet are not placed in the right place, and you deserve it. Could it be that I stepped on you involuntarily,”

Wu Xiaojun saw that Qin Meixiang was really in pain, otherwise he wouldn't get angry, and the middle-aged woman is not a light-saving lamp. Once the needle tip meets the wheat, the two of them will quarrel, which is not good for anyone, so he hurriedly dissuaded him, "Elder sister, After all, you stepped on my sister's foot too hard, and it hurts so much that she said such angry words. Don't mind it. It's not easy to go out. It is necessary to take care of each other and be considerate of each other. Besides, They are all in a hurry to go home, who would like to cause trouble for nothing, just say a few words." The middle-aged woman rolled her eyes and stopped talking.

Wu Xiaojun looked down at Qin Meixiang and comforted him, "Is the pain less severe now? Do you want to see a doctor?"

Qin Meixiang said, "It's a little bit better than before. It shouldn't hurt my bones. Let's talk about it after a while. I couldn't control the anger in my heart just now. Is it a little bit crazy. I don't like her, she looks like a monster. I don’t even look at what I’m doing when I go out, and I wear high-heeled shoes that look like spikes, and I’m not afraid of spraining my feet when I go out.”

Wu Xiaojun saw that Qin Meixiang's mood had eased, and his hanging heart slowly eased, "Don't mention her, there are all kinds of people, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, and the train driving time is coming soon Arrived, why haven't you checked the ticket and entered the station, could it be?" Before he finished speaking, the station announcement sounded, and the announcer repeated and continued to broadcast, "Passenger comrades, passengers comrades, k388 from Western Capital to Shanghai The delay time of the second train is undecided, please pay attention to the broadcast and the announcement from the train attendant.”

There was an uproar among some passengers who lined up, and they left the line one after another to find seats.Wu Xiaojun looked sad, and sighed softly, "Mei Xiang, the weather like this can easily cause the train to be delayed, and I don't know when it will arrive. It seems that it is not good for the two of us to go out today, and the future is uncertain. I'm afraid it will be difficult to see you safely and smoothly." Damn."

Qin Meixiang pursed her red lips, and said seriously, "Bah, bah, shut your crow's mouth, you are not allowed to say unlucky words in the twelfth lunar month, and it is the peak passenger traffic time, plus the bad weather, it is normal for the train to be late, let's talk , People who often run outside, who does not encounter such a thing, there will be more in the future, you must calm down, endure loneliness and loneliness. What's more, I am with you now, so there is no need to sigh."

The train was about an hour late, and under the anticipation of everyone, it finally started to check the tickets and enter the station.The station door opened, and the crowd was rushing towards the station entrance like a tide. The busy station staff were overwhelmed, and some carried large bags on their shoulders and climbed over the railing. A dozen staff members with sticks stopped this one, and ran that one, no matter what. Can't live with the hasty and eager traveler.

Wu Xiaojun and Wu Xiaojun were supported and pushed by the crowd at the front and back. They sweated a lot before they came to the ticket inspector. Before they could take the ticket for the first inspection from the ticket inspector, they were pushed into the corridor at the entrance of the platform by the people behind.A large number of people, all nervous and flustered, ran all the way to the platform, just like the people fleeing from the Japanese invaders in a movie.

A middle-aged country woman was carrying a big bulging woven bag in her hand, holding a girl about one year old in her arms, moving forward hurriedly. When going down the steps, the corner of the bag tripped over the steps The angle turned to block the right foot, the left leg slumped and sat on the edge of the steps, and the child in her arms flew out. The middle-aged woman was frightened and stunned, watching the girl somersaulting from the top of more than 20 steps. Rolled to the bottom platform, was thrown bloody, and cried.

Qin Meixiang felt goosebumps all over her body when she saw this scene, and quickly covered her eyes, not daring to look any further, "The little girl is so miserable, so pitiful."

Wu Xiaojun was full of fear in his heart, tightly held Qin Meixiang's hand, and carefully walked down the steps step by step to the platform.Every tens of meters on the platform, there is an officer on duty, holding a wooden stick in his hand, blowing whistles and yelling loudly, guiding passengers to wait in line.Wu Xiaojun and the two passed seven or eight boarding places, each of which was too crowded, looking forward, they were all the same, so they had to stand behind the queue.

The train whistle sounded for a long time, and the train slowly entered the station. Watching the train slowly passing by, the densely packed heads of people in the carriage felt nervous for a while.As soon as the train stood firm, the neat line began to stir, and people pushed up the train.The conductor stood at the door of the train, looked at the crowd below, hesitated for a long time, and then opened the door. The people below rushed up, blocking the door tightly. Shouting loudly, no one is willing to give way, and they are all looking for the right time to get off or get on the bus.At this time, a car window had just been opened, and a young man in his 20s grabbed the window sill, pushed upwards, and climbed into the window, and then five or six people got on the car in the same way.

Seeing that the train was about to start and there was not much time, Wu Xiaojun and the two were very anxious, and they changed several boarding gates but failed to do so.The train start bell sounded at the station, and the station administrator ran forward and back, blowing whistles and yelling at the top of his voice, but he still couldn't stop the people who climbed on the window to get on the train. The scene of beating the people who climbed the window was extremely terrifying and frightening. Several people were beaten and cried for their parents, their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, and their hands and feet were weak, so they would not let go.Seeing this scene, Qin Meixiang pulled Wu Xiaojun, "There are too many people, it seems that we will not be able to get on this train, safety comes first, so don't take this risk, wait for the next one."

With a long sound, the train started slowly, and soon disappeared from sight.The two looked at each other, feeling helpless, terrified, and lost, all without saying a word.I wanted to pause for a while, waiting for the arrival of the next train, but the station staff began to yell again, "Don't stay on the platform, get out of the station as soon as possible through the tunnel."

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