Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 182 Destruction and Surrender

At this moment, in Ye Dong's spiritual consciousness, after the black meridian and the green meridian came into close contact, the green meridian slowly lost its bright color, as if it had been assimilated by black Generally, it also becomes black.

Thus, under the wrapping of Ye Dong's aura, the black iron tree liquid and the green Yin Yang flower liquid finally merged together perfectly, becoming a mass of pure black liquid.

At this point, Ye Dong knew that he had achieved the fusion of materials with different attributes, so he opened his eyes: "Old Yao, is that so!"

As soon as he opened his eyes, Ye Dong saw Yao Shan's big face that was almost close to his face, he was startled and said, "Old Yao, what are you doing?"

Yao Shan pointed to the black liquid that was still burning in the purple flame dragon fire, and had gradually condensed into a pill, and said, "How did you do it?"

"I used spiritual energy to inject them into them, and the force of mutual restraint was eliminated, and then they merged together."

"Are you sure you're really not using any other method?"


The facial features on Yao Shan's face were all twisted together, he could not help but grab his hair with both hands, and tugged fiercely: "This is impossible, how could such a situation happen?"

Seeing Yao Shan's tangled look, Ye Dong asked puzzledly, "Old Yao, am I doing something wrong?"

Yao Shan smiled bitterly and said, "I can't say that what you did was wrong, I can only say that your method is different from mine, and from all other alchemists."

Ye Dong was also stunned: "Then how did you do it?"

"We directly use the high temperature of the flames to forcibly destroy their opposing forces."

After thinking about it, Ye Dong understood what Yao Shan said. The refining ability of the flame depends on the temperature, so as long as the temperature is high enough, anything can be burned into liquid and turned into nothingness.

Similarly, although liquids with different attributes have mutual restraint, the temperature of the flame can still burn this mutual restraint into nothingness.

"Mr. Yao, your method is actually similar to mine, except that I use spiritual energy to dispel it, while you use flame!"

"No, no, no!" Yao Shan shook his head again and again, "Our method is to destroy, but your method is to integrate, which is completely different! And obviously your method is more clever."

If the two liquids are compared to two countries, and the meridians in the liquid are the people, then Yao Shan’s method is to destroy these people and kill them with high-temperature flames, but keep their bodies. A country with corpses will naturally not have any resistance, so that the two countries can be merged together to obtain a new country that is empty but full of corpses.

Ye Dong's method is different. When his aura enters the two countries, he does not kill their people, but makes them submit to him, so that they are fused together willingly. A new country for the people.

In comparison, of course, Ye Dong's method is much more clever, and it should even be said that his method has achieved the real purpose of merging different attributes!

Because the people represent their own attributes in the liquid, the methods of other alchemists, to put it bluntly, are to weaken their own attributes, which is the fundamental reason why alchemists fail in refining medicine!

The property of the material is weakened, which will naturally affect the efficacy of the final medicine. If you are lucky, although the property of the material is weakened, it still has the medicinal effect, so the alchemy will be successful.

If you are unlucky, the weakening of the material properties will lead to insufficient efficacy of the medicine, then the alchemy will naturally fail.

However, Ye Dong's method can completely retain the properties of the material, so the final refined medicine is naturally full of efficacy, and there is no such thing as failure at all!

After Yao Shan's detailed explanation, Ye Dong finally understood, and Yao Shan sighed, and said in an envious tone: "Young master, although I don't know why your aura can voluntarily fuse different attributes, but you do You are a natural pharmacist, because the elixir refined by your hands will be [-]% successful, and with the blood of the blood prison, it can make the elixir become extremely... Sigh!"

Under the strong envy, jealousy and hatred, Yao Shan's self-esteem was also hit hard, so that he was a little sluggish!

"This..." Ye Dong was tongue-tied, not knowing how to comfort Yao Shan.

"Let's not talk about this, young master, you can directly start refining the Lingyin Golden Pill. As long as the process steps are correct, I can't calculate the time, but in the final result, I can guarantee that you will be able to successfully refine all of them. Spirit Seal Golden Elixir!"

Originally, Yao Shan actually wanted to warn Ye Dong that the key to attribute fusion is not the same type of material, but the fusion of Yaodan and other types of materials. After all, the attributes of Yaodan are much stronger than other materials, but He felt that there was no need for this, no matter how strong the attribute was, Ye Dong's aura should be able to easily make him surrender!

Facts have proved that Yao Shan's guess is extremely correct!

It took Ye Dong a whole month to finally complete the refinement of ten Lingyin Golden Pills. Apart from resting for three days due to lack of spiritual energy, there was no accident!

09 Looking at the ten spiritual seal golden elixirs in front of him, Yao Shan said again in a sour tone: "That's right, all of them are extremely high. After taking them, the success rate of breaking through is as high as [-]%. Young master, you might as well refine them in the future." Dust body golden pill, the effect is even more shocking!"

09 Ye Dong was immersed in the joy of alchemy success, when he heard Yao Shan's words, he was startled and said, "The golden elixir of the dusty body? Could it be possible to condense the dusty body after persuasion?"

09 Yao Shan nodded and said, "Yes!"

09 "There is such a golden elixir, Mr. Yao, why didn't you tell me earlier, if I knew, I would directly refine the mortal body golden elixir."

09 Ye Dong was extremely excited. If he could refine the mortal body golden elixir, then his grandfather would be able to break through and become a master of the mortal body!

09 In fact, Ye Dong has always been most worried about his grandfather. Although the ten-fold spiritual seal has reached the state of Dzogchen in the spiritual seal state, compared with the dusty state, there is a difference between heaven and earth. The most basic manifestation is the life span above.

09 The maximum lifespan in the Spirit Seal Realm is [-] years, but in the Dust Body Realm it can reach [-] years, which is more than twice as long!

09 Ye Yuanjun is about to be a centenarian. Although his life expectancy is still a full hundred years, compared with 500 years, the difference is too great. If it is really possible for his grandfather to condense his body and become a master of the world, then Ye Dong is willing to give any price.

09 It's just that he has always thought that there is no way, but there is still the existence of the golden elixir.

09 Yao Shan smiled wryly and said, "Young Master, although the refining method of the Dust Body Golden Pill is similar to that of the Lingyin Golden Pill, the materials are even more difficult to find. Not to mention anything else, just the fifth-grade Spirit Demon Pill , it is already rare, anyway, I have never seen a fifth-rank spirit beast! And even if I see it, there are probably not many people who can kill a fifth-rank spirit beast!"

09 The flame of hope that had just ignited in Ye Dong's heart was immediately extinguished by Yao Shan's words.

09 What is the concept of a fifth-grade spirit beast?

09 What kind of realm is required to kill a fifth-grade spirit beast?

09 Even if the red wolf is a mutated first-grade spirit beast, even the fifth-layer tiger elder is extremely afraid of him!

09 However, Ye Dong suddenly thought of the great natural treasure that Wang Jinqiao said, the boundless sea, and there might be fifth-grade spirit beasts in it.

09 As for killing fifth-rank spirit beasts, you can easily kill fifth-rank monsters in your dusty body, so if you can cultivate to the dusty state mentioned by Grandpa Liu, you should be able to kill fifth-rank spirit beasts!

09 This idea ignited a little spark of hope in the flame that had just been extinguished in Ye Dong's heart!


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