life struggle

Chapter 91

At eight o'clock that night, everyone in the branch secretary's house lowered their heads and smoked, and the atmosphere was quite dignified. [ ] Party secretary, village director, security director, Wu Pingshun and Wu Xiaojun were all present, only Gou Sheng and Qianqin did not arrive, so the security director went to his house to call, and Gou Sheng left in a state of anxiety come over.

When all the personnel arrive, the meeting officially begins.Wu Fachen, the village party secretary, first introduced what happened in the morning, and then said, "A few years ago, there was an absurd incident in the village where Qianjin used scissors to cut up the clothes that the villagers were drying to dry, defecated, and slept under the girl's bed at night. , All of a sudden, people were in a state of panic, and the rumors were supernatural. They all said that he was haunted, but he was caught later. Since he was still young at the time, everyone did not pursue him. Today, this incident happened suddenly, and it had a great impact on the village. Everyone reacted strongly, Gousheng wants to explain clearly why Qianjin didn’t come, and where is it now? Gousheng, just talk about it.”

Gou Sheng leaned against the wall at the entrance of the main room, lowered his head and kept smoking. It took him a long time to say listlessly, "Qin Qianjin is not at home. I haven't seen him. I don't know exactly what happened."

The village director Li Er said impatiently, "Gousheng, don't you know what you are going to do, it's not too late to make it clear, if you don't want to deal with it correctly, play smart, let him go and hide him on purpose, You will regret it in the future."

Wu Pingshun said angrily, "Gousheng, do you want to play tricks? I'm talking to you here for the sake of the young and old in the village. If you want to change to someone else, you should have directly called the police and the police will find you." Let’s talk about it. If it was Qianqian who did it, it’s okay to admit it directly. If it’s not him, it means who did it, and you’ve also cleared yourself. How can your attitude of holding on to the gourd and not opening the ladle be successful? , Do you still want to solve the problem?"

No matter what you say, Gou Sheng always said one sentence, "I really don't know if he did it, and I don't know where he went or where he is now. I searched all afternoon and couldn't find it. What do you call him?" What should I do, I can say something, but there is nothing I can do."

Wu Xiaojun looked at Gou Sheng's expression in pain, restlessness, fidgeting, and repeated the same sentence over and over again, as if he had been pointed out by others, and he had difficulties in his heart, and he couldn't find anything when he asked again, so he said to the crowd, "Several elders And the leader, the leftover dog is not just prevaricating, it should be said that he has already made preparations for tonight. As far as I know, Qianqian played mahjong at the tiger's house in the East Village in the morning, and had dinner at home at noon. The leftover said that he hadn't seen him, it was pure nonsense, nonsense. Everyone in the village thought that Qianjin was instigated by others, and he did it on a whim. The purpose was not to steal books but to steal the money from my family's newly sold cattle. As for where he is now, I think the leftover dog knows best in his heart, but he can't say it, or he dare not say it. In view of this, starting from tomorrow, either Qianjin will take the initiative to explain to the village within three days, or Jinjin will be responsible alone. Then bear the reputation of a petty thief, and then warn the whole village and nearby villages to strengthen precautions against him, as for how much impact it will have on him in the future, no one can control it, let alone say for sure."

Secretary Wu Fachen persuaded him kindly, "Gousheng, why are you bothering? This matter is not a big deal. If you insist on making it big regardless of the consequences, there is nothing you can do about it. Let it be like this. Can you let Qianqian come in within three days?" Make it clear, go back and weigh it yourself."

Gou Sheng nodded, said "Okay", stood up and left.

After the village director Li Er saw that the dog had left, he said slowly, "Pingshun, serving the army, it's not a big deal, but it's relatively bad in nature. Things like cutting down trees, pulling cows and stealing food have a huge impact on the villagers' psychology." The pressure is relatively high, and I hate these people the most. It is not an exaggeration for the police station to detain him for ten days and a half months. Having said that, what can be done to him, but what to do with him. In my opinion, let’s stop here.”

Wu Xiaojun also knew that he couldn't get anything to win, so he said, "You all know that his family's situation is similar to ours. It's not right to move forward. The two brothers who won the far away ignore him. The money he earns from working hard day and night is not enough for him to fool around outside. It is very pitiful to see the leftover dog's vicissitudes, and he can't bear to deal with him hard. The main reason is to Find out who is the mastermind behind him, and clarify the method and plot of the crime, so as to serve as an example to others and give an explanation to everyone."

Security Director Wu Yongzhao smiled and said, "Xiaojun, your family's situation is different from his family's. Although your family has six brothers and sisters, and your family has two college students, their family is all old poor peasants. It is incomparable and the difference is huge. It's on."

Wu Pingshun sighed and said, "It's not me, the old fellow, who suffered hardships. The two children in our family and the two sons of the Gousheng's family are like retreating. Their hearts are more poisonous than scorpions. What they do is no different. They are all staring at us and hoping that we will die early."

The village director Li Er said with a smile, "Pingshun, you can't say that. Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, but I know that Xiaosen, Xiaojun, Xiaoyun, and Xiaomei are all good and sensible. You are also filial, you should be content. As for the two of them in the family, ten fingers are not generally long, let alone human beings, it is impossible for everyone to be the same. You can't take things too seriously, you have to forgive what should be forgiven."

Wu Pingshun let out a long sigh, took a puff of smoke, and said helplessly, "Anyone who has such an unworthy child will suffer bad luck. Tell me, what should I do now, not to mention building a house for Xiaojun and marrying a wife?" You have to pay tuition fees to go to school, and you need money for food and clothing. If I let him go and drink Northwest Wind alone. Let them beat you up and don’t want to do it. You say it makes people feel sad, yes To be angry or not to be angry. I also know where it is cool, and I don’t want to do it, but there is no way.”

Martial Law Minister said, "Ping Shun, no matter how you say it, you are much better than Gousheng. You see, he has nothing to eat and clothes, and he is neither human nor ghost all day long, but he meets Qianjin who is a fool. , If you don’t do business, you are in constant trouble, and the children ignore him. If you meet such a person, you will definitely feel more uncomfortable and helpless than him. So you have to be open-minded. It’s enough to compare the deficiency with the top and the surplus with the bottom.”

The village director Li Er said, "Pingshun, Xiaojun, I think about today's matter, don't be as knowledgeable as the leftover father and son, and just feel sorry for them. Let's stop here, don't pursue it, okay?"

Wu Pingshun and Wu Xiaojun said, "It would be better if he took the initiative to speak up. Even if he doesn't take the initiative, we don't have the same knowledge as people like them."

The director of security said with a smile, "Pingshun and his son are still open-minded. I don't know what the leftover father and son are busy with now. Maybe they have become frightened birds and are fleeing in all directions."

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