Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 1854 The Return of the Great Sage

The trip to the Ten Thousand Demon Realm finally came to a successful conclusion, and when Ye Dong subdued the dragon, a teleportation array appeared inexplicably in the huge valley where they were, and sent all of them directly away from the Ten Thousand Demon Realm to a new world. world.

However, just after appearing in this world, before everyone can react, even everyone including the King of Humans felt a terrifying pressure, instantly crushing them to the ground, if it wasn't for the Great Holy War Jiu Tian reacted quickly, if he propped up a protective shield with his own strength and enveloped everyone, it was certain that no one could survive except himself.

As for the reason, Zhan Jiutian has already pointed it out with a serious expression: "This is the realm of the fifth Dao! It is equivalent to the world composition of the eighth heaven Jing Xiaotian!"

The fifth realm of Dao is formed by the fusion of two realms of Fourth Dao, and the realm of Fourth Dao is the fusion of two realms of Third Dao. At the beginning, Ye Dong felt great pressure in the realm of Third Dao. You don't need to be in the Five Realms anymore, so even the Human King can't bear the natural coercion that exists in this world.

The human king got up from the ground with a wry smile on his face, shook his head and said: "It seems that the trial of the Conferred God War is really fair. In order to prevent those with high strength from protecting those with low strength, the teleportation formation will automatically Choose the destination according to the realm of the most powerful person in the group."

Obviously, the reason why everyone came to this world is entirely thanks to the Nine Heavens of the Holy War.

The Great Sage nodded and said: "I have also learned about the Conferred God War in depth. It is indeed the case. I will find the teleportation array in this world later and send you away separately. Before that, little brother!"

Ye Dong hurried over and looked at the Great Sage with excitement on his face. You must know that he had seen the suicide note left by the Great Sage with his own eyes, but now he didn't expect that the Great Sage was not dead, and even more so when they met again. This is of extraordinary significance to him, and it makes him firmly believe that the obsession he insists on may not be a mistake.

Next, Ren Wang and Ye Dong respectively told the things they experienced in this life without reservation, but Ye Dong deliberately covered up the conversation after the appearance of the master's soul before.

The Great Sage listened quietly, with a calm expression all the time, until he heard that he had descendants alive in the world, and was accepted as a disciple by Ye Dong, and even entered the Nine Heavens Holy Land opened by him to break through. There was a flash of relief.

After the two of them finished speaking, the Great Sage also gave a rough account of his experience.

In fact, there are many rumors about the great sage's deeds in the nine heavens, even if the Tiandi Palace from all walks of life are desperately suppressing it, but such a super strong man full of legends can't hide much even if he wants to hide it.

Therefore, the great sage mainly narrated some things about the blood prison. As Ye Dong had guessed, Zhan Jiutian obtained the "Yi Ren Yu" in the Sutra of Different Ways, and thus used the skills of "Blood Sea Fighting the Way of Heaven" Completion, thus possessing unparalleled combat power, and becoming the strongest in the Blood Prison sect other than Demon Emperor Brahma.

When listening to the narration of his brother, the great sage, Ye Dong couldn't hide his excitement, because he had almost obtained the complete "Different Dao Jing" now, and there may be some missing ones, but it is definitely the most complete among all the same sects!

"Even if I completed the exercises, I was no longer at my peak at that time, and my lifespan was not long, so I wanted to use my last strength to open the gate of Shenxiaotian, but unfortunately, I failed in the end, so Caught by a god, plucked out my soul, and thrown into a sprite's dream."

"Although it made me live for tens of thousands of years in a daze, it also improved my lifespan! Moreover, I'm afraid they would never have imagined that I would be able to reappear one day!"

"Senior Brother Six, what about your physical body?" Human King asked with concern.

The great sage suddenly raised his head and looked at the distant sky, his eyes shone with divine light: "It should still be in the heaven of heaven, because I can still feel it!"

Ye Dong frowned and said, "Senior Brother Six, what are you going to do next?"

"Gather a physical body first!"

As soon as the words fell, hundreds of light spots suddenly lit up on the soul of the great sage. Naturally, they were all the acupoints he had opened up, and Ye Dong and the human king's spiritual thoughts swept away, and they couldn't help being shocked, because the big sage Jihad Nine Heavens has opened up a total of [-] acupuncture points!

In other words, there are only [-] acupuncture points left that have not been opened, and according to his words, it is not that he cannot open the last [-] acupuncture points, but that his lifespan was running out at that time, but now, since he is in the In the dreamland, if the longevity is improved, then as long as it takes time, all the acupuncture points will be opened up and enter the state of Dzogchen.

Although the three brothers and sisters don't know what it will be like after opening all the acupuncture points, they will at least be one step closer to the god position, and they may even become a god directly!

Either way, it's something to look forward to!

A red wave of air flowed out from the seven hundred acupuncture points on the great sage's soul, combined together to form a cloud of red mist, which turned into blood sky patterns and various avenue patterns, completely enveloping his soul until the end Condensed into a brand new physical body.

After possessing a physical body, the great sage seemed to have changed into a different person. He was full of blood like a dragon, and his agitated fighting spirit made everyone present feel terrified even when he deliberately restrained himself.

The Great Sage clenched his fists vigorously and said: "Although this physical body is not as good as my original physical body, I can only make do with it first. Gods, I am back!"

Next, everyone chatted for a while about the whereabouts of the master and other fellow disciples. Although Ye Dong had obtained the jade slips left by his senior brother Xuanyuan Tianjiao as early as in the mortal world, but because of the words of the master in the Dragon Tomb, let him He didn't know what the truth was, so he didn't say it at the moment.

In the end, the three of them agreed that the master should indeed have entered the road of seeking immortals, and the King of People also guessed that the eighth senior brother, who was planning to go to the sky, should have faked his death and hid in the underworld, while the other disciples had a great possibility of still surviving in the world. world!

This is great news for everyone!

After deliberation, everyone finally decided that they could only leave through the teleportation array, and see you in the final Conferred God Realm.

Although this method is indeed a bit helpless, no matter who is with whom, if the difference in strength is too large, it will bring the weaker person into a high-level environment, which is really harmful but not beneficial.

In the end, Ye Dong also gave the "Different Dao Jing" he knew to the two senior brothers respectively. This was a priceless gift for them and made them extremely happy.

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