Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 186 A Wonderful Movement

Looking at the huge mansion in front of him, which covers an area of ​​at least one hundred acres, Ye Dong has a deeper understanding of the concept of millennium inheritance.

Even the new home that my Ye family is building now is only one-fifth of this manor.

But this is not because the Ye family has no money to build such a large area, but because they don't have enough strength and manpower!

It's easy to build a home, but hard to keep it!

Take the Luoyingzong in front of us as an example, with an area of ​​a hundred acres, even if there is one person standing on one acre of land, it takes a full hundred people, and how can there be only one person on an acre of land? Along the way, there are at least a dozen open posts and secret posts.

If the Ye family also built such a large mansion, it would be extremely difficult to find someone, let alone arrange enough people to guard and protect it.

Therefore, the bigger the home, the harder it is to keep it.

With the strength of the two of them, the guard disciples at the gate of the villa who only had the realm of the sixth-level spirit seal could not find them at all. They easily climbed over the courtyard wall and truly entered the Luoyingzong.

Beforehand, Ye Dong had already learned about the internal structure of the Luoyingzong in detail from the brothers of the Li family, so he walked all the way until a four- to five-meter-high wall suddenly appeared in front of him.

Ye Dong whispered: "The brothers of the Li family have come to this point, they are the inner courtyard of the Luoyingzong. Because they are not trusted by Yang Qing, they have never entered."

"Young master, what should we do now?"

Ye Dong frowned and said: "There is no other way, but to sneak in, but I don't know what's going on inside, and I calculated just now, the area of ​​the inner courtyard is not much smaller than the area we just passed by. It’s really difficult to inquire about some news!”

Hou Jian suddenly showed a mysterious smile and said: "Young master, since you have brought me here, then I can't let you down, you wait for me here, I'll go and see!"

"How are you going? I'll be with you!" Ye Dong whispered hastily.

"Hey, young master, it's not that I look down on you, you can't be with me, don't worry, young master, I'm very good at this kind of sneaky things!"

This sentence made Ye Dong think of Hou Jian's pretending to be a thief, and he was curious: "Then how are you going to get in?"

"Young master, watch it!"

As Hou Jian's voice fell, his dusty body appeared above his head, a black scurrying mole the size of a palm, and at the same time, the surface of his body was quickly covered with a powerful aura that would not disperse .

Blinking at Ye Dong, Hou Jian suddenly disappeared from Ye Dong's eyes!


09 This is much more clever than the horned mud cow entering the sea. The mud cow entering the sea can only drill into the ground, and the distance it can travel is limited. It is not at the same level as the ground operation.

09 However, the ground movement technique is a physical combat technique, and the mud cow entering the sea is an attack combat technique, in fact, there is no comparison!

09 A light flashed in Ye Dong's eyes. He really didn't expect Hou Jian to have the ability to travel underground, but he figured it out right away.

Isn't the strength of the gopher is to make holes and escape, and these two abilities have also been mastered by Hou Jian to the extreme!

Although Ye Dong really didn't pay attention to Hou Jian's dusty body at the beginning, after all, the dusty body is a mouse, which not only looks unattractive, but also makes people feel that he has little ability, but at this moment, seeing Hou Jian's body After the incident, Ye Dong suddenly changed his attitude, and at the same time realized that anyone who can condense a dusty body, no matter what his dusty body is, must not be underestimated.

Because you don't know what kind of special abilities the other party's mortal body will bestow on the owner!

Ye Dong's spiritual sense could still closely follow Hou Jian who was walking underground just now, but in the blink of an eye, he had already lost Hou Jian's position, which naturally made him a little anxious. Hou Jian sacrificed himself entirely for himself. It's dangerous, and his strength is not too high, if something happens in the inner court, it is impossible for him to know.

However, he didn't have the ability to perform earth skills. In desperation, Ye Dong quietly crossed the four or five meter high wall, and jumped into the inner courtyard like a ghost.

At this moment, a group of ten patrolling guards passed by him, scaring him into a cold sweat.

Fortunately, the guards did not realize that there was already an uninvited guest in the inner courtyard at this moment, so they continued to move forward according to their usual patrol route.

After the group of patrolling guards went away, Ye Dong's whole body bounced up, and his body skills had reached the limit of the limit, like a gust of wind, quickly passing distance after distance, until he appeared in front of him. A huge brightly lit square came to a halt.

Huge burning torches that are as thick as an arm are placed around the square, illuminating the place extremely brightly. There are guard posts in the four corners, and behind the square is an endless courtyard, which should be the entire building. Yingzong's core.

However, if he wanted to enter the courtyard, he had to pass through this square, but under such brilliant lights, unless Ye Dong could really turn into the wind, he would definitely be discovered.

Coupled with the huge area of ​​the square, no matter how fast Ye Dong was, he couldn't deal with the four guard posts that were at least a hundred meters apart at the same time.

In desperation, Ye Dong could only find a shadow and hide. While amplifying his spiritual knowledge to the limit, he also increased the spiritual energy that had been gathering near his ears.

Although Ye Dong has been working on opening the Ermen acupoint all the time, but he has been busy refining the Lingyin Golden Elixir for the past month, so naturally he has not focused, so the Ermen acupoint has not been opened yet.

Now, he increases the aura on his ears not because he hopes to get through the ear door acupoint, but because he wants to be able to hear farther. After all, the distance from which his aura can be released is still extremely limited, and a mere few tens of meters does not even pass through the entire square. .

As a huge amount of aura filled the ears, Ye Dong obviously felt a slight tingling pain from the two ear door acupoints. He guessed that it should be due to the increase in aura, which caused the power to stimulate the ear door acupoints to increase, but now he His attention was completely focused on the surrounding environment, so he temporarily ignored the pain.

Ye Dong closed his eyes, and focused all his attention on his ears. He saw his ears trembling slightly, as if there were a pair of invisible hands gently stroking his ears. ears.

The first thing that reaches the ears is the slight sound of the night wind blowing. Gradually, the volume of the sound gradually increases and intensifies until it becomes a whistling wind, just like the original gentle night wind suddenly blowing. It turned into a violent hurricane.

However, Ye Dong knew that Night Breeze was still gentle, and it was only because of his enhanced hearing that the sound he heard was amplified to an extremely exaggerated level.

09 After a while, the sound of the wind suddenly died down, followed by a series of equally loud and extremely chaotic sounds, as if many kinds of sounds were mixed together.

09 Ye Dong's brows were tightly frowned, and he worked hard to distinguish each sound carefully amidst the loud bang.

09 Gradually, Ye Dong's brows slowly relaxed, because he had gradually sorted out those noisy and chaotic voices one by one.

09 The sound of unknown insects flapping their wings in the grass;

09 The sound of several earthworms wriggling and moving forward under the soil;

The sound of the flames of the torch suddenly bursting above the 09 square;


09 All the voices combined into a beautiful movement, and the huge aura condensed near Ye Dong's ears began to beat regularly with the footsteps of the movement.

09 The pleasant feeling instantly wrapped Ye Dong's body and mind completely, making him completely forget his current environment and immerse himself in the world of sound.

09 "Boom!"

09 Accompanied by two explosions that sounded in his mind almost at the same time, the two ear gate points suddenly opened up!

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