life struggle

Chapter 76

The two had been busy all day, and it was already eight o'clock in the evening when they returned to town. 【 】

I found a barbecue stall and sat down, ordered two side dishes, two cups of draft beer and some lamb skewers, and rested while eating.

Wu Xiaojun said with a smile, "It should be said that today is a great victory, and the results are good. I walked fifteen or six families in several nearby villages."

Bai Lingyan said happily, "If this continues, we will be able to go home in three or four days. From the perspective of the children we visited today, it is indeed worrying. I never expected that the situation here is worse than ours."

Wu Xiaojun said, "Today, I feel uncomfortable leaving the family. I feel very uncomfortable. The general feeling is that the people here are relatively conservative in their thinking and the economy is relatively backward. In a large village with thousands of households and thousands of people, it is impossible to find a village. It’s unbelievable to say that when I went to a few decent families, it seemed like I went back to my childhood.”

Bai Lingyan said, "What's the use of expressing emotion, it's boring, so let's not talk about it. Today is a bit unexpected. The first intuitive impression you gave me is that you have a serious face, don't speak much, and hide your thoughts, which makes people unpredictable." Tou, but in the contact with the fellow villagers, you are very easy-going, polite, and very agile."

Wu Xiaojun said with a smile, "I have won the award, and I am ashamed of it. People have to bow their heads under the low eaves, go out and ask for help everywhere, and want to stand up straight and speak loudly without confidence. It is impossible to bow your head and bow your head if you are not humble and cautious. But what you said is also true." That's right, I don't give a good impression to people who don't know me, my girlfriend often says I don't have a sense of humor, and always calls me a fool."

Bai Lingyan giggled and said, "You have a girlfriend, she must be very beautiful, is it from my hometown or from our school, let me tell you."

Wu Xiaojun said triumphantly, "It's my classmate in high school, the son of a cadre, who is studying business administration at Xiangzhou University. It's not beautiful, but I'm still a percentage point or two wrong compared to you. Good character, She is more lively and cheerful, a little careless, and treats me very well.”

Bai Lingyan joked, "When you mention your girlfriend, you are so happy that you can't even find it. You must have a good relationship."

Wu Xiaojun restrained his smile and said, "There is nothing to say about our relationship, but the difference between urban and rural areas is too great. Her parents firmly oppose our association. There is always an invisible barrier between us. I am worried that it will be dismantled one day. .”

Bai Lingyan said, "No matter how big the barrier is, it is external. Whether it can be dismantled mainly depends on whether you have the confidence, whether you can resist the temptation from the new environment and various aspects, and whether you can withstand the test of each other. Now our class has Several female classmates met new friends at school, started to fall in love, and then kicked their ex-boyfriends. Even if you can stick to the promise you made to the other party, you can guarantee that the other party will always stand firm and will not waver. Advice You have to be careful, too."

Wu Xiaojun smiled confidently and said, "The same is true for Liu Youcai in our dormitory. If it's going to rain, she's going to get married. She can't be stopped. Let her do as she pleases. By the way, how about you, do you have someone in mind? "

Bai Lingyan blushed, and said lightly, "I'm ashamed, there were a few boys I made friends with in high school, but I haven't made friends with them deeply. I don't know what it will be like in the future. Those who are destined will definitely come, and those who should come will definitely come." It will come, there is no need to deliberately pursue it, lest it will be life and death, mentally burdened, painful, no results, regret endlessly, it is really not worth it.”

Wu Xiaojun smiled and said, "You can see clearly and think openly. Most of the time, you are often a bystander who is obsessed with the authorities. Once a person falls into the vortex of love, he often forgets everything, becomes obsessed, hard to extricate himself, and even cutely stupid, completely stupid. It's ridiculous."

Bai Lingyan pursed her lips and said with a smile, "Is your understanding still in place? Let's experience what you have concluded for yourself. It's better to stay sober."

After the night falls and the dawn dawns, the mountain town is so hazy and peaceful, comforting the tired body and mind.

After the two woke up, they were both physically and mentally comfortable and extremely relaxed.

After preparing the available things for the day, we set off in the direction of Panling and started a new day of difficult, long and painful travel.

The road leading to Panling is a country dirt road with potholes and pits. It is steep and narrow, twists and turns, and extends to the distance like a snake. The road is full of tractors and tricycles. There are wheels and hoof prints, as well as some thorns and small stones. Occasionally, there are sparse and bright houses scattered in the valley on both sides of the road.

There are few pedestrians on the road, and few vehicles are seen.The two are far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, away from the pollution of the hustle and bustle, walking on the mountain path in the early morning, going uphill and downhill for a while, crossing mountains and rivers for a while, forgetting the troubles of life, not having to think about anything with a blank mind, and breathing freely The fresh air and the smell of the soil in the mountains, leisurely and quietly enjoy the scenery on the roadside and the continuous mountain peaks, and listen to the chirping of insects, birds, dogs and horses with high spirits. admiration and joy.

The mountain road was winding, going up and down, left and right, and at a fork in the middle of the mountain, the two of them lost their way after going around and stopped. After a while, they still couldn't make up their minds.

When I was at a loss, a man and a woman came up from the bottom of the valley on the right, about 30 years old, dressed naturally and generously, the man was holding a camera in his hand, and the woman was carrying a simple black bag on his shoulder.

Bai Lingyan immediately recognized the woman as an employee of the town government, and hurried forward to say hello, "Sister, we met at the town government the day before yesterday, do you still recognize us?"

The woman's expression was natural and easy-going, and she said very kindly, "Yes, yes, I didn't expect to meet again here, where are you going?"

"Sister, we are going to Panling to see some children, please show me the way, okay?"

"When you get to Panling, you go straight along the road on the left, turn over a ridge, cross a valley, and then go up to the top of the mountain. The first village is there. There are no cars here. The road is seven or eight miles away. It’s really hard for you to walk for a while, it’s too hard for you.”

"Thank you big sister, we're leaving, see you another day."

Following the direction she pointed, the two continued on their way.

There are few people along the road, and there are many placer and lime kilns. White smoke from lime kilns can be seen everywhere on the mountains, large and small.

In front of a kiln by the road, a worker with a dirty face and ragged clothes was filling coal into the kiln. He was surrounded by dust and scorching heat in front of him.

Wu Xiaojun and Bai Lingyan said, "Look, it's not easy for the workers to earn two dollars. Working in such an environment without any protective measures, I don't know how many diseases will soon haunt them."

Bai Lingyan looked up, feeling sad for a while, and said worriedly, "Inhaling a lot of dust every day is easy to get pneumoconiosis. In our hometown, there are many people who dig coal kilns and gravel in the mine. They die at a young age. It is difficult to cure this disease, and the price is very heavy for the individual, and the life expectancy will be shortened by many years."

Wu Xiaojun said, "As a passer-by, I just want to open my eyes and see them, and sympathize with them, there is nothing else to say."

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