life struggle

566.216 and Qin Meixiang electrification chapter

"Hey—where is it?"

After a burst of melodious and pleasant music, the other party heard a familiar and unforgettable elegant voice.

If in the past it was the former lover who was tormented by lovesickness, this time it was a mother with a child connected by flesh and blood, and her state of mind was very different from before.

Wu Xiaojun's uneasy heart immediately became excited and nervous. He couldn't hide the excitement in his heart. Facing the microphone, his lips stiffened, his voice trembled, and he gasped for half a minute, but he didn't say a word.

Qin Meixiang heard the other party trembling and chirping, but no one spoke, and thought to herself, who is it, it must be a wrong call.

It is common for strangers to make wrong calls, especially those who are engaged in selling cosmetics, which is very annoying.

Qin Meixiang has long been used to hanging up the phone directly, and when the other party didn't speak, she frowned and asked a question impatiently.

"Hey - talk, if you don't talk, I'll die!"

When Wu Xiaojun heard that Qin Meixiang was about to hang up the phone, he panicked and said anxiously, "Hello—is that Meixiang? I'm Wu——Xiao——Jun!"

He was afraid that Qin Meixiang wouldn't be able to hear who it was, so he purposely made his name a little longer.

"Wu Xiaojun! Is there something wrong?"

Qin Meixiang's voice immediately became jerky.

"Oh, that, what, Mei Xiang!"

Even though Wu Xiaojun had a thousand words to say, he didn't know where to start and spoke incoherently.

"Is Mei Xiang your name? Manager Qin!"

I'm going to go inside, this breath is really heavy, it's really a bad start, and I was choked back by Qin Meixiang's cold voice at the beginning.

Wu Xiaojun was so passionate that he was poured with a basin of ice water, and his heart felt cold, but he had no choice but to hold back the pain and say flattery.

"Okay, okay, it's not Mei Xiang, no, that's right, Manager Qin, I want to ask, have you, Director Feng, gone back?"

"If you don't come back, you can call her directly! If you have something to say, I'll hang up if it's nothing!"

Qin Meixiang was extremely impatient and said mercilessly.

Qin Meixiang's attitude was expected by Wu Xiaojun, but he did not expect her to be so disgusted and repelled by him.

He faltered and asked, "Manager Qin! Also, um, that's it. How is Sizhen doing now?"

"Why are you stuttering, what about this, that, just be quick and easy, don't bother you, it's fine now!"

Qin Meixiang scolded angrily.

"Some time ago, you, Director Feng, told me the truth. Now I really want to think about the truth. I feel so uncomfortable and regretful. I owe you mother and son too much!"

As Wu Xiaojun spoke, his tone became choked up.

Qin Meixiang heard what he was referring to, and didn't change her attitude because of the change in his voice, so she interrupted his words and spoke sharply.

"Mr. Wu! Does Sizhen have something to do with you? Do you need to think about it? You worry too much!"

"No matter how you say it, he is also my son, why should I not want to!"

Wu Xiaojun mustered up his courage and said bluntly.

"Bastard! My brain was kicked by a donkey, so boring!"

Qin Meixiang cursed viciously, and hung up the phone with an angry "snap".

The sound of hanging up the phone stunned Wu Xiaojun, and he was speechless, staring blankly at the microphone that was beeping, feeling very anxious.

what is going on?

As the leader of the company, maintain a bit of majesty. The last time I was in Xiangzhou, it may be because of the damn Bi Zhanshui of their company who was by my side. I didn’t have that kind of surprise and reunion after a long absence. I tried my best to distance myself from myself, so as not to cause too much speculation. , is understandable.

But this time it was on the phone, she took off the majestic veil of the high-ranking general manager, and returned to life and nature, and it was the first time in five years that the two had a separate conversation in this way, or cried bitterly on the phone, pouring out their depression The grievances in my heart, or scolding myself, dripping in big chunks, are all normal.

However, these desired things did not appear, and all they got was a bowl of closed doors.

Next, Wu Xiaojun was still unwilling, and made several calls in a row, but she still didn't answer, first pressed down, and then simply turned off the phone.

Wu Xiaojun sighed helplessly, even if he had huge grievances against himself, he could just vent it to himself, anyway, I am also Sizhen's dear father, for the sake of the child, I can't ignore me, it's cold Like the cold winter of March [-]th, it seems that she is determined not to have anything to do with her, she no longer associates with her, and prevents me from thinking about this precious son.

On the other hand, thinking about it, it is not unreasonable for Mei Xiang to treat herself like this.

After all, Qin Meixiang took Wu Sizhen all by herself. After so many years of wind and rain, she has already adapted to this way of life. She couldn't accept it when she suddenly mentioned the little guy. The knots in my heart couldn't be unraveled all at once, and I felt resentful, so I had no choice but to escape.

Thinking of this, the heart that blamed Qin Meixiang for being restless became calm.

Freezing three feet is not a day's cold, and I can't drink hot porridge in a hurry.

This matter cannot be resolved smoothly in a short period of time, and it has to be discussed in the long run, taking it slowly bit by bit.

Wu Xiaojun's call came too late, which disappointed Qin Meixiang too much.

If Feng Weiwei hadn't told her that she was married in advance, if she didn't know that Feng Weiwei had already told Wu Xiaojun that it was his son's business, Qin Meixiang might have felt a little pleasantly surprised when she received this call suddenly, and her indifferent reaction would not have been so strong .

However, after learning everything, he suddenly received a call from him, and felt as if someone had stabbed his already scarred heart. Can't hold back.

At the moment when Wu Xiaojun hanged up the phone with the pain in her heart, it seemed that the clear sky was suddenly shrouded in bright clouds, and she was so oppressed that she couldn't breathe, and she felt almost suffocated. Her strong and stubborn heart It suddenly collapsed and became vulnerable to a single blow.

She staggered to the side of the bed, and saw herself in the mirror on the dressing table with a tired and haggard face. Her messy long hair hung on her shoulders, covering half of her face. The melancholy and soreness in his chest burst out instantly, and he picked up the square stool beside him and threw it over angrily.

Immediately afterwards, the sputtering mirror was smashed to pieces, and the glass was scattered all over the floor.

At this moment, she completely lost her mind, and the things and objects in front of her were in bad luck. After a burst of throwing and smashing, the whole house was in a mess, as if it had been laundered by robbers, which was horrible.

After venting and releasing the pain and anger in her heart without any scruples, she was completely tired and tired, and she fell on the bed and cried helplessly.

"Wu Xiaojun, since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous. From now on, we will end our friendship!"

Next, Wu Xiaojun, Wang Yuhong, and Ning Pingping were busy preparing for the celebration of the hospital's promotion to a second-class hospital, and all other distracting thoughts and messy things were forgotten.

After the celebration was successfully concluded, the three were able to catch their breath.

Wang Yuhong couldn't hide the joy in his heart, and he giggled and said, "Xiaojun, even though you were tricked by Liu Xiaoguang, Wu Qixin, and Chen Shichao, it was a blessing in disguise. Today, Director Lu sent a special message for you at the meeting. This is a commendation, but you still have to praise you by name, and at the same time, you can't even look up to Liu Xiaoguang and others, what an honor this is!"

Wu Xiaojun said a little embarrassedly, "Actually, this award should belong to the three of us, and it should belong to you, Sister Wang. Without you as the backbone, the two of us would not be able to support such a big stall."

Ning Pingping said cheerfully, "That is, that is, Sister Wang is well-informed, quick-witted, and very familiar with the situation in the hospital. You are none other than you. However, Dr. Wu almost lost his life. , hard work is not small, it should be received!"

Wang Yuhong saw that the two were singing and praising themselves, and they cooperated quite tacitly. There was a soft smile on the corner of his mouth and said, "After months of hard work, the merits and virtues are finally consummated, and the work is completely over! Seeing how excited you two are, sister I still have self-knowledge, although I know that you two intend to flatter me and please me, but my sister is happy and willing to accept it, and she is also looking for the feeling of being flattered by others."

Wu Xiaojun said triumphantly, "Although the process of reaching the standard was tortuous and laborious, but he directly participated in doing a truly meaningful thing and got a happy ending. It doesn't matter what rewards or not. The key is the kindness in your heart." The sense of accomplishment, pride, and joy cannot be experienced by others, and cannot be expressed in words!"

Wang Yuhong looked at Ning Pingping with a thumbs up and kept admiring, "Xiao Ning, listen, in the face of honor, in the face of achievements, the heart is calm, and still not impetuous, what a high state this is, this state is The power of a gentleman, the power of action, not the power of words, is beyond the reach of ordinary people."

Ning Pingping watched the two of them talking very enthusiastically, and suddenly felt a pang of sadness in her heart, and said solemnly, "Sister Wang, Doctor Wu, now the merits and virtues of the three of us have been completed, which means that the mission is over. Say goodbye to this temporary office that left a deep memory for each of us, and to tell you the truth, I miss the days when we were together, but unfortunately, the time is short, and it will pass in a blink of an eye!"

Ning Pingping said this from the bottom of her heart.

It was during this time, that is, in this room, that she changed from a pungent little girl to a radiant, confident and quiet girl, from a budding girl to a real woman baptized by love.

When she had adapted to being with Wu Xiaojun day and night, and was still immersed in the happiness of being a perfect woman, the spiritual care, warm words, physical love, and considerate actions she longed for, no longer had such convenient opportunities and environments as before, and her heart suddenly rose. A sense of sadness and loss.

Wang Yuhong restrained her smile, and said with emotion, "Yes! The days with the two of you are certainly tiring and hard work, but there is no worry, no worry, no intrigue, mutual suspicion and calculations. Watch it every day. Seeing you young and energetic couple, my heart is brighter than ever before, I eat well, sleep soundly, and the baby in my stomach is developing well, I really hate to leave you two, and I want to thank you very much!"

Ning Pingping suggested leisurely, "Sister Wang, Dr. Wu, our three-person team will be disbanded soon, should we get together and have a small-scale meal!"

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