Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 1301 Earning Heavenly Spirit Stones

In the ancient tomb, the human king Dayi was still lying in the coffin, absorbing the four dust avatars left by the demon emperor Brahma, which was equivalent to retreating. The disturbance from the outside world might make him go mad, and the consequences would be disastrous.

However, when Ye Dong entered the ancient tomb, he discovered that although the tossing outside was earth-shattering, the inside was calm and calm, not even a single sound came out.

When Gong Nu saw Ye Dong, he hurried over to salute. Now that Ye Dong's identity has been confirmed as the king's younger brother, naturally he didn't dare to neglect.

Ye Dong gave a general overview of the situation outside, and Gong Nu shook his head with a smile after listening, "Don't worry, even if all the people at the peak of the Fourth Heaven in Huo Xiaotian join forces to attack, they still don't want to break the seal here."

Ye Dong thought about it too. When the human king Dayi put the seal down, how could it be so easy to break through the invincible combat power of the fifth heaven.

Gong Nu's smile faded, and he said coldly: "It's a pity that my skills have not fully recovered, and at the same time, I have to be suppressed by the Dao of the Heavens. Otherwise, I would have gone out and dealt with these jumping clowns a long time ago."

It is really surprising to call the masters of the major forces the clowns, but Ye Dong knows that since Gong Nu can follow the King of Kings for many years, his own strength will definitely not be low, but because of the seal of ten thousand years, his skill never recovered.

Moreover, when people from the high-level heavens come to the low-level heavens, their own strength will be suppressed by the Dao. This is automatically suppressed by the heavens of the nine heavens, in order to ensure the balance of the heavens of the nine heavens.

Knowing that Wang Dayi was fine, Ye Dong felt relieved and left after staying for a while.

Back near the valley, I found that most of the people had already left. Obviously, they all went back to their respective forces to inquire about the news of attacking the ancient tomb.

"Why did you run away again!"

Yu Qianshuang wished she could strangle Ye Dong to death. If she didn't pay attention, this guy would disappear, and she couldn't bear to watch.

"I'm back, haven't I?" Ye Dong smiled and said, "I said Miss Yu, you should restrain yourself, that Ouyang Tao probably wants to cramp and skin me."

Ouyang Tao did not leave, and stood in the distance, staring at Ye Dong with a pair of eyes full of resentment.

"What did he do, let's go, anyway, the banquet is over, we happened to go to gamble!"

When it comes to gambling tools, Yu Qianshuang's eyes are shining, she looks like a gambler, Ye Dong smiled wryly and shook his head and said: "Gambling tools are fine, but I'll go have a fight with Yan Nangui and the others first." How about a hello?"

"Say hello, they are all gone, but don't worry, you will definitely meet them again in the casino."

After finishing speaking, You Qi dragged Ye Dong away involuntarily.

"This is the gambling shop opened by Tiandi Palace. I know you have a grudge against them. Come on, let's go in and get a big pen, and let you vent your anger."

Yu Qianshuang directly dragged Ye Dong to the gambling shop started by Tiandi Palace, and said so righteously, it seemed that he was thinking about Ye Dong, which made Ye Dong really dumbfounded, but he had no objection, he could cheat I am also very happy to spend a fortune from Tiandi Palace.

Compared with the casinos that Ye Dong had been to before, the casinos here are vastly different in terms of size and luxury. Although they are also rooms that go deeper and deeper, each room is like a The palace is generally magnificent, and in order to attract business, the gambling house also provides various services.

Of course, all the services require Heavenly Spirit Stones, especially the purchase of equipment. Any piece of equipment is surprisingly priced at [-] pieces of fifth-grade Heavenly Spirit Stones. You must know that this is only the room on the first floor.

"It's really expensive! It's better to grab it tomorrow!"

Ye Dong couldn't help but licked his lower lip. Except when he was in Ye's house, he had never worried about money, but when he came here, he realized that he was actually a poor man.

"It's just the cheapest. If you really want to gamble on the few pieces of utensils and pills unearthed from the ancient tomb, you will need at least a large amount of heavenly spirit stones. No, I have to find a way to earn some money first."

In fact, Ye Dong could ask Yu Qianshuang for it, but he couldn't open his mouth, so he decided to earn it himself.

So Ye Dong began to carefully select utensils in this room, made three shots, and bought three utensils. In order to avoid shocking the world, he did not appraise it here, but took Yu Qianshuang to leave.

"Why not identify it here?"

Yu Qianshuang asked puzzledly.

"There are too many people, and I don't want to make a scene for everyone to know. Let's go to all the major gambling houses first."

Ye Dong is becoming more and more confident in his appreciating skills, especially in the ancient tomb, after grinding away the eight blood-striped sky locks with the Dao patterns he has realized, he has made further progress in the various avenue patterns With a better understanding, even he doesn't need an appraiser or appraiser talisman, he can use the Dao pattern to wear off the device pattern on the device body.

He knew that the three utensils he had chosen were all mid-grade at the last time, and if he identified them in front of so many people, he would definitely attract everyone's attention and cause him some unnecessary trouble.

In the next three days, Yu Qianshuang took Ye Dong to almost all the gambling houses of the major forces in Huoxiao City, including those from the Xia family, the Gongsun family, the Nie family, and the Jinwu clan. In short, except for the gambling house in Yuqiong Tower, everyone else has basically arrived.

Ye Dong is not greedy either. In each gambling house, he just picks out the weapons in the front room, and the number of shots is not many. After three days, he bought a total of eight weapons, and this has already cost him all. All Heavenly Spirit Stones!

"It's time for identification!"

When Yu Qianshuang saw Ye Dong's hands bursting with colorful light, showing a pattern that she had never seen before. After rubbing back and forth on a piece of utensil for a while, she unexpectedly untied part of the pattern on the utensil, and her eyeballs froze. It was about to pop out of its sockets.

"You, you, you are the connoisseur!"

Yu Qianshuang couldn't believe it at all. When she first met Ye Dong, Ye Dong couldn't even refine the heavenly weapon, but less than a year later, he was able to wear off the pattern on the weapon himself. It is the ability of connoisseurs.

Ye Dong didn't answer. After grinding off all the patterns on the utensil, he looked at the gleaming utensil in his hand and said, "The middle grade is inferior, worth 1 yuan of heavenly spirit stones!"

After speaking, Ye Dong directly stuffed this utensil into Yu Qianshuang's hands, picked up another utensil himself, and continued to appraise the utensil.

Yu Qianshuang's hands were trembling. If she wanted to identify a mid-grade and low-grade celestial artifact, she had to be a fourth-grade appraiser at the very least. The difficulty of becoming an appraiser is well known to everyone, but Ye Dong passed it so easily. He did it, and looking at his relaxed appearance, it seems that the fourth grade is not his limit.

Sure enough, after the first-grade celestial artifact was appraised, Ye Dong nodded in satisfaction and said, "That's right, this one is medium-grade!"

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