Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 1939 9 Magic Knife

Ye Dong's calm face made people feel suffocated, and although he was talking to Tang Xiao, his eyes and his divine sense were not on Tang Xiao at all, but focused on Tang Xiao. The entire four-dimensional world, and the life that is still alive in it.

Without the engulfment of the black mist, although some people survived, but too many of their relatives, fellow disciples, and siblings died in the mist.

Many lives that had recovered from the shock almost simultaneously let out cries of grief.





Tang Xiao really planned to completely wipe out the entire Four Elephant Realm, so his poisonous mist also came out with all its strength. Although it didn't last long, it was completely irresistible to mortals and monks. devoured a lot of life.

Probably nine out of ten lives in the Four Elephant Realm!

The dead are not simply human beings, but monks, but all things with intelligence and spirituality!

Nine out of ten, if it is converted into a number, this is definitely an extremely large number, and it may even reach hundreds of millions.

Even the aura-filled environment suitable for life cultivation that Ye Dong changed for the Four Elephants Realm in these years has been completely reversed again.



The entire Four Elephant Realm is now filled with these two gases, just like the Dead Soul Mountain back then.

If the former Four Symbols Realm was a thriving young man full of vitality, then in this moment, its vitality has been completely exhausted, and it has become a dying old man, who has reached the end of his life , the moment may come to a complete end.

That's what Ye Dong's gaze and divine sense are looking at now!

Although Ye Dong thought to himself that he was not a good person, he had done the killing of clans and massacres, but he killed the people who deserved to be killed and slaughtered people who deserved to die. He never killed innocent people indiscriminately!

Those miserable cries stimulated his heart. The vast land and all withered things made his blood boil.

Especially the Ye family!

For everyone except Ye Chen, the look of despair in their eyes and faces at this moment is like a catastrophe, one after another, they fell on his heart one after another, smashing him to pieces.

Because, all of this originated from him!

Family love, friendship, nostalgia, all emotions at this moment also deeply impacted Ye Dong's soul, so that the layers of mist that shrouded Dao Heart began to dissipate layer by layer until the thin Thin final layer.

It's a pity that the power of love has also reached its extreme, unable to break through the last layer of shackles. Therefore, Ye Dong still failed to regain his Dao heart.

However, it doesn't matter anymore, it really doesn't matter anymore!

No matter what he was missing, Ye Dong didn't bother to care about it for the time being!

Although he has supernatural powers all over the world, he can't bring the dead back to life. Those who die are really dead, and there is no possibility of resurrection. Therefore, what he has to do now is to replace his relatives and the millions of people who died. Ten thousand lives, avenge the entire Four Elephant Realm!

A river of blood suddenly hung upside down like a galaxy, and rolled directly towards the Ye family. In the bloody light, there was a touch of green light, enveloping all the Ye family.

This is the wood-type holy soldier's enlightenment branch!

Under Wu Daozhi's astonishing healing power, all the injuries of the Ye family members were healing at an extremely fast speed, but Ye Dong was unable to heal the horror they experienced just now.

Heart disease can only be treated with heart medicine!

It would be a good thing for them if they could get out of that terrifying shadow of loneliness, at least it would allow their cultivation and their realm to improve again.

However, if they can't make it out, then their road of cultivation will come to an end here!

Not only is it impossible to save any more, but it may even fall down, even if it becomes a mortal, it is not impossible!

In this regard, Ye Dong is also powerless!

However, the only thing that comforted Ye Dong was Ye Yu.

This descendant of the Ye family whom he decided to give him a good fortune, at the critical moment, remained calm in the face of danger, and was able to not be confused by external forces, and still maintain a clear heart. It is conceivable that he will become a great weapon in the future.

Looking at the Ye family who had gradually come to their senses, Ye Dong couldn't help but recall what happened when he left the Ye family for the first time in his mind.

At that time, the two great families united with the Indian orcs and launched a massacre against the Ye family.

Although I and the red wolf rushed back at the critical moment, I regretted it afterwards and took all the faults on myself.

Thanks to Ye Yuanjun's repeated reassurance, he gradually untied his knot.

But now, after more than 50 years, this scene is happening again.

What's more, this time he was already a heavenly being, but the pain suffered by the Ye family was even more tragic than last time.

Looking at his grandfather Ye Yuanjun who was staring at him, Ye Dong said slowly: "As practitioners, we must not bully the weak, but this does not mean that we will be bullied by others. People will not offend me, I will not offend others, but if others take the initiative If it provokes us, then we will not only accept it, but also fight back with a more aggressive posture."

"Grandpa, this is what you told me back then. Dong'er will always remember it in his heart. Today, Dong'er will show you, the Ye family, and all living beings in the entire Four Elephant Realm. I, Ye Dong, how did you fight back with a more aggressive posture!"

"Heaven, if you want to destroy me, I will go against the sky, Dao, if you want to destroy me, I will go against the way!"

Ye Dong looked up to the sky and looked at the black and white scene above his head that combined the void and the sky, and squeezed out these words from between his teeth.

"Ye Dong!"

Tang Xiao yelled again. Obviously, he noticed that Ye Dong didn't see him at all, and he just ignored him. This feeling of being ignored made him very uncomfortable.

Ye Dong lowered his head slowly, his eyes finally turned to Tang Xiao, and a faint smile suddenly appeared on his face: "From now on, your Tang family, descendants of demon gods, will gradually disappear from this world. No one, no god can save you, today, it starts with you!"

"Hahaha!" Tang Xiao's eyes sparkled, and he laughed loudly. Amidst the laughter, black mist rose around his body again.

In the mist, nine black knives gradually emerged, surrounding him, as if they were still, motionless.

"Ye Dong, take my Nine Demon Knife first!"

Accompanied by Tang Xiao's sinister laugh, the nine black knives floating around him suddenly trembled slightly, and a sharp and strong knife aura instantly broke through the black mist.

"The first magic knife, cut the body!"

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