Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 17 Iron-armed Gray Ape

Although the Lin and Luo families entered the forest one after another, they walked in two directions. After all, the Tianduan forest is huge and spread out, so the possibility of encountering monsters is naturally greater.

Ye Yuntian turned around and said to Ye Dong and the others: "Let's go in too, but before going in, I have to tell you once again, after entering the forest, you must not act alone, you must listen to me, except for Ye Ming, all of you After all, this is still the first actual combat, so be careful!"

Except Ye Dong had something on his mind, even Ye Ming, who had actual combat experience before, showed excitement, full of anticipation for this hunting, and nodded repeatedly upon hearing this.

Looking at the expressions of the four, Ye Yuntian couldn't help but shook his head with a smile. He also came from such a young age, so he could naturally understand the feelings of these children, so he stopped talking and walked into the forest at the head of the pack.

The five people chose a completely different direction from the other two. Along the way, Ye Yuntian patiently explained various tracking techniques to the four, especially inferring possible dangers nearby based on some unremarkable clues around them. and monsters.

These things can't be learned in books, so the four of them listened very carefully, unknowingly, they were about to cross the outer edge of the Tianduan Forest, and at this time, they hadn't found any trace of the Iron-armed Gray Ape.

Seeing the real Tianduan Forest not far ahead, Ye Yuntian frowned slightly, it was a restricted area, even if he had the Nine Layers of Spiritual Seals, he would not dare to break in at will, so the search could only stop here.

I don't know if the other two aristocratic families have encountered the iron-armed gray ape, but it seems that the five of them came here for nothing today.

Just when Ye Yuntian was about to lead the four children back, an angry roar sounded from far away. The five of them were startled at the same time, and hurriedly followed the sound, and found that the sound came from Tianduan Forest among.

Ye Long immediately said excitedly: "Uncle, is this the cry of the iron-armed gray ape? It seems to be not far ahead!"

Ye Long only had five spiritual seals, so logically speaking, he shouldn't have come, but he had the Spirit Pill Bow, and he had been stalking him, so he had no choice but to bring him along.

Ye Yuntian pricked up his ears to listen carefully, and after a while, there were several consecutive roars, and this sound came from the mouth of the iron-armed gray ape.

Although it was confirmed that this was the cry of the Iron-armed Gray Ape, but it happened to be within the inner circle of the Tianduan Forest, which made Ye Yuntian fall into a dilemma.

If you find the target, you don't want to hunt it, you really don't want to, but if you go to hunt it, you have to break into the forbidden area, the inner circle of Tianduan Forest.

Ye Long didn't care about this, and said excitedly: "Uncle, what are we waiting for, if the Luo family and the Lin family hear it, then it will not be our turn."

The boss Ye Ming also echoed: "Father, let's go and have a look!"

Although Ye Dong and Ye Ling didn't speak, the expressions on their faces were full of eagerness to try.

Ye Yuntian pondered for a while, thinking, the truly powerful monsters are hidden in the depths of the forest, we just entered the inner circle a little distance away, so nothing will happen!

After a while, Ye Yuntian finally nodded and said: "Okay, let's go and have a look, but after entering the forbidden area, no one is allowed to leave three meters away from me, otherwise the family law will serve me!"

Even Ye Ming, who is over [-] years old, can't help but shudder when he hears the word family law, let alone Ye Dong and others, so everyone nodded hurriedly, expressing that they would never leave Ye Yuntian three meters away.

In this way, Ye Yuncai led the four of them cautiously towards the inner circle of Tianduan Forest.

The roar of the iron-armed gray ape still resounded from time to time, and the further one walked in, the clearer the roar became, indicating that the distance between everyone and it was rapidly approaching.

However, there is a faint smell of blood, which is carried along the direction of the wind. In addition, there is little sunlight in the forest, and the ghostly aura is gloomy. For those who are less timid, just standing on the edge of the forest will feel a sense of terror.

Now, Ye Yuntian felt a little regretful in his heart, he should not have ventured into the inner circle of the forest with his four children, in case something happened to someone, he would not want to live.

It is a pity that it was too late to regret, because the five people saw almost at the same time, about 50 meters away from the five people, there was a black ape with a height of more than two meters and an extremely burly figure. With a fierce look, he stared at himself and the others viciously.

This is the fourth-grade monster, the iron-armed gray ape!

Finally seeing the goal of this trip, Ye Yuntian quickly calmed down and began to arrange everyone's actions: "Ye Dong is the main attacker, Ye Ming and Ye Ling are assisting Ye Dong, Ye Long stays by my side, and uses the spirit pill bow to attack from a distance. !"

Before leaving, the old man specifically explained that the main purpose of this hunting was to let Ye Dong get exercise, that's why there was such an arrangement.

Except for Ye Long who was a little bit dissatisfied, the other three had already quickly got into their positions. Ye Dong was in the front, Ye Ming and Ye Ling were separated on the left and right, arranged in a triangle, and prepared to rush towards the Iron-armed Gray Ape.

But at this moment, Ye Yuntian suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Slow down!"

Ye Ming and Ye Ling turned around to look at their father in confusion, but only Ye Dong's face was solemn, and his ears were also fluttering slightly, because he knew why Ye Yuntian would stop himself and others.

A very slight sound of footsteps came from behind the iron-armed gray ape. No one else heard it yet, but Ye Dong and Ye Yuntian heard it almost at the same time.

And when everyone heard it, the owner of the footsteps had already appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, except for Ye Dong, the other four all changed their colors together, even Ye Yuntian was no exception.

Because, behind that iron-armed gray ape, four more iron-armed gray apes suddenly appeared!

A total of five iron-armed gray apes, ten blood-red eyes, staring greedily at the five humans in front of them!

How could there be five iron-armed gray apes!

Ye Yuntian's forehead was already covered with cold sweat!

Didn't the order from the city lord say that there is only one?How come there are four more?

At this time, Ye Yuntian had no extra time to think about what was going on, because he had more important things to do.

The five iron-armed gray apes and the five members of the Ye family seem to be evenly matched in number, but not in terms of strength.

First of all, Ye Long is the weakest person. Even if he has a spirit pill bow, he can only shoot three spirit pills. Besides, the iron-armed gray ape is characterized by high defense and strength, and the three spirit pills hit them. It must not be fatal!

Secondly, apart from Ye Yuntian and Ye Ming, the three of Ye Dong have no actual combat experience. Maybe Ye Ming and Ye Dong can take over two with their respective seven-layer spirit seals, but it is absolutely impossible for Ye Ling to single out one. Only.

After a quick analysis, Ye Yuntian has already begun to issue orders: "Ye Long, you and Ye Ling will stop one in a while, Ye Dong and Ye Ming, each of you will stop one, and the remaining two will be handed over to me. Before resolving the battle, you just need to find a way to entangle them, don't fight them head-on, you know!"

"Yes!" The four agreed in unison. They all understood that this was no longer a normal family fight, but a real life-and-death battle. If you were not careful, you might lose your life.

"Okay, I'll go first!"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Yuntian suddenly let out a long howl, and at the same time, like an arrow leaving the string, he rushed to the five iron-armed gray apes in front of him.

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