Passing through the square hall, there turned out to be a cave that was only two people wide, and there was a step down in the cave. No one said anything, and walked down the step.

There is still boundless darkness all around, but there is the sound of whistling wind, and even faint sighs can be heard faintly, it feels like there is some terrible life hidden in the depths, Coupled with the overwhelming pressure everywhere, everyone's mood became even more tense.

I don't know how long the steps are, and they seem to have no end. After a group of people have walked for an incense stick, they are still going down.

Ye Dong's divine sense has already extended downwards, looking for Xiaoni's trace. Even himself and others feel extremely uncomfortable in this kind of place. This poor child may be scared into something.

Suddenly, Jun Aotian whispered: "Why do I feel that when I stepped on this step just now, it was like entering another world? Is it my illusion?"

"No!" It was Xue Qingge who answered him: "I also have this feeling, or this is really an independent world again, and there are boundaries within boundaries!"

Pan Chaoyang, who was walking at the end, said in a deep voice: "That's true. The cave we entered just now disappeared after we entered! If we calculate according to our speed, we have already penetrated at least 2000 meters underground."

This sentence naturally caused everyone to feel chills in their hearts, and no one spoke again, but all speeded up their pace in unison.

Finally, a corner appeared on the steps ahead, and when everyone walked through the corner, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of them. The sudden bright light stimulated everyone to close their eyes slightly, but the scene seen from the narrowed gap was quite It is to make everyone feel as if they are in a dream.

In front of me, there is a vast and boundless sea of ​​clouds, and the white and flawless clouds are like cotton, floating freely in the air.

In the sky above the sea of ​​clouds, there is a bridge of rainbow flying, and at a glance, you can't see the edge, and at the end, a round of sun hangs in the sky, emitting a bright but not dazzling light.

Everyone was stunned, looking at the scene in front of them with their mouths gaping. After a long time, Jun Ao stuttered: "Could it be, are we in the sky now? But, but we are obviously going all the way down?"

Only Ye Dong is still calm, because it reminds him of the cloud world that Fire Emperor Yehua existed in the past: "It should indeed be in the sky, and the dragon flies in the sky. Then after the death of the real dragon, bury his body." In heaven, it’s actually quite reasonable.”

"Then, the body of the real dragon is in these clouds?"

Ye Dong silently opened his yin and yang eyes, and at the same time swept towards the cloud world with almost useless spiritual thoughts, nodded after a while and said: "You are right, some of these clouds are actually not real clouds, but tombstones. , for example, this one!"

Following Ye Dong's finger, there was a cloud floating there, which was exactly the same as the surrounding clouds. If Ye Dong hadn't pointed it out, no one would have been able to spot the difference.

"Come on, let's go and have a look! There are words on it."

Ye Dong was the first to step on a cloud, it was really like stepping on cotton, although it seemed that there was no force, but it would not fall at all.

"Watch my footsteps. Wherever I step, you step on it. If you step on the tombstone, I think I should be punished."

In fact, Ye Dong's yin and yang eyes are not the only ones who can clearly see the difference between these clouds. Even those with strong spiritual sense can see the difference when they are close to these clouds.

However, because Jun Aotian sensed that a cloud was different, he wanted to take a closer look, but accidentally stepped on the air, and stepped towards that cloud.

Just when his feet were about to step on the clouds, a clear and crisp dragon chant sounded suddenly, and a beam of light soared from the cloud paper, and a huge shadow as high as a thousand feet loomed in the beam of light.

Although it is just a shadow, it is impossible to see the true appearance of the shadow, but needless to say, it must be a giant dragon, and at the same time, a supreme coercion floods the sea of ​​clouds instantly, and Jun Aotian is also immediately caught Overwhelmed to the ground, his body was crushed into powder very quickly, but fortunately at this moment Pan Chaoyang roared: "Hybrid soul!"

The dragon son Bishui suddenly rushed out from the top of Jun Aotian's head. It was strange to say that when Bishui appeared, Jun Aotian immediately felt the pressure on his body disappear, and the beam of light and the giant dragon also disappeared instantly, submerged in among the clouds.

Everyone, including Ye Dong, was crushed to the ground at the moment Long Ying appeared just now. Although they didn't face the pressure like Jun Aotian, except for Ye Dong, Mo Linglong and Hong Lang, Everyone else was slightly injured.

Ye Dong was the first to jump up, and after confirming that Mo Linglong was fine, he rushed to Jun Aotian's side, took out a few pills and fed him.

And Jun Aotian just walked away at a critical moment, although he was seriously injured, but he managed to save his life, he was afraid for a while.

It is certain that Jun Aotian almost stepped on a tombstone, and the real dragon buried in the tomb seems to have a bad temper.

Taking advantage of everyone's healing time, Ye Dong walked up to the cloud that sprang out of the dragon shadow, and posted it to carefully read the words written on it, but just as his eyes got close, he suddenly felt a burning pain. There is a vast ocean-like mighty power hidden in the words. If you don't know it, it seems that those with weaker strength may be blinded in an instant.

Ye Dong closed his eyes slightly, the sun was rising and the moon was setting in his eyes, a picture of Taiji Yin and Yang was blocked between his eyes, and he looked intently again, although the tears still couldn't stop falling, but he could barely see the words on it clearly .

Fortunately, there are not many words on it. After scanning around in a hurry, Ye Dong immediately closed his eyes and said, "No one should read it."

Seeing Ye Dong's appearance, of course no one dared to look any further, they all stared at him, waiting for him to read out the content of those words.

However, Ye Dong didn't know the dragon characters engraved on the clouds, so he just wrote down the appearance of these characters, and then started to write them in the air.

Mo Linglong stared at the dragon characters written by Ye Dong, and said word by word: "Ji Yao, guarded for 9 years, is as fierce as fire!"

I didn't expect Mo Linglong to be able to understand the characters of the Dragon Clan, but what everyone was more interested in was the characters she read out. Obviously, this is equivalent to an epitaph or something like a brief introduction to the life of the buried real dragon.

"The real dragon actually has a name, Ji Yao!" Pan Chaoyang muttered to himself, "But what does it mean to guard for 9 years? Could it be that it lived in the dragon tomb for 9 years? This time is really too long." It's long!"

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