09 After half a quarter of an hour, Ye Dong finally came to his senses. Looking at Hou Jian who was still kneeling there without changing his posture, he said in a deep voice, "Hou Jian, get up first. Tell me everything exactly!"

09 "A disciple's status in the school is low, and he doesn't know too much."

09 Ye Dong couldn't help but patted his forehead. Hou Jian was at least a master at the third level of the mortal body, but his status was still low. What kind of state should a person with a high status have reached?

09 "It's okay, just pick up what you know and say it!"

09 "Disciple obeys!"

09 Only then did Hou Jian stand up slowly, without even taking pictures of the dust on his clothes, he began to tell Ye Dong about Grandpa Liu.

09 There are thousands of sects and families on Suzaku Continent, all kinds of forces, large and small. Although there are differences between demon cultivators, Taoist cultivators, and Buddhist cultivators, there are some forces that are superior to all other forces .

09 For example, thousands of years ago, the Cihang Sect was founded by Liu Pianhong, the highest-ranked ninth-grade pharmacist in the history of Suzaku Continent, who was respected as the Immortal of Medicine!

09 A pharmacist has a transcendent identity and status. Liu Pianhong is a genius among pharmacists. At the beginning, only pharmacists were recruited.

09Although pharmacists are all self-respecting and respected, in the eyes of all pharmacists, Liu Pianhong is like a god. After hearing that he established a sect and only recruited pharmacists, Suzaku Continent The pharmacists here would not care about their own status, they were like crazy, they all rushed to squeeze their heads and wanted to join the Cihang sect.

09 However, Liu Pianhong also has very high requirements for recruiting. In addition to being a pharmacist, he also needs to check your character. If your character is not good, I'm sorry, no matter how high your ability in refining medicine is, he will not let you get started.

09 Even so, Cihangzong has gathered nearly a hundred alchemists in only one year since its establishment!

09 What is the concept of nearly a hundred alchemists?

09 What kind of existence is the sect formed by nearly a hundred alchemists?

09 Any practitioner, no matter what level of cultivation you are in, dare not offend the pharmacist.

09 Therefore, the status of Cihangzong is like mushrooms after a spring rain. One year after its establishment, it has become a transcendent existence above those forces that have been passed down for thousands of years!

09 If Cihangzong continues to develop like this, it will become stronger and stronger, but suddenly one day, Liu Pianhong disappeared!

09 No one knows where he went, no one even knows whether he is dead or alive, and he has never appeared again until today.

09 A sect cannot be without a master for a day, so Liu Pianhong's disciples helped Liu Pianhong's only son to be the suzerain.

09 Although Liu Pianhong's son did not have the pinnacle alchemy skills as his father, but his grade was as high as the eighth grade, and with the strong support of all the disciples, Cihangzong did not decline.

09 It's a pity that Liu Pianhong's son didn't know who he listened to, so he abolished the rules set by his father and began to recruit all kinds of practitioners unconditionally.

09 Gradually, there were more and more people in Cihangzong, but they also became more and more complicated, and Liu Pianhong's son was not good at management. Not long after, civil strife broke out in the sect. Hou Jian didn't know the specific process. , but as a result of the civil strife, many alchemists left Cihangzong.

09 Since then, Cihangzong has gradually declined, and when it was passed down to Grandpa Liu's generation, it almost existed in name only.

09 However, no one dared to underestimate the strength of Cihangzong, because most of the alchemists who left at the beginning were direct disciples of Liu Pianhong. If Ling finds them and defeats them in refining medicine, then they are willing to come out again and assist Cihangzong again!

09Although nearly two to three thousand years have passed, once a practitioner breaks through to the dust-body state, his lifespan can be increased to 3000 years. By Chitose, and the pharmacists are proficient in medicine, pharmacology and longevity pills, almost everyone believes that those pharmacists who left Cihangzong are still alive, but they don't know where to live in seclusion.

09 Because of this oath, the Liu family has always had the hope of revitalizing the Cihang Sect, but there has never been a genius in refining medicine in the Liu family.

One night 0915 years ago, a group of unknown people broke into Liu's house suddenly and killed all the members of Liu's house. This incident shocked the super experts in the entire Suzaku Continent.

09 The disciples of Cihangzong naturally had to avenge the suzerain's family, but when they counted the corpses afterwards, they accidentally found that two corpses were missing, that is, Grandpa Liu and Liu Xiang'er.

09 Therefore, they firmly believed that the two men were not dead, and began to search for news about the two men on Suzaku Continent.

In 0915, today, Hou Jian, a disciple of Cihangzong, finally learned of the whereabouts of Grandpa Liu and Liu Xiang'er from Ye Dong's mouth, and met Liu Muling, who represented the identity of the suzerain of Cihangzong. It is conceivable His heart is excited!

09 The only reason why Hou Jian believed that Ye Dong had met Grandpa Liu was because of Ye Dong's unique footwork of Lingyun, and this was the footwork of the Liu family. Although Hou Jian didn't know it himself, when they started looking for Liu When the two grandfathers were whereabouts, someone in the sect who had seen this set of footwork told them in detail about the general situation when they performed it.

09 After all, most of the disciples have never met Grandpa Liu, let alone Liu Xianger, who was just born when he disappeared, so this set of footwork is also a way to identify them!

09 After listening to Hou Jian's narration, Ye Dong once again fell into a state of shock and confusion. He really didn't know that Grandpa Liu and Xiang'er he met had such a big history, let alone that Grandpa Liu would Give yourself the Willow Token representing the identity of the suzerain of Cihangzong.

09 However, he has figured out some things, such as Grandpa Liu repeatedly telling him to keep the Willow Token, Grandpa Liu and He Guqi who kidnapped Xiang'er, and the Tianxin Sect, which is so powerful that it is one of the ten sects of Liandao Sect. There is no ice pole hall that can be compared with it.

09 Hou Jian saw that Ye Dong was deep in thought, so he didn't dare to disturb him. He could only wait patiently. Ye Dong finally woke up. He hurried forward and said, "Sect Master..."

09 As soon as he opened his mouth, Ye Dong cut him off and said, "Brother Hou, although I have the Willow Order, I am just an ordinary person. I am not qualified to be the Suzerain of the Cihang Sect. Besides, Grandpa Liu and the others must still be alive. When I see them again, I will return the Willow Order to them, so you must never call me suzerain again."

09 "That won't work. Seeing the order is like seeing the suzerain. Since Liu Muling is in your hands now, then you are the suzerain of our Cihang sect. Suzerain, my disciple is bold. I hope you can go to the base camp of our Cihang sect. Inform all Cihangzong disciples of this news."


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