Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 1653 The Pride of the Blood Race

Ye Dong was shocked, knowing that it was Dongfang Xiao who had given him all the insights and essence of his life's cultivation, and this meeting gift was too heavy.

However, this also made Ye Dong suddenly have an ominous premonition. He was just about to ask, but Dongfang Xiao had a flash, and suddenly stood on top of the blood dragon, coldly facing Yunlong. Said: "Let Cang'er go, or I will draw out the blood of the Emperor of Heaven in the same way, and all your hard work will be in vain."

Ambassador Yunlong's face was gloomy and terrifying, and he no longer had the determination and domineeringness he had when he first appeared. After pondering for a while, he shook his arm and threw Dongfang Cang out of his hand.

Ye Dong rushed over in a hurry, caught Dongfang Cang's body, and came directly to Leng Wuya's side and said, "Master Leng, please save my grandfather."

Dongfang Cang's complexion was pale, and with a broken arm, although there was no blood flowing out, the pain was clearly there, but at this moment his eyes were only staring at Dongfang Xiao, his lips parted, and he couldn't utter a word. Little voice.

Leng Wuya had already put his hand on Dongfang Cang's body, shook his head after only a moment and said: "Prisoner, the situation is not good, now find a way to replenish his blood, and then think about other things!"

The next moment, Ye Dong had cut his wrist with his fingertips, and aimed the wound at Dongfang Cang's mouth: "Grandpa, drink my blood!"

Even if Dongfang Cang wanted to refuse, he couldn't do it, he could only let Ye Dong's blood flow into his mouth, and after a while, Leng Wuya, who had been paying close attention to his situation, suddenly frowned and said: "Prisoner, Have you given him your blood before?"

Ye Dong remembered that when he first met his grandfather in the blood world, he had indeed given him his own blood, so he nodded.

Leng Wuya immediately showed joy and said: "That's great, he will be saved!"

Ye Dong didn't bother to ask the reason anymore, as long as grandpa can live, nothing else matters, so he solemnly thanked Leng Wuya: "Thank you very much, Master Leng."

However, Leng Wuya suddenly frowned again, and said hesitantly: "Prisoner, there is something that I, I didn't tell you."

"Let's wait until the end of this war to talk about anything. Now I have to trouble you to help me cure my grandfather."

"No, prison master, this matter is related to Dongfang Xiao."

Ye Dong was startled suddenly, he knew that Leng Wuya was very concerned about his grandfather's injury, and he was constantly trying to help him recover his cultivation. Could it be that Leng Wuya's grandfather's performance is due to Leng Wuya?

"Prisoner, Dongfang Xiao, he, after the First World War, should, should be dead!"

When Leng Wuya's guilt-ridden words were transmitted to Ye Dong's ears through sound transmission with his spiritual sense, Ye Dong's eyes suddenly widened: "Why?"

Dongfang Xiao's situation has made it impossible for him to recover his cultivation. However, because his soul is still intact, and because he is a vampire, there is a special power in his blood, so Leng Wuya A kind of elixir has been refined, which can allow him to stimulate all his strength and vitality and return to his peak state.

However, when these vigor and strength are exhausted, the only way to greet him is death, and this is the most thorough death, even the soul cannot be preserved, and everything will be reduced to nothing and return to heaven and earth.

For this reason, Leng Wuya didn't dare to give him medicine, and he was still researching continuously, hoping to change this result, but on the eve of Leng Wuya and the others leaving Bingdi Peak this time, Dongfang Xiao suddenly took the initiative to find him , Ask him for the elixir.

Leng Wuya knew Dongfang Xiao's position in Ye Dong's heart, so he naturally refused to give it to him, fearing that he would do something stupid, but the reason Dongfang Xiao said at the time was that he was worried that they would all dispatch to deal with the people from Tiandi Palace, but if Tiandi Palace also sent If the same powerful force is used to deal with Bingdi peak, then if there is a critical moment, he can use this elixir to sacrifice himself to keep Bingdi peak.

This reason made Leng Wuya unable to refuse, so he gave him the elixir, and repeatedly told him not to take it before it happened, because once he took it, it would be an irreversible situation.

But Leng Wuya didn't expect that Dongfang Xiao was actually doing it for this time, to deal with Yunlong envoy. Moreover, he had already taken the pill in advance, and now the effect of the medicine took effect, allowing him to return to his peak state, even reaching the level of the emperor of heaven. realm.

After understanding everything, Ye Dong's heart was really trembling, but he didn't blame Leng Wuya, but looked at Dongfang Xiao, his eyes were red, and he murmured: "Grandfather, you, why are you doing this! "

Dongfang Xiao actually heard Ye Dong's words, turned around, looked at him with a slight smile, and at the same time sent his voice into his ears: "Dong'er, if it were you, would you rather die in obscurity like this, or would you die in obscurity?" Are you willing to burn the last of your life like I am now, and contribute a little more of your strength to this world?"

Ye Dong remained silent. If it were him, he would of course choose the latter, so he understood his grandfather's feelings.

I would rather die proudly than live humblely!

Among the blood clans, there is a clan of two emperors, which makes all the people of the blood clan have a kind of arrogance that comes from the blood. As the patriarch of the blood clan, Dongfang Xiao, although he cannot reach the height of the two emperors, he can also use his own life. For the sake of your descendants, try to remove as many obstacles as possible on the road.

What's more, he also wants to regain his self-esteem and time that he lost for hundreds of years, and the culprit of all this is Yunlongshi.

Envoy Yunlong finally sneered and said, "Dongfang Xiao, I should have killed you a hundred years ago, but it's not too late now."

"Come on! Let's see if you killed me today, or I can avenge my past shame!"

Dongfang Xiao laughed loudly, with arrogance, the blood dragon under him felt the same, and uttered a crisp dragon chant in response, and rushed directly towards Yunlong Envoy.

"Dong'er, envoy Yunlong to me, you go and deal with the Emperor of Heaven!"

Ye Dong heard Dongfang Xiao's sound transmission in his mind at the same time, and he glanced at Dongfang Cang whose complexion had regained a rosy complexion, nodded at Leng Wuya, and rushed towards the entrance among the clouds.

At the moment before entering the entrance, Ye Dong couldn't help but turn his head again, and at this moment Dongfang Xiao and Yunlongshi had already stood together, bloody white light shot up into the sky, hot and dazzling, and blood sky patterns and avenue patterns emerged in the air , shone with dazzling brilliance, spread in all directions, and shattered the world.

Dongfang Xiao, who had reached the peak strength, was on par with Envoy Yunlong!

This made Ye Dong feel slightly relieved, he no longer hesitated, he plunged into the entrance of the clouds, and faced his final enemy in Huo Xiaotian - the Emperor of Heaven!

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