09 On Suzaku Continent, from villages and towns to prefectures, there are all kinds of forces behind them. The extremely powerful sects or aristocratic families can control multiple cities at the same time. For the convenience of management, they all merge the cities under their jurisdiction into government.

09 There are nine mansions in the entire Suzaku Continent. The largest is Taihua Mansion, which is composed of [-] cities. The mansion is Taihua City, and the smallest mansion is Xuanyuan Mansion, which is composed of eight cities. The mansion is Xuanyuan City where Ye Dong is now. !

09 The sect that controls Xuanyuan Mansion is the Dragon Elephant Sect of the Demon Cultivation Sect, one of the ten sects of the Demon Sect. It may not be as comprehensive as the Tianxin Sect in overall strength, but the difference is not too much.

09 Demonic cultivators, majoring in physical strength, and most of their cultivation methods are weird and cruel, so they have a bad reputation on Suzaku Continent. The strength of the player must definitely be above the other two.

09Because demon cultivators are not only physically powerful, but also have a lot of combat experience due to their aggressive nature, so although Taoist and soul cultivators hate demon cultivators, they can't fight unless it is absolutely necessary. Don't want to confront them head-on.

09 Only a sect with such a huge influence as the Dragon Elephant Sect can open up a world market for practitioners of all types and realms to gather.

09 Without much effort, Ye Dong arrived at the Tianxia Market, and what he saw was a huge archway about ten meters high, on which were written two big characters——天下!

After the 09 archway, there is an extremely wide street that can hardly be seen at a glance. On both sides of the street, there are stalls one after another, bustling with people.

09 On each booth are various things used by practitioners, including pills, dust vessels, and even monsters and so on.

09 Anyway, as long as it is something that practitioners can use, it can be seen in this world market!

09 All the booths were crowded with people, some asked questions, some silently observed, some bargained, in short, it was extremely lively.

09 Most of the people here are practitioners, and there are also a few ordinary people.

09 Seeing such a scene for the first time, Ye Dong couldn't help feeling a little overwhelmed, and hurriedly stepped forward, wanting to quickly integrate into the world market.

09 Walking along the street to the depths of the market, Ye Dong was admiring the dazzling array of goods around him, while secretly checking the cultivation realm of the people around him with his spiritual sense.

09 After walking for tens of meters like this, Ye Dong suddenly found that although the Tianxia Bazaar was indeed a gathering place for practitioners, there was not a single master of the worldly state, and all the people were in the spirit seal state.

09 Does it mean that practitioners in the dusty state do not need to sell what they have in their hands?

09 But it's not right, because Ye Dong has already seen three stalls selling pills. These pills must be made by alchemists, but the stall owners are still practitioners of the Lingyin realm.

09 In fact, Ye Dong didn't know that there were two Tianxia Bazaars, one was where he was now.

09 Although it is said that this world market can be used by all kinds of practitioners to come here to trade items, but the masters of the dusty world are already aloft. Due to their status and status, it is impossible for them to come to this kind of occasion to show their faces To sell their own products, as for the pharmacist and the higher-status person like the alchemist, it is even more impossible to show up in person to set up a stall!

09 What they went to was a completely different world market. There, as long as they showed their identities, the Dragon Elephant Sect would send disciples to receive them. form sold.

09 Therefore, it is really rare for Ye Dong, who is a pharmacist in the dust world, to visit this world market in person!

09 In fact, he can't be blamed for this. The shopkeeper of the Spiritual Medicine Pavilion didn't even know that there were two Tianxia Bazaars, let alone that Ye Dong was a pharmacist in a dusty state!

09 As for these questions, Ye Dong was new here, so he couldn't think of them, and he didn't bother to think about them, he was just thinking about how to sell the elixir he made.

09 At this moment, there was a sudden commotion, and when Ye Dong raised his head, he saw a group of people surrounded by a booth not far away.

09 Originally, Ye Dong didn't want to join in the excitement, but the sound of the conversation between the two reached his ears.

09 "Just say I'm sorry? Do you know what grade the elixir you crushed just now is? Let me tell you, it's an extremely high-grade congealing elixir. Unless you pay 2000 taels today, you don't want to leave!"

09 "I really didn't mean it. There were too many people just now. I don't know who squeezed me. I squeezed the elixir with a little force. I didn't say I won't pay, but I don't have so much money on me. Could it be a little less?"

09 "Less? Well, 900 taels, not even a penny less!"

09 Hearing this, Ye Dong couldn't help frowning. He already knew the ins and outs of the matter. It should be that this person accidentally crushed an extremely hardened pill, and the other party asked him to pay for it.

09 This is a matter of course, but the price that the drug seller asks for compensation is ridiculously high. The extremely high coagulation pill is worth 500 taels, but he opened his mouth and asked for 2000 taels. They are blackmailing .

09 After thinking for a while, Ye Dong walked towards the crowd, a little aura emanating from around his body, so where he passed, the people who had gathered together immediately squeezed to both sides, making way for him to walk easily I went in and saw what was inside.

09 A grey-haired old man with a sad face pleaded softly to a middle-aged man with a mustache in front of him: "I really don't have that much money, can I have less money, 1000 taels, I'm Is it okay to pay you 1000 taels?"

09 In fact, 1000 taels is enough, but the middle-aged man disagreed at all. He raised his head and said with a sinister smile: "Old guy, do you know who I am? You are lucky today, you met me, if you If it’s my senior brother, let me tell you, let alone 2000 taels, 5000 taels won’t necessarily let you go, so stop talking nonsense and get the money quickly!”

09 The old man was about to cry. He kept bowing to the other party and said, "I don't know who you are. I really don't have that much money. How about I kneel down and kowtow to you."

After 09 finished speaking, he made a gesture to kneel down, but at this moment, a strong arm suddenly grabbed his body and said, "Old man, it's not worth kneeling just for a mere elixir!"

09 Ye Dong couldn't stand the other party bullying an old man like this, so he stood up to fight against injustice.

09 Ye Dong's appearance naturally brightened the eyes of those who watched the excitement, because it meant that the excitement would be even more exciting, but the middle-aged man's complexion suddenly sank, and his eyes flashed A killing intent!

09 No one noticed that among the crowd, when a man with a scorched face saw Ye Dong standing forward, he was startled first, then showed an inexplicable smile, and said to himself at the same time: "Ye Dong, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here again!"


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