"It's... Death Qi, Battle Qi, Golden Qi, Dark Qi, Devil Qi, Monster Qi..."

Ye Dong discerned the feeling brought by the ten thousand traces of gas one by one.

Although the number is tens of thousands, many of them have the same aura, which will automatically merge into one after entering Ye Dong's body.

After careful identification, Ye Dong judged that there are at least a hundred types of qi, some of which he cannot distinguish at all.

"Since these are the qi of gods, each kind of qi obviously represents a god. There are hundreds of kinds, so there are hundreds of gods?"

This thought shocked Ye Dong. He originally thought that gods definitely existed, but there were only a dozen of them at most, but now there are hundreds of them, which really overturned his imagination!

However, think about it again, are there many gods with hundreds of gods?

The number of monks in the nine heavens, the world of thousands of mortals, the human race, the blood race, the monster race, and the world, combined, is more than trillions, and among so many monks, after a long period of time, only a few hundred monks appeared in the end. God, the probability of this is actually very, very small!

After a little calculation, I am afraid that only one god can appear among 100 billion monks!

You must know that in the mortal world, the total number of monks in a world does not exceed a million, or even a few hundred.

Therefore, strictly speaking, there are only hundreds of gods in total, not many!

When these divine qi gathered into hundreds of paths, Ye Dong could immediately feel that each path of divine qi carried a huge impact force, rampaging in his body, and wherever it passed, it would always bring Although there are not many granular black things, there are thousands of them!

These black things, under the impact of the divine energy, would overflow from every part of Ye Dong's body, forming a greasy, sticky black mass.

This is impurities, it is garbage!

Ye Dong who practiced "Yi Ren Yu" knew that the human body is known as the gate of all wonders and has endless potential, but it is extremely difficult to tap. The reason is because of these impurities, these garbage!

They are invisible to the naked eye and unperceivable by the mind, but they actually exist in various places in the body.

People who practice body have the theory of washing the marrow and cutting the tendons, which actually means to clean out the impurities and garbage in the body;

When every mortal becomes a celestial being and experiences a catastrophe, the power of thunder and lightning in the catastrophe will baptize the body of the surviving catastrophe, and the purpose is also to clean out these impurities and garbage.

Every time some impurities and garbage are reduced, people can tap more potential, and their strength will naturally increase accordingly.

Cultivation is to undergo rebirth again and again until the impurities and garbage in the body are completely cleaned out.

Ye Dong started with acupuncture points, specializing in acupuncture points. Every time he opens up an acupuncture point, the impurities in the acupuncture points will be flushed out of his body, so his physical body is much stronger than other monks. However, now, under the impact of these divine qi Underneath, the surface of his body was already covered with a layer of this impurity.

It is conceivable what kind of situation will be in the body of other monks.

Now, everyone has stopped their actions, but all pay close attention to Ye Dong. Naturally, Ye Dong's momentum and realm are also climbing at an unimaginable speed.

Ye Dong's eyes were closed tightly, his face was pale, and his body was trembling slightly, because the feeling of cleaning up impurities was quite painful, but the result obtained was quite worthwhile, so Ye Dong gritted his teeth and endured it.

At the same time, Xu Ling, who was standing on the ten thousand-foot city wall, slowly shook his head, and the two sun-like rays of light in his eyes gradually dimmed, and finally closed his eyes, as if he didn't want to see it anymore. Ye Dong is the same.

The pain started to intensify, making Ye Dong gradually unbearable, so he had to think about other things to divert his attention.

"The Battle of the Conferred Gods, although it is indeed cruel, can really make people become gods in one step. In addition to the continuous fighting that can improve the strength of each entrant, each checkpoint is also hidden with great opportunities. If anyone can discover and obtain these opportunities, then it is really nothing short of reborn."

"This is the first checkpoint. According to what Xu Ling said, there will be three such checkpoints in total. If you get all the opportunities hidden in the three checkpoints, I believe that even a mortal can become a god in one step!"

Although Ye Dong had already thought of this, he still had a question in his heart, that is, according to what he knew about the gods, it seemed that they shouldn't have such good intentions.

The Battle of the Conferred Gods is indeed cruel, but it is not an extravagant hope to become a god in one step. Let a monk save tens of thousands of years and become a god in one step. Did the gods of all life make it?

No, there must be other purposes in it!

The emergence of this idea made Ye Dong startled suddenly, and hurriedly began to use his spiritual energy to forcibly gather the aura of hundreds of gods who were still rampaging in his body.

Although the divine energy can clean up the impurities in the body, Ye Dong was even more worried that if he allowed the impact of the divine energy to continue, it would cause irreparable damage to himself.

There is no doubt about the power of the divine aura, so when Ye Dong wanted to use his aura to restrain these divine auras, the process was even more painful and naturally very difficult!

At this moment, Xu Ling on the ten thousand-foot city wall suddenly opened his eyes again. Although there was no dazzling light in his eyes, there were two groups of flames burning fiercely.

"Has he found out? Will he be like me? Will he make it?"

Xu Ling didn't know that his hands had already been clenched unconsciously, and he leaned forward slightly, showing his anxious state at a glance.


Amidst Ye Dong's screams full of pain, a huge force surged out of his body crazily. The Primordial Sword Tower appeared on its own initiative, hanging down the primordial energy, suspended above his head, and the Taichi Yin-Yang diagram rushed. Out of the eyes, imprinted outside the primordial vitality, even the Guangwu Ding, which hadn't reacted for a long time, appeared along with it.

At this moment, Ye Dong didn't hold back any more, and all his true strength was displayed, so that the sky above Xiongguan began to rumble and thunder, and clouds slowly floated from nowhere, because Ye Dong His dao pattern is slowly taking off his golden coat, revealing his original multi-colored true colors, which is his own dao!

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