life struggle

Chapter 73

Bai Lingyan pursed her lips and smiled dismissively, "You're just worrying too much. The summer rain comes and goes quickly. As far as the mountains are concerned, it's mostly the sun rising in the east and raining in the west. There are two layers of sky in front of the mountain and behind the mountain. It's still early, it shouldn't affect our descent, it's okay.【 】”

Seeing some stones under the gable wall, Wu Xiaojun smiled at Bai Lingyan and said, "I don't feel tired when I walk, but it becomes more obvious when I stop for a while. I don't know when it will stop. Let's go to the stone over there." Sit down and rest for a while."

Bai Lingyan said, "Okay."

The two sat on the stone facing each other and smiled knowingly. Wu Xiaojun said, "I used to yearn for the majesty and straightness of the mountains, the winding trails, and the beautiful pastoral life of the people in the mountains. I really didn't expect to be here. The environment, being in it, is beyond my expectation, and to experience the pain and joy in the mountains with you, a beautiful girl who once met because of a verbal quarrel, is a chance and coincidence bestowed by the Heavenly Palace.

Bai Lingyan said shyly, "This is an opportunity you won when you were in college. If you don't go through more than ten years of hard study and break through the single-plank bridge of the college entrance examination, you don't know how many years you will be able to leave the house. Actually, for me It doesn’t matter if you say it, my dad went directly to Pingxi Machinery Factory as a worker after he was transferred from the army, and he often went to Pingxi since he was a child, so he is familiar with his hometown and Pingxi, and he is no stranger to it.”

Wu Xiaojun said, "Why didn't your family move to the city with your father, wouldn't that be better?"

Bai Lingyan said unabashedly, "It's because of the family planning. I have four sisters, two older sisters and one little brother. The factory won't solve it. But now everything is fine. My two older sisters are teachers. After graduating from the college, I went to work in the village middle school directly, and my younger brother just entered junior high school, and my mother took care of a few acres of land at home, so life was not stressful at all."

Wu Xiaojun said, "I'm not as lucky as you. Both my parents are in their 60s, and I have six sisters. Only one brother graduated from Pingxi Medical College ten years ago and works in the county hospital. Everyone else is working in the family. Life is pretty good. It’s tight. However, as far as our family’s social relationship is concerned, many people are engaged in the medical industry. It may be easier for me to find a job in the future. I chose the medical profession without hesitation. I applied to Pingxi Medical College. I feel pretty good. From what I think now, I really want to develop here in the future, and I don’t plan to go back.”

Bai Lingyan smiled and said, "People go to high places, and water flows to low places. This is a normal psychological and natural phenomenon. It is right to have this kind of thinking. After all, big cities are more convenient for individuals' development conditions, and opportunities are better." More, more space. Support you, work harder for this goal in the future, and wish you the realization of your dreams in advance.”

Wu Xiaojun smiled lightly and said, "It's too early to say, the horoscope has not been written yet, who knows what the situation will be in the future, we can only abide by the principle that fate is the master, and everything depends on man."

The two are calm and natural, talking freely without any worries, talking to each other and talking about everything, quite speculative and happy, although there are certain differences, but more commonalities, the mutual understanding is further deepened, and the new partner and new love The comrades-in-arms cooperate and work together to complete the tasks entrusted by the organization, full of trust and confidence, and full of hope for the future of the other party, and unintentionally develop a good impression.

Unknowingly, the dark clouds dissipated, the rain stopped quietly, and the wind held his breath. Everything in the mountains became very quiet, and the air became extraordinarily fresh.A rainbow appeared in the sky in the distance, and crystal water droplets condensed on the leaves of various flowers and plants, dripping into the small puddles beside the road, making an unusually crisp sound.Several unknown birds began to sing, as if pouring out the joy after the bath.

Wu Xiaojun's hesitant mood suddenly became clear, and he felt refreshed and joyful. He said ecstatically, "The scenery in the mountains is so beautiful, just like a magnificent and beautiful picture, which makes people love, linger, and be intoxicated."

Bai Lingyan said with a smile, "Look at the ancient town, surrounded by the surrounding mountains, it looks more and more quiet and deep, exuding a kind of thickness and simplicity that has seen the vicissitudes of the world, giving people the feeling of an ancient temple buried deep in the mountains."

Wu Xiaojun said lightly, "I also feel the same way. The beautiful scenery is endless, the sky is cloudy, and the summer rain is coming again. The way back is still long. Let's hurry down the mountain. It looks like it will rain again. If we don't go, I'm afraid we will be trapped." spent the night here."

Bai Lingyan looked around and said regretfully, "I have to stop here. If I can get to the top, it must be a different kind of scenery."

The two walked out slowly from under the boulder. The ground was wet, and the mountain path was steep and slippery. If you didn't pay attention, there was a danger of falling. Soon the shoes were covered with mud, and walking was quite strenuous.Wu Xiaojun took Bai Lingyan's hand and walked down cautiously bit by bit until he reached the weathered stone. The downhill slope was relatively steep and he could walk anywhere, so the two breathed a sigh of relief.

Before he had gone far, Wu Xiaojun suddenly stepped on the ground, and he rolled down somersaults from above until he was blocked by a wattle tree at the bottom of the slope.The frightened Bai Lingyan was at a loss, and hurriedly came to the front, and saw Wu Xiaojun lying on his back on the ground motionless, with his eyes closed, without saying a word, he squatted down quickly, and shouted anxiously, "Wu Xiaojun, wake up!" Wake up, Wu Xiaojun, how do you feel? Wu Xiaojun, you must not dare to do anything, or what will I do." In an instant, sad tears flowed down, dripping down on Wu Xiaojun's body.

When Bai Lingyan was at a loss and was anxious and helpless, Wu Xiaojun sat up suddenly, so frightened that Bai Lingyan couldn't get up and took a few steps back, staring at him with astonishment and asking, "Are you all right? Why are you shouting?" You haven't responded for half a day?"

Wu Xiaojun stood up and said glibly, "Wu Xiaojun came back from the dead and is safe and sound. I would like to report to my beauty partner, Ms. Bai Lingyan."

Bai Lingyan looked at Wu Xiaojun's respectful expression, broke through her tears and laughed, "I really thought you had passed away and reported to Mr. Mao. It seems that you were just pretending. Even your joke is too big Come on, I don't even know what to do."

Wu Xiaojun laughed loudly and said, "I'm sorry, I was joking with you, and you were surprised and worried about me. To be honest, the loose soil is mixed with some leaves, rolling down from the top is like rolling a wire bed. It's soft and feels quite soft. Comfortable and romantic."

Bai Lingyan said with displeasure on her face, "You are so beautiful, comfortable, romantic and warm. Not asking for your name is the highest reward for you. You don't even think about it, what if you bump into a rock or a Shanzaoge needle?" , if you don’t have a bloody head, your whole body may be riddled with holes. It’s scary to think about it. Look at your clothes are all soaked, how much mud, dead branches, weeds, etc. are stuck together and can’t be patted off. Don't leave, you will die in embarrassment."

Only then did Wu Xiaojun look down, and said with a wry smile, "I didn't expect you to see another free scenery. There is no other way, I have to go back and deal with it."

There was a shocking accident, and the two dared not be careless. They held each other's hands and staggered down with trepidation. As soon as they reached the road below the mountain, there was a burst of lightning and thunder, strong winds, and torrential rain pouring down. Facing the storm, the two ran like arrows to an abandoned thatched shed on the roadside a hundred meters ahead to take shelter from the wind and rain.

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