life struggle

Chapter 47 Love House and Wu

A good Spring Festival, just like this, gradually drifted away amidst waves of ups and downs. 【】Wu Xiaojun was completely heartbroken and bored at home for several days.Wu Pingshun looked at Xiaojun's moody and reticent appearance all day long, and felt a little distressed. At the same time, he was also worried that Wu Xiaojun and his third son Wu Xiaosen would record their hatred.He knows that his third son, Xiaosen, is an expert in business. He is usually indifferent to some parents' injustice, rarely participates in human relations, and knows little about right and wrong in the family. The kind of person who can't distinguish between right and wrong, although he was angry with Wu Xiaosen for a while, that is, what happened at that time, he can completely ignore it.

Wu Pingshun persuaded Wu Xiaojun, "Before you go to school, you still have to go to Xiaosen's place. He doesn't understand many things, and he can't make sense of his words. He is completely different from the two of them at home. It's unnecessary for him to care about it, let alone any meaning."

Wu Xiaojun said, "The time, place and occasion of his speech were wrong. It was ignorance. I didn't take it seriously from the bottom of my heart. I got angry at him at my uncle's house. I mainly said it to the people present. I won't hold grudges with him. This afternoon It is also necessary for me to go there and argue with him alone, and have a debate."

Wu Pingshun said worriedly, "But you must not quarrel again."

Wu Xiaojun said, "Father, it's not like you don't know my temper and character. I usually don't quarrel with others, so don't worry."

The weather has been fine these days, the snow has almost melted, and the temperature is much higher than usual.After lunch, Wu Xiaojun put on the windbreaker he bought with Qin Meixiang, cleaned up briefly, and rode his bicycle directly to the county seat.When I walked to the west gate of Yuanzhen Department Store, I thought I hadn't gone in for a long time, so I stopped, put away my car, and wandered aimlessly while it was still early.Seeing a beautiful toy machine gun, I bought it without hesitation when I thought of making my little nephew Longlong happy.Just as he was about to leave, someone slapped him from behind.Looking back, my heart beat suddenly. What a coincidence, it was Qin Meixiang and Luo Xiao, holding the new clothes they just bought in their hands, looking at Wu Xiaojun with big smiles on their faces.

Wu Xiaojun felt hot on his face, and was a little embarrassed to be seen, so he joked embarrassingly, "I haven't seen you for two years, you two have a beautiful complexion and elegant demeanor, which is really impressive. Why did you go shopping together?" .”

Luo Xiao looked at Wu Xiaojun in amazement and said, "Today I went to visit relatives at my aunt's house, and I had nothing else to do after dinner, so I came to find sister Mei Xiang by the way. Wu Xiaojun, okay, I didn't see it before, the young man is very energetic and very handsome , it’s not the slovenly, honest, timid and cowardly boy from the country, was he raped by some pretty girl in Pingxi.” Then he turned to look at Qin Meixiang, “Oh, Meixiang, that’s not right, you guys The clothes you two are wearing are so consistent in terms of style, color, fabric, brand, theme, etc., you two go to this station, you can be said to be talented and beautiful, and you are a real couple." Said almond eyes widened, Staring at the two of them.

Qin Meixiang said quickly, "Maybe it's right for the clothes to look like a couple's outfit, but the clothes rack may not be what you said. It's more harmonious and humorous for me to wear this kind of clothes. How does Wu Xiaojun look in this kind of clothes?" It's awkward, it doesn't fit well and it's inappropriate, it looks like an old monk wearing a robe, fat and big, I don't know if he bought it himself or some low-sighted chick gave it to the staff."

Wu Xiaojun hurriedly said, "What are you talking about? It's just a coincidence. There are no lovers. I found that you have changed a lot. You used to be shy, reserved, sentimental, cold and unapproachable. It's a complete change, like two different people."

Luo Xiao smiled and listened to the two of them talking, seeing some clues by intuition, and it was not easy to explain it, so she laughed and said, "Mei Xiang, you can't exaggerate yourself and belittle Wu Xiaojun, what a handsome guy, what you said is a mess, really If you go too far, you won't be afraid of people hurting your self-esteem."

Qin Meixiang jokingly said, "Luo Xiao, what do you mean, you are arguing against injustice. I think you two are really alike. You have a stable personality, gentle and virtuous, unlike me who is crazy and carefree. Wu Xiaojun is also honest, kind and mature. Steady and upright, you stand together, you can be said to be a handsome man and a beautiful woman, a god-given pair, a pair made by the earth."

Luo Xiao's cheeks were blushing, she patted Qin Meixiang with her hand, and said shyly, "Mei Xiang, just talk nonsense, your mouth is really unguarded, talk nonsense, what a joke, it's embarrassing."

Wu Xiaojun said, "I am very happy to see you today. In high school, we have never talked together in such a free and cheerful way. If I can have two such talented women who are as beautiful as flowers and with extraordinary temperament, That is the blessing that I cultivated in my previous life, but I don't have such a blessing, I can only look at plum blossoms to quench my thirst." Taking advantage of Luo Xiao's turning face, he made eye contact with Qin Meixiang.Qin Meixiang quickly wrote the words "wait for me at the gate of the cinema" with her left hand in the air. Wu Xiaojun understood it and nodded slightly.

Qin Meixiang pulled Luo Xiao and said, "Didn't you catch the bus home at 03:30? The time is very tight. Let's go somewhere else."

"Okay, Wu Xiaojun, we still have something to do, so we won't talk to you any more. We will meet later. See you later."

"Goodbye, two, and have a good trip."

Wu Xiaojun quietly watched the two disappear into the bustling shopping crowd, left Yuanzhen Department Store, and rode straight to Yuanzhen Cinema.Along the way, I thought carefully about Luo Xiao's voice, appearance, and appearance, how she was surprisingly similar to Shao Yingying, and regretted that I had been dreaming about her, and had been secretly in love with Yiren for more than a year, but in the end, I still sank in my heart and didn't have the courage to confess to her, so I had no choice but to regret it for the rest of my life.

Not knowing when Qin Meixiang would arrive, Wu Xiaojun casually walked around the theater to have a look.On the notice board above the ticket window, it says Today's Movie, the domestic humorous comedy "Stand Up Straight and Don't Get Down".Interesting, I might as well watch a movie with Qin Meixiang today, so as to get rid of the bad luck of being anxious and bored for many days, and relax my mood, so I bought two movie tickets for 04:30.Time flowed hard, falling into Wu Xiaojun's restless, uneasy, and anxious heart like an hourglass, standing in front of the theater door, looking back and forth in front of the theater door, looking forward to the graceful and familiar figure of Qin Meixiang coming soon arrival.

At quarter past four, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared beside the wide avenue full of traffic and crowds. Wu Xiaojun eagerly greeted him. It's heartbreaking to make people wait, and I thought you missed the appointment due to an accident." As she spoke, she stared at her handsome, lively and lovely face.From Qin Meixiang's expression, Wu Xiaojun didn't feel the annoyance, sorrow and frustration brought to her by his indecent behavior that night. He was still the same as before, his expression was natural, and his nervous heart was slightly relieved.

Qin Meixiang's face was full of joy, and she spoke quickly, "Meeting is a kind of mood, and waiting for someone is a kind of enjoyment. It's only an hour before and after, and I haven't really experienced and enjoyed the wonderful taste of it, and I feel lonely and unbearable. , you're too petty. It's really funny to see you with a sad face after a few days without seeing you."

Wu Xiaojun said guiltily, "You're right. I haven't graduated from kindergarten yet, so I'm not very educated, and I'm immature. Please forgive me."

Qin Meixiang said with a smile, "Well, just now I made a joke about you and Luo Xiao, don't you feel very beautiful, comfortable, and proud. Why do you say that people are so strange? When I saw Luo Xiao, I remembered That Shao Yingying in your class, they are like a pair of sisters, they feel weird. Do you feel that way?"

Wu Xiaojun smiled secretly, pretending to be nonchalant and said, "Feelings are feelings, you are Aiwujiwu, because you know Luo Xiao very well, the first thing you feel when you see Shao Yingying is to see Luo Xiao, so you will pay more attention to Shao Yingying, and vice versa It's normal. Let's not talk about this, how to pass the time below, should I stand still with my eyes facing each other, or watch a movie to pass the time."

At this time, it was the rush hour for entering the arena, and many people hurried past with their families, looking at a pair of handsome men and beautiful women, it was nothing less than a beautiful scenery, and they turned their heads to take a few more glances at the same time.Wu Xiaojun took Qin Meixiang's hand and said with a smile on his face, "Hurry up and go in, others will treat us like monkeys." He took out the movie ticket and waved it lightly in front of Qin Meixiang.

Qin Meixiang acted coyly, pursed her lips and smiled, "Okay, you are not stupid, you have a good understanding, you have a good understanding, and your performance is good. I will reward you with an air kiss. However, you are also putting on airs, being glib and tricky. , make fun of me, punish you with a kiss, and even each other." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and twisted Wu Xiaojun's ears, and walked into the theater amidst laughter.

During the Spring Festival, people have nothing to do. Watching movies with the family is also a good way of entertainment. Naturally, the venue is full and there are no empty seats.The two had just taken their seats in the last row when the lights in the courtyard went out and the movie officially started.

Wu Xiaojun asked in a low voice, "I've been anxious these days, and I keep having nightmares. I always dream of the menacing figures of your parents swaying in front of me. Tell me, what happened to your parents that night? It’s a heart disease of mine, if I don’t get rid of it every day, I will feel blocked every day.”

"Tell you, my parents were going crazy with anger, and I was terrified. After all, we are not an open area, and our thinking is relatively conservative. They can't tolerate sand in their eyes. They should understand if they have opinions. Fortunately, then My dad was too drunk that night, so he didn’t see who you were, so he went back and asked a few words. I ignored them and went to sleep. Later, my mother asked twice, and I scolded her in a hurry, and it disappeared. .However, you can no longer be dishonest and touch me, if you want to do that, I will really ignore you in the future." He said and beat Wu Xiaojun's leg with his hand.

Wu Xiaojun heard that a boulder was finally placed on the ground, and joked, "I must, I will definitely strengthen self-discipline and self-management, and promise not to do it again. If I do it again, get out immediately."

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