Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 1006 Blood Realm Crisis

blood world!

These two words made Ye Dong's still a little chaotic head completely sober. Isn't his mother a member of the blood family in the blood world?

Now that he has come to the blood world, doesn't that mean that he can see his mother?

At this time, Guan Bo just reached out and handed the blood bracelet to Ye Dongdao: "Brother, this is what you dropped next to you when you were unconscious. It should be yours!"

Ye Dong reached out to take the blood bracelet almost dumbly, and saw the crack on it at a glance. His heart moved, and he understood that he should have accidentally come to the blood world in the process of continuously chasing the soul of heaven and man. The nearby void, and there must be some kind of mysterious power in the blood bracelet. When he was unconscious, he accidentally opened the door of space and sent himself into the blood world.

This crack is the best proof.

Ye Dong's guess was correct. The blood bracelet was originally a blood clan item. When his mother Dongfang Dai left, in order to allow his family to meet each other in the future, he left the blood clan gate in the blood bracelet. , and when Ye Dong fell unconscious in the void, he did happen to fall into the void near the blood world.

The blood bracelet sensed the familiar breath of the blood world, automatically opened the door of the blood family, and brought Ye Dong to the blood world.

Ye Dong held the blood bracelet tightly and came back to his senses: "Uncle Guan, you saved me, right? How long have I been in a coma?"

"For half a month, big brother, where are you from? How did you end up in the valley of no one? I don't think you are from the blood world!"

Originally, Ye Dong was still thinking about what reason he was going to make up to confuse his own background, and at the same time set up Guan Bo's words. After all, Guan Bo is just an ordinary person, let alone crossing the world, I'm afraid he doesn't even know much about cultivation. Little, but Guan Bo's last words startled him.

Guan Bo obviously knows that there are other worlds beyond the blood world!

This is really unreasonable. In the Four Elephants Realm and Five Elements Realm, even some masters in the Spiritual Dust Realm don't believe in the existence of other worlds. How could an ordinary person like Guan Bo know about them?

Could it be that I was mistaken, this Guan Bo is actually an expert hermit?

However, this possibility is really small, Ye Dong is still very confident in his current spiritual knowledge, so he can only ask cautiously: "Uncle Guan, do you know what's beyond the blood world?"

Guan Bo nodded heartily and said, "People from other worlds often come here in our blood world, what do you not know?"

After Ye Dong was slightly startled, he suddenly understood that the blood world is not one of the ten worlds, and here he can freely open the door of space and travel to other worlds, so people from other worlds often come here.

Guan Bo also seemed to see that Ye Dong really didn't know anything, so he sat down and began to tell him some things about what he knew.

After listening to it, Ye Dong finally realized that apart from the Ten Realms banned by his master with supreme divine power, other worlds, as long as the level of practice reaches a certain level, they can freely communicate with each other, and this is not the work of a master of the spiritual world. Privilege, anyone, even ordinary people, as long as you can afford to travel through space, you can easily reach other worlds.

For a long time, even ordinary people like Guan Bo knew these things, because they are so common.

Although space travel is common in the blood world, Ye Dong still didn't reveal his true origin, because he took the threats from the Qin family's celestial beings to him very seriously. I, I have said my name carelessly, I must never reveal the fact that I am from the Four Elephant Realm again!

After Ye Dong randomly made up a world name, he continued to ask: "Uncle Guan, I have admired the blood world for a long time in our world, and I have a great reputation, so I came here to travel and gain knowledge, but why did you just say, How long can the blood world last?"

Guan Bo shook his head helplessly and said: "I don't know the specifics, big brother, you should be able to see that I am just a villager in the mountains, but when I entered the city, I heard people say, what kind of earth center in the blood world Cracks appear, and they are about to crack, unless there are peerless experts who can fill the cracks, otherwise, the blood world will completely disintegrate in a short time, and all people living in the blood world will die with it!"

"Big brother, if you can leave, you should leave as soon as possible, the blood world is in such a mess right now!"

The center of the blood world?

Although Ye Dong doesn't understand what is the center of the blood world, he can imagine that it should be like the foundation of a house. The foundation is solid so that the house can stand upright, but if the foundation is unstable and there are cracks, the house will naturally collapse.

"Then is there no peerless master in the blood world to fill the gap? If the blood world really collapsed, why don't you think of a way to leave?"

Guan Bo sighed heavily again: "Now I heard that the cost of the teleportation formation has risen, even most practitioners can't afford it, let alone ordinary people like us. As for the gap, there are naturally experts who want to make up for it. Cracks, like blood races, human races, royal families, and beast races have all sent masters to sneak into the center of the earth, but unfortunately these people are gone forever, but the cracks exist and are getting bigger and bigger."


Ye Dong finally heard this name that meant a lot to him. At the same time, he felt sympathy for the helplessness of ordinary people like Guan Bo.

Ye Dongben was kind-hearted. Hearing the news, he naturally began to think about how to help ordinary people like Guan Bo, grandson and grandson.

I am not familiar with the place of life in the blood world, the only person I can find is my mother, and according to Guan Bo, the blood race is indeed a big force in the blood world, if they are willing to take action, they will naturally help ordinary people like Guan Bo escape from the blood world. boundary.

Although Ye Dong didn't have any good feelings for the blood clan, and even had a little disgust, but in the face of the collapse of the entire blood world, he decided to go to the blood clan first and find his mother.

At this time, Guan Bo stood up and said, "Brother, you just woke up. If you don't mind, you can continue to rest with me for two days, and then go back if you can. Seeing that you are not young, you should have a wife and children." , don't let them worry about you!"

Ye Dong couldn't help laughing, no matter what he looked like, he wouldn't have anything to do with "not young". He has a wife, but he doesn't know where the child is?

However, Ye Dong's smile suddenly froze, because he saw his hands again, and finally thought, since his hands have become like this, then his appearance has also undergone a huge change, otherwise , Why would Uncle Guan say that he is not young anymore, and the child named Ye Chenhan directly called himself "Uncle"?

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