life struggle

403 Tired and crooked

Zheng Yuetong heard clearly the affectionate conversation and enthusiasm between the two on the outside, as well as Qiu Yueyue's undisguised and bold actions, and felt as if she was eavesdropping on the ambiguous and affectionate confession of a couple.

I couldn't help laughing secretly in my heart, Wu Xiaojun really has a womanhood, everywhere there are young and beautiful ladies who take the initiative to throw themselves into their arms and show their hospitality, not only has a special relationship with Feng Weiwei and Qin Meixiang, even the little nanny of Feng Weiwei's family has become his favorite The target, becoming more and more unpredictable about what kind of person Wu Xiaojun is, became even more energetic, holding his breath and listening to what they were going to say next.

After waiting for a while, Qiu Yueyue suddenly said that she wanted to go into the bedroom to see Wu Xiaojun's leg injury, and she immediately felt uneasy. Although she was in a relatively safe place, since she was less than five meters away from the bed, as long as she made a slight noise, she could easily It would be very ugly and embarrassing to be discovered by her.

Although Qiu Yueyue is an unmarried girl who looks like a flower and jade, she doesn't seem to be shy or restrained in front of Wu Xiaojun. If she really wants to take off Wu Xiaojun's pants to see her injury, based on her behavior outside, she is not allowed to continue to do outrageous things Come on, it doesn't matter if I can't see it, if I am happy with a man I have a seppuku love in front of my face, how can I feel so bad, the taste and pain are really unbearable.

Thinking of this, Zheng Yuetong's face became hot, her heart was pounding, she no longer wanted to listen to what they were doing, she just hoped that Qiu Yueyue would never come in, and Wu Xiaojun would send Qiu Yueyue away as soon as possible.

Regarding Qiu Yueyue's request, Wu Xiaojun also felt a little nervous. He thought to himself that there is no room for sand in a woman's eyes. It's okay to say that he didn't have a relationship with Zheng Yuetong. Now that there are facts, he and Qiu Yueyue have an unclear relationship. Not to mention the exposure in front of her, what would she think if she saw Qiu Yueyue take off her pants to look at her legs? She couldn't wait until her teeth were itchy, and she was so angry that she couldn't let her into the bedroom anyway. She had to find a way to delay the time as much as possible to ease the atmosphere , to dispel Qiu Yueyue's doubts.

Thinking of this, Wu Xiaojun sat down on the sofa calmly, and gently rolled up his trouser legs until it was above his knees, then looked at Qiu Yueyue and said with a smile, "Look, except for a few fine hairs, how can they be so bare?" What an injury!"

Qiu Yueyue lowered her head and looked carefully at Wu Xiaojun's legs. There was nothing unusual at all. When she raised her eyes, she saw Wu Xiaojun's expression was calm and relaxed. With a dreamy handsome face, he said in a soft voice, "Brother Wu, as long as you are fine, I will be at ease! The night is really dangerous. If you and Mr. Feng hadn't arrived in time, if you hadn't beaten the bad guys away , desperately trying to save me, I'm afraid I'll never see you again!"

Wu Xiaojun smiled softly, "Silly girl, what are you talking about, you are my little sister, you take such good care of Mr. Feng and Dikang, Mr. Feng praised you to me more than once, even if you die, you will be taken from the tiger's mouth Save them, besides, those few are just thieves, they can't do anything to me!"

These words made Qiu Yueyue, who had endured the pain of losing her mother for many days and inner sadness alone, feel warm in her heart, with a particularly warm feeling. She couldn't help but bury her head in Wu Xiaojun's arms, crying and saying, "Wu Xiaojun Brother, it is a gift from God to know you thousands of miles away, in the vast sea of ​​people. You are the benefactor and elder brother in my life! Although I have lost my parents, I always care about and miss you because of you. I take care of you like a brother and sister, making me feel like the happiest person in the world, even if I am a cow or a horse for you!"

Wu Xiaojun patted Qiu Yueyue's back lightly and said, "Yueyue, don't say that. You are smart, young and beautiful. Your life has just begun. Mr. Feng and I look forward to your marriage in the future." You are a handsome and good husband, do a good job and live a happy and happy life that belongs to you!"

Qiu Yueyue raised her head when she heard the words, and said tearfully, "I only have you and Mr. Feng in my heart, and I can't tolerate anyone else. Whether in my heart or in reality, I will never leave you, and I will never get married!"

Seeing Qiu Yueyue's emotion, Wu Xiaojun burst into tears, and said softly, "With your words, I would like to thank you for Mr. Feng! You have been by Mr. Feng's side for so long, how do you feel about Mr. Feng? Oh, the truth and the truth!"

Zheng Yuetong was sweating anxiously inside, scolding Wu Xiaojun secretly, you have no brains, you are still reluctant to let her go, if you don't hurry up to find an excuse to let her go, and lead the topic out, you say that, make her gossip Open it, it won't be over for a while, don't worry if you are accompanied by a beautiful woman, I can't move, I can't walk, I can't even catch my breath, I want to feel bad, I'm not, I'm such a big bastard.

Seeing that Wu Xiaojun wanted to hear how she felt about Mr. Feng, Qiu Yueyue regained her spirits immediately, sat up straight and wiped away tears, looked at Wu Xiaojun with both eyes and said very seriously, "Mr. She is impeccable, low-key, and sincere. Everyone who has dealt with her admires her! It’s just that she is a workaholic and a study freak. She works desperately during the day and works overtime at night to study and check information. She stays in the early morning One or two o'clock, sometimes it makes people feel distressed!"

Wu Xiaojun said quietly, "You are right. I have known Mr. Feng for a long time, and I know her well, but it is also understandable. In such a large company, there are many things that need her to deal with every day. , go to make a decision, even if you want to shirk it, you can’t shirk it. Besides, shopping malls are like battlefields, which are changing rapidly. If you don’t study, research, or understand the new situation and changes outside, if you are not careful, you will lose business opportunities, or be squeezed by others, or even go bankrupt. I can't be free, it's really hard for her!"

Qiu Yueyue said with great interest, "According to people in the company, when Mr. Mai had an accident a few years ago, it was generally believed that the company was completely over. However, Mr. Feng was not crushed by the sudden change. Chiang Mai's total foreign debts, she could have spent her life freely abroad with hundreds of millions of inheritance, but she did not do so. She judged the situation, and under the circumstances of internal and external difficulties, she withstood the pressure of all parties and returned to Hanxia to re-enter the Han Dynasty. Established the company, boldly employed a group of newcomers such as Manager Qin, decisively implemented new management methods, not only retained the key employees of the previous company, some old customers who had long-term cooperation with Mr. Mai continued to cooperate with the company out of trust and admiration for Mr. Feng The cooperation has achieved profitability in less than a year, and it has maintained a growing trend. It has to be said that without the help of Manager Qin who has no selfish distractions and dedicated assistance, the company would not be where it is today. In the industry, it is mentioned This pair of sisters are all in admiration."

Listening to this, Wu Xiaojun was very happy especially that Qin Meixiang had such a high status in the company, but he couldn't show it too clearly in front of Qiu Yueyue, and said with a light smile, "What you said is a bit exaggerated, but it is also true , to Mr. Feng, Dikang is very, very important, it is her lifeblood. Right now, your main task is to find ways to take good care of Dikang, relieve Mr. Feng from worries, and concentrate on taking care of everything in the company. Feng always has a heart A kind person who knows how to be grateful, I don't think she will treat you badly!"

Qiu Yueyue became a little anxious when she heard it, and said a little unhappy, "What kind of bad treatment is not wrong, Feng is always Dikang's adoptive mother, and I am Dikang's godmother. It is also my greatest wish for Dikang to grow up healthy and strong. What return, how can you, a godfather, say such a thing, I am not a money-worshiping woman in society!"

Wu Xiaojun suddenly felt that it was inappropriate to mention this to Qiu Yueyue, so he quickly changed his words and laughed, "I'm sorry, Yueyue is a kind and beautiful, gentle and gentle, quiet like a clear pool, moving like ripples, cute lily, I'm insulting your innocence by saying that I'm really sorry for my refined personality, and I sincerely apologize to you!

Seeing Wu Xiaojun's glib expression, Qiu Yueyue couldn't help laughing and said, "That's pretty much the same. I was born as your ghost and died as your ghost. Don't treat me as an outsider in the future!"

Wu Xiaojun's heart trembled when he heard the words, and he thought, Zheng Yuetong is inside, how can such words be said, the time is almost up, and if she is allowed to stay here again, something bad will happen, and she must be let go quickly, so he asked Said, "Yueyue, you have been out for such a long time, does Mr. Feng know?"

Zheng Yuetong said in her heart, you bastard, you finally asked her to leave, and your mind finally opened up, if she doesn't leave, I'm going to pee my pants.

The corner of Qiu Yueyue's mouth moved slightly and said, "To tell you the truth, I didn't know you were here before. When I saw you, my heart immediately boiled. Unfortunately, in that situation, I couldn't confess to you. On the way Mr. Feng briefly introduced the purpose of your visit to me. After returning home, I was so excited. My mind was full of your cool shadow and the happy scene with you. I left home before four o’clock and came here. It's still early, and I couldn't bear to disturb your rest, so I wandered outside for more than an hour! Now I can finally go back and sleep well!"

Zheng Yuetong cursed secretly, you girl, you really don't know what to do, you talk a lot, why don't you hurry up!

Wu Xiaojun pointed to Qiu Yueyue's forehead, and complained, "You are stupid, no matter how anxious you are, you can't be so early, the road is so dangerous, if something happens again, no one can save you! Even so, you You can't wait outside, call up!"

Qiu Yueyue pursed her lips and said with a smile, "I don't dare to make random calls easily. There are young and beautiful ladies running all over the street here. If you can't bear the loneliness and call someone to accompany you at night, wouldn't it ruin your good fortune? You still have to blame me severely!"

Zheng Yuetong felt so angry when she heard this, Wu Xiaojun said a polite word, you girl can really think, even if he has a woman to accompany him, he is still a woman from a good family, who is the wild woman you call Huqin? It's hard to tell, is it greasy enough? If I don't leave, I'll really pee my pants.

Hearing this, Wu Xiaojun said with an unnatural expression, "It's far away, it's far away, don't you know who I am! Go back quickly, Mr. Feng should be worried when he sees that you are not here!" Then he stood up gently stand up.

Qiu Yueyue stood up with a slight smile, and said coquettishly, "Mr. Feng is going to treat you at home tonight, so go early then, I'm leaving!"

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