Cultivator, cultivating the heart, the way is ruthless, the heart does not appreciate love, the word love is the biggest fetter, you can't see through it, you can't see it through, let it go!Let it go?

At this moment, the words that his senior brother left him suddenly appeared in Ye Dong's mind.

It turned out that the senior brother had already figured out that there would be the current situation where he and Linglong had to be separated, so he tried his best to persuade himself—let go!

But, can you let it go?

Ye Dong stretched out his hand, and gently wiped away the tears that kept dripping from Mo Linglong's face: "Linglong, you are so stupid, you should have told me these words earlier, and let me know, because I am really an idiot when it comes to feelings, but, Don't worry, I still say that, I, don't let you go, even if you die, I won't let you go!"

Before Mo Linglong could speak, Ye Dong said immediately, "This time, I respect your decision and your choice, but as you said, one day, I will come here again to pick you up, and I believe that That day is not too far away!"

This sentence means that Ye Dong has made a decision.

Although Ye Dong was unwilling to let Mo Linglong stay alone in the Dragon Tomb no matter what, even for a moment just now, he thought about taking Mo Linglong and all his brothers and friends back to the Four Elephant Realm and letting go of everything Everything, don't care about anything anymore, I am not a savior, even if the world collapses and the world ends, as long as Linglong can live by her side properly.

However, he can't do this. If a person is really selfish to that extent, he doesn't deserve to be called a person.

Mo Linglong listened with tears in her eyes and nodded repeatedly while listening. In fact, compared with Ye Donglai, she had greater reluctance in her heart.

"Okay, brother Ye, I'm going to break the formation!" Mo Linglong wiped away the tears on her face vigorously, and showed a bright smile at Ye Dong.

Ye Dong's throat was astringent and sore, and it was extremely difficult to spit out a word, so he just said with a thunderbolt: "Well, you go and break the formation."

Mo Linglong looked deeply at Ye Dong, and suddenly threw herself into his arms again, grabbed the skirt of Ye Dong's chest, her fingers turned white, then raised her head, and kissed Ye Dong's mouth resolutely and resolutely !

At this moment, the surrounding scenery is picturesque, and it is as quiet as the end of the world!

Mo Linglong finally left Ye Dong's arms and walked slowly into the valley, but her back gradually became blurred. After a loud "Peng" sound came, a group of dazzling red flames rushed towards the valley. skyrim.

Ye Dong stared at the flames obsessively, and could vaguely see the figure of Mo Linglong standing in the flames. At this time, Pan Chaoyang came over and said softly: "Young master, after you really enter the dragon tomb, other things Leave it to us, you, please spend more time with Linglong!"

Ye Dong didn't answer, but turned around suddenly, his eyes showed a terrifying murderous intent, he stared in one direction and said coldly: "Since you're here, come out!"

Everyone's expressions changed suddenly, and they didn't expect that someone would break in at this moment, but Ye Dong knew that those people were naturally on the Longshan outside before, and they were always closely behind him and Banruo.

The reason why it took them so long to appear was that there was some kind of formation in this valley itself, so it took them a lot of time to rush over at this moment.

Sure enough, there were ripples like the surface of water in a flowerbed full of colorful flowers, and a group of people came out from it, the leader was Ren Yunqing from the Ren family, and behind him, there were a few of Ye Dong's people. Acquaintances, such as Li Fei from the Li family, Tang Yinsha from the Tang family, and two ancient barbarians.

At the end of the crowd was a group of people dressed in black, both men and women, and their appearance was extremely ordinary. Although their faces were trying to be calm at the moment, there was a hint of fear hidden in their eyes.

Seeing this group of people, a gleam flashed in Ye Dong's eyes immediately, Dao Extermination!

They are killers who destroy Dao. They are used to hiding in the dark. At this moment, they are probably exposed to the bright side due to the influence of the environment here, which makes them feel a little uncomfortable, even fearful.

There were a total of 24 people on the other side, and Ye Dong quickly judged their identities based on their clothing.

There are six people in the Ren family, the ancient barbarians, two each from the Li family and the Tang family, and three people from the Dao killer. As for the other nine people, they should be from the chaotic sea area, or from the Zixiaotian road. Masters in some forces.

The 24 people, all of whom are definitely top players, appearing together now, for Ye Dong, the pressure is indeed enormous.

But Ye Dong is of course fearless, just when he was about to send everyone else back to the world in the painting, Pan Chaoyang calmly refused: "Young master, don't send me back this time, I am also Zixiao The realm of the sky, and they have the power to fight with them!"

Linge, Jun Aotian, and Qian Li shook their heads again and again. They have all completed the soul union, and their strength has entered Zixiaotian. Although they are much weaker than those enemies, but in the current situation, they must stand out.

Moreover, several of them have already joined the soul with Long Zi, which can be used as a trump card when necessary. If they show off their soul power, even if they are not stronger than the enemy, they should not be much weaker than the enemy, right?

Ye Dong calmly made a judgment in his heart. After all, the opponent had many people, and it was indeed difficult for him to resist so many people by himself, so he really needed help.

After thinking for a while, Ye Dong sent a voice transmission to Qian Li and Ling Ge: "Qian Li, Ling Ge, I will send the others back to the world in the painting, please both of you guard Linglong."

Then, Ye Dong said to Pan Chaoyang: "Chaoyang, I will hold them back, you find a way to arrange a few formations as soon as possible."

"Aotian, your strength is actually the strongest among them, as long as you are not harmed, you can act whatever you want!"

Ye Dong's arrangement is the most reasonable, so everyone has no objection. After quickly arranging everything, Ye Dong finally looked at the people on the opposite side, stared at Li Fei and said with a cold smile: "Patriarch Li, don't Come all right!"

Ye Dong's voice was full of disdain and contempt. If Li Jiaen had not revenged himself, if he hadn't been lucky and powerful, he would have died by now.

Li Fei, as if he didn't hear it at all, said with a sinister smile: "Ye Dong, do you want to have a relationship with me at this time? It's really a dream. You stole the forbidden pill, killed the director of the Ren family, and now broke into the dragon Tomb, today you will definitely die, but to die in the Dragon Tomb is considered a blessing for you!"

At this moment, Li Fei not only bit Ye Dong back, but also deliberately pulled out the matter of Ren Kuang's death, his vicious intentions can be seen!

Sure enough, as Li Fei's voice fell, Ren Yunqing already had a gloomy face, and walked towards Ye Dong!

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