The Dark Night Clan, the most mysterious race in the blood world, rose up mysteriously more than [-] years ago, and became one of the five major clans in just a few years. Even the blood clans at that time did not dare to provoke him, and the limelight was the same for a while.

This group of people is really too mysterious. Foreigners can't find out all the news about them even after trying their best. They don't even know the names of their people and the place where they live.

It is said that when the Night Clan was just rising, the patriarchs of the four major clans went to the hinterland of the Night Clan single-handedly. In the end, although all four of them returned, they never mentioned anything about the Night Clan since then, which seemed to be tacit agreement With the strength of the Night Clan, it is enough to keep pace with them.

But I don't know why, thousands of years ago, just like their rise, the Night Clan disappeared mysteriously, and they didn't show up again for hundreds of years. The great clans joined hands to eliminate them.

However, after hundreds of years, the Night Clan reappeared. They were still extremely powerful, but their behavior was much lower-key. Naturally, their status and reputation went from bad to worse, and they could no longer compete with the other four clans.

This time there are rumors that there is a crack in the center of the blood world, and only the Dark Night Clan can make it up. Therefore, the four major clans sent elders with heavy gifts to the Dark Night Clan, wanting to ask them for help.

No one knows whether this rumor is true or not, and naturally it is even less clear whether there is a result of the discussion.

However, I didn't expect that the members of the Dark Ye Clan would appear in Ziyun City, which is an important place for the royal family, today, and their actions were obviously much higher-profile than before.

Sixteen pitch-black horses, coupled with sixteen unpredictable black knights, all condensed their soaring killing aura into a faint black mist, filling their surroundings.

Although he didn't say a word or make a move, Ye Dong clearly knew that if these sixteen knights really wanted to do something, they would definitely be able to steadily suppress the royal family.

These 16 people are uniformly dressed, both men and women, all with expressionless faces, but it is not difficult to see that each of them is a person who has experienced many battles, otherwise it is impossible to have such a strong killing spirit, that kind of killing intent is already gone. It has penetrated into their bones, even if they want to hide it, they can't hide it.

In addition, Ye Dong also found it strange that when he saw the sixteen black knights, he had a kind feeling, as if he had some kind of unknown relationship with them.

Facing the obviously polite question of the Royal County King, the head of the sixteen knights, a resolute middle-aged man finally responded, and said in a flat tone: "We are looking for someone!"

When they heard that the Night Clan was looking for someone, everyone was naturally more curious. They didn't know who this mysterious race was looking for, and they didn't hesitate to send so many experts.

The prince of the royal family suddenly regained his composure, nodded and said, "I don't know who the nobleman needs to find, and if there is any place that the royal family can help, feel free to speak."

As soon as this sentence was said, everyone was in an uproar again, and the royal family even took the initiative to ask for help to the Dark Night Clan.

However, the Night Clansman obviously didn't appreciate it, and said flatly: "The Night Clan never needs help from others, so leave!"

After indifferently leaving this sentence, 16 people rode their horses at the same time. Without even making a sound, the [-] horses had already soared into the sky again, leaping over the heads of everyone, almost touching everyone's scalps.

Whether it is a direct refusal or this kind of behavior, it is extremely impolite. There is a feeling of stepping on people's heads. Even the face of the county king can't help showing a trace of coldness, but everyone is Dare not to speak out, he could only watch as the cavalry in the air crossed Ziyun City and gradually disappeared.

In any case, the departure of the Night Clan made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, because the Night Clan was too terrifying, and their inherent chilling temperament was enough to deter everyone.

At this time, Ye Dong noticed that Guan Bo's body beside him was stiff, his clothes were already drenched with sweat, he was obviously extremely nervous, but Xiaohan didn't have any special reaction, just like everyone else, he looked up at the disappearance of the Dark Night Clan horizon.

Night Clan, Ye Chenhan!

Thinking of his guess, Ye Dong can now be more certain that Guan Bo and Xiao Han may be what the Dark Night Clan are looking for!

But since Guan Bo was afraid of becoming like this, Ye Dong also made up his mind, no matter why the Dark Night Clan sought them, as long as Guan Bo is unwilling to go, then no one can force him!

Just when Ye Dong was about to leave, the voice of the county king suddenly came from behind: "Stop!"

Guan Bo's voice was a little relaxed just now, but naturally froze again, while Ye Dong turned around happily, looked at the county king with a sneer on his face, and said, "What's the matter?"

"You can go, but the two of them have to stay."

The county king pointed to Guan Bo and Xiao Han.

Ye Dong raised his eyebrows: "Why? They are just ordinary people!"

The king of the county put his hands behind his back and said with a sneer: "Although you are only a practitioner who has left the world, there is no way that you are the murderer who killed the Lord Ziyun, but when this old man saw me, he was so afraid that there must be ghosts in his heart." , I want to keep them and ask them carefully!"

It turned out that Ye Dong intentionally created the illusion that he was in the realm of the world. The county king saw it with his spiritual sense and didn't believe it. That's why he tried to test it just now. If Ye Dong reacted, then there must be something wrong with him. If he didn't respond, Then kill it to avoid future troubles.

It's a pity that the sudden arrival of the Dark Ye tribe interrupted the county king's plan, and now, he can see that Guan Bo's expression is really abnormal. Although ordinary people are indeed very afraid of the royal family, Guan Bo's fear seems to be It's a little different, so he deliberately wanted to see Ye Dong's reaction.

The royal family is not fools, they have already investigated the feud between Ye Dong and the three subordinates of Ziyun City Lord, and they also know that that night, before the Ziyun City Mansion was massacred, six people left early, but they never returned. This is not normal.

However, they also verified from the witnesses at the time that Ye Dong's strength should only be in the dusty realm, so they didn't take it to heart.

But now, Ye Dong's performance is too calm, and Guan Bo's performance is too nervous, no matter whether they are murderers or not, the county king has already become suspicious in his heart.

"Your Majesty, we are standing here, you can ask whatever you want!" Ye Dong's expression remained calm.

The king of the county shook his head, ignored Ye Dong at all, and said to his subordinates, "Go, take that old man and child back."

With a sound of "crash", four soldiers in iron armor strode forward immediately, and came to Guan Bo and Xiaohan and stretched out their hands to grab them.


Ye Dong suddenly let out an angry roar, like spring thunder with his tongue shining, and the sound waves rolled, and he directly sent the four soldiers who had left the dust world flying away!

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