Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 1795 4 Doubts

The Devil Emperor's message can be said to be arbitrary, writing wherever he thinks, so it seems a bit messy, but after reading all the contents of Devil Emperor Brahma's message, the room was dead silent, and everyone fell into deep thought, because they It takes time to digest.

Leaving aside Ye Dong's doubts about the Devil Emperor's acceptance of disciples, Ye Dong really found some answers, and Pan Chaoyang also summed up the content.

In short, the devil emperor Brahma entered and exited the Dragon Tomb twice. The second time, he not only took away the soul of the real dragon Jixuan, but also set up the ten-direction world formation. However, during the formation process, something happened. It was a big event, but unfortunately he was unable to complete it, so he accepted his apprentice Xuanyuan Tianjiao, which was naturally accepted after leaving the Dragon Tomb, and left a little opportunity and protection.

As for this major event, Devil Emperor Brahma did not explain it, but said that it was an extremely risky act for him to take Ji Xuan's soul away, and it would probably cause some instability in time and space in the Dragon Tomb.

This opportunity was naturally used by Xiang Tianxing, and next to the words left by the Devil Emperor, there was Xiang Tianxing's words.

And when he was about to leave the Dragon Tomb, he was restless, so he made a divination, and learned that he still had descendants who would come to the Dragon Tomb, and they didn't come here by taking advantage of the opportunity he left behind, so there would be big Dangerous, if we do not act, future generations will have their lives in danger!

The result of this hexagram made the Devil Emperor very worried. After all, what the hexagram mentioned was a long time later, so what could he do then?

But the Devil Emperor would naturally not be so reconciled, so he thought of a way to combine some things, which might solve the crisis for future generations.

That is to use some of the chaotic time and space in the Dragon Tomb, not only to leave a trace of soul power and a sealed art here, but also to let the descendants who have the opportunity to enter here, that is, cooperate with Xiang Tianxing to solve the problem together. After the crisis of the future generations, as for whether it can be achieved, it depends on God's will!

Naturally, at this point, Ye Dong's previous confusion in the valley has a reasonable answer, and the descendant in trouble that the devil emperor foretold naturally refers to Ye Dong!

What entered Ye Dong's mind was only a sliver of soul power from the Devil Emperor, and Xiang Tianxing's appearance did not really appear. He used the unstable time and space here, plus a spell sealed by the Devil Emperor that cooperated with Xiang Tianxing That's all!

The purpose of all this is to solve the life-and-death crisis that Ye Dong is facing. This crisis not only includes Zi Xiaotian's masters, but also the soul of Greedy Wolf.

The following is the message from God's Suan to Tianxing, and his message was written directly to Ye Dong.

"Junior Ziyu, before entering the Dragon Tomb, although he had already calculated one or two future events by the method of divination, after all, he had already done everything he could, but he did not expect to see Master's message here. And your news, now I know that Master's Qimen Dunjia method is also unpredictable! It's a pity that I still have the name of divine fortune-telling, and I deserve it!"

"Master left a message. Future generations are in trouble. I think this difficulty will mostly be on you. Although Master said it depends on God's will, but I believe that with Master and I working together, you will be able to get through it safely! Naturally, you It was me who came to the Dragon Tomb, and it should even include Master's deliberate doing it. As for the purpose, I think you should also understand."

"Little brother, when you see the message from Master and me, we should not be by your side, or even gone. I know you must have a lot of doubts, but the secret must not be leaked, especially for you. So I won't say too much, just tell you, no matter what path you choose, master and I, and other brothers and sisters, although we have never met each other, we are always by your side, of course, It is not a good thing to have too much obsession in your heart, and letting go may be a relief!"

Master, brother!

Ye Dong's eyes turned red all of a sudden, such deliberate planning and strategizing are all for himself. In fact, he is not fighting alone, nor is he alone, they are actually protecting us all the time!

No wonder the master's soul power appeared, so full of confidence, the things in the valley battle, one after another, just saved himself!It may seem like a coincidence, but in fact, they had already paid the price a long time ago and were anxious about their own crisis.

After standing in front of these messages for a long time, Ye Dong seemed to have lost all his strength, sat down on the ground and said: "Chaoyang, my mind is very confused now, please help me analyze the messages of master and brother!"

Pan Chaoyang nodded and said: "In fact, it boils down to four doubts. First, why is the apprenticeship of the senior devil emperor different from the apprenticeship you know about the young master? But one thing is certain, regardless of the real situation. What kind, at least your identity, young master, is definitely known and confirmed by senior Devil Emperor and senior Xiang."

This is the biggest confusion in Ye Dong's heart, but Pan Chaoyang is right, because when the master's soul power entered his body, he called himself "Dong'er", which shows that the master who is also good at divination also knows And admit that he is an apprentice.

Pan Chaoyang continued: "The second doubtful point is that if the process of accepting disciples by Senior Demon Emperor is as he said, where is he really located now? Or, he took the soul of the real dragon and went to the Dragon Tomb where?"

When he said this, Pan Chaoyang was obviously thinking about his words, for fear of irritating Ye Dong, but fortunately the latter was always very calm.

"The third question is whether it is Senior Demon Emperor or Senior Xiang, what is the purpose of letting you come to the Dragon Tomb?"

Ye Dong was silent for a moment and said, "I think I already know the purpose."

Pan Chaoyang didn't ask further, as if he had expected it long ago, but he just wanted to confirm it: "Okay, the fourth doubt is to senior, I have mentioned it twice, let the young master let go of his obsession, I think this obsession I'm afraid Nian is not just about Linglong, it should have a deeper meaning."

At this time, Mo Linglong was sitting beside Ye Dong, holding his hand, and after hearing what Pan Chaoyang said, the two looked at each other, Ye Dong smiled wryly and shook his head, "I have a lot of obsessions, Linglong , my family, and you are all my obsessions, of course, at present, the biggest obsession is naturally to find the whereabouts of Master."

When he said this, Ye Dong didn't notice the gleam of anticipation in Pan Chaoyang's eyes, but unfortunately, this gleam disappeared after Ye Dong said his words.

Ye Dong raised his head, looked at the message in front of him and said, "Senior brother, I'm sorry, no matter what obsession I have, I won't let it go. I can't let go of Linglong, I can't let go of my family, I can't let go of my brothers and friends, and you, I I can't let it go! So, after I leave the Dragon Tomb, I will enter the Conferred God War. It doesn't matter if I become a god or not. The important thing is that I will finally embark on the road of seeking immortals, find my master, and maybe I will find you too!"

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