Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 1664 The Return

Ye Dong opened his eyes suddenly, and two bright golden lights shot out.

In front of him, the Heavenly Emperor Sword was still floating there, only an inch away from the tip of his nose, but it seemed to have encountered a huge resistance, the sword body shook violently, unable to move any further.


Fire Emperor Yehua's voice full of despair suddenly came from the sword, and the next moment, Ye Dong had reached out and grasped the Heavenly Emperor Sword.

"You, you actually completed the integration of three souls in this state, it's impossible, it's impossible!"

Ye Hua had obviously lost his composure and was yelling like a madman, but he was powerless to change this fact, and he couldn't even manipulate the Heavenly Emperor Sword to break free from the shackles of Ye Dong's soul.

Ye Dong smiled. Although he is still in the state of soul at the moment, compared to before, his soul is now more full.

The golden light originally wrapped around the soul has dissipated, and there is no more light to radiate. Even the golden light in the eyes is dissipating quickly, which looks very ordinary.

However, his soul is like a real person, with skin like jade, hair like ink, handsome and handsome, but no longer has the slightest sharp edge.

It's like washing away all the lead and returning to the original!

Ye Dong himself did not expect that at the moment when his soul was burned by the soul fire of the Heavenly Emperor Sword, he would inadvertently communicate with his heavenly and earthly souls that were always outside.

As if feeling the crisis of the soul of fate, the soul of heaven and the soul of the earth, respectively, called to the soul of fate from above the nine heavens and under the nine nether worlds, and came at the same time.

In the end, the three souls merged into one, and Ye Dong finally had a complete soul!

Once the soul is complete, the soul power that can be released will naturally increase, not only instantly repairing the damage suffered by the soul, but also resisting the attack of the Heavenly Emperor Sword with soul power.

Huodi Yehua himself has also experienced the process of three souls returning to one, so he naturally knows that under such circumstances, he who already lacks one soul cannot be Ye Dong's opponent at all.

In reality, the people of Tiandi Palace were still excitedly celebrating the victory ahead of time. Many people fell to their knees and worshiped the Heavenly Emperor standing in the air, expressing their inner respect and admiration.

Another group of people have already walked towards Pan Chaoyang and others under the leadership of the six masters, and now it's time to enjoy the fruits of victory.

The Patriarch of the Fang family came directly in front of the Sun King, raised his chin, and said proudly: "Yan Jianxi, are you going to be arrested obediently and confess your guilt, or continue to resist?"

The Patriarch of the Qin family on the side sneered and said: "Ye Dong is dead, and the rest of you are just a bunch of mobs. If you have a good attitude, we will report to the Emperor of Heaven, and maybe you can be sent down lightly. Anyway, at least one life can be saved. !"

"If you still want to resist, we don't mind, but do you think you people, even together, can stop the sword of the old man?"

"Think carefully. Although you are not afraid of death, don't forget that there are many other ordinary disciples in your blood prison, right? Do you really want them to die with you?"

The Sun King and the others were gnashing their teeth with tearing eyes. It has to be said that the words of the six masters also hit their weakness. They are not afraid of death, but the Blood Prison currently has thousands of disciples, so they don't deserve to die!

However, Pan Chaoyang and the others seemed to have not heard the words of the people from Tiandi Palace, and they still stared fixedly into the distance.

The piece of land that was shaken by the Heavenly Emperor Sword swallowed Ye Dong and took him farther and farther away. The dark void that seemed to have disappeared has gradually healed under the interference of the power of the law of space, leaving only a palm-sized A small hole, obviously, it is impossible for Ye Dong to come back.

Xia Mingzhu's tears dripped down in strings, her hands were firmly clutching her brother's sleeves, her face was full of panic; Yu Qianshuang's face was ashen, with tears glistening in her eye sockets, her hands clenched into fists; The veil on Ge's face undulated violently, and his body was trembling slightly.

Yue Bukong was disappointed, he kept shaking his head, muttering something silently; Yu Baiyi looked calm, but there was a trace of sadness in his eyes that couldn't be concealed.

None of them are from the Blood Prison, and they pushed themselves on a road of no return in order to help Ye Dong. Now, it seems that everything has come to an end, and what awaits them will be the most tragic ending, but at this moment, they are even more What worries him is Ye Dong's safety.

Could it be that this guy who jumped out like a new star and illuminated the entire Huo Xiaotian was really just a short-lived meteor?

"Hmph, Sun King, if you don't express your opinion, we will take action!"


The moment the Fang Family Patriarch's voice just fell, a golden sword suddenly pierced out from the void hole that had shrunk to the size of a dragon's eye.

Everyone's eyes widened suddenly. Could it be that Ye Dong is back?

But when they saw the sword clearly, they were happy and sad because it was the Heavenly Emperor Sword!

It seems that the Heavenly Emperor Sword has completed its task and returned from the void!


The golden light radiated from the sword, forcibly tearing apart the newly healed space again, making the dark void hole as large as a person's height.

Immediately afterwards, a figure stepped out of the hole!

"Ye Dong!"

"Little Lord!"

Everyone on Ye Dong's side exclaimed!

This figure is Ye Dong, and the Heavenly Emperor Sword is held in his hand!

Ye Dong actually came back from the void!

One after another cheers suddenly sounded between the heaven and the earth, and the situation reversed again!

The people of Tiandi Palace, who were beaming with joy and high spirits just now, became panicked again at this moment.

This didn't even kill Ye Dong?

At the same time, the Heavenly Emperor who had always been calm, standing above the void suddenly let out a muffled groan, and suddenly, several peerless powerhouses turned into rays of light, rushed to the Heavenly Emperor, and asked flatteringly, "Heavenly Emperor, are you okay?" Bar?"


The Heavenly Emperor let out a cold snort, and then, with a "poof", his palm smashed the head of a peerless powerhouse beside him, and blood arrows and brains splashed out, directly falling into the Heavenly Emperor's mouth!

This scene surprised everyone. They didn't understand what happened. Why did the Heavenly Emperor suddenly want to kill his subordinates?

And Ye Dong, who just came back from the void, has already issued a warning to everyone: "Everyone leave quickly...!"

Before Ye Dong could finish speaking, there were two more pops, and the Heavenly Emperor smashed the heads of the two peerless powerhouses around him again, and swallowed their blood and souls into his mouth.

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