Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 2114 I am the Variable

All Pan Chaoyang and Ye Dong's attention was focused on the boy who broke out of the cocoon from the seed, and then grew rapidly with all the vitality of this world as nourishment.

However, Fu Wen Ye Dong's attention was always focused on Pan Chaoyang. He hated this guy who was also very familiar with him and made him feel so embarrassed all his life. Between Pan Chaoyang's eyebrows.

"Hey, without the formation, it turns out that you are just a waste!"

After Ye Dong got the rune, he laughed loudly, but his voice stopped abruptly in the middle of the laugh, because he felt Ye Dong's calm but majestic eyes, although there was no murderous look, it made his heart jump. Had to shut up.

At this moment, Pan Chaoyang smiled slightly, and a hint of relief flashed in the depths of his eyes, but it was fleeting, but he looked at Ye Dong fixedly.

Ye Dong strode over, stood less than one meter in front of Pan Chaoyang, and said in a deep voice, "Why!"

He has already asked the Seven Sons of Cangming, Red Wolf, Zhou Longcheng, and Prajna about this question, but the answers of each of them not only failed to satisfy Ye Dong, but only increased his anger. .

So much so that he no longer cared about the real answer to the question, as if it had become a fixed habit, he had to ask this question again every time he killed a former brother or friend.

Pan Chaoyang pointed his finger in one direction, just about to speak, but at this moment, there was a loud "boom", a wave of violent force came from all directions, the sky began to fall, the earth began to collapse, and the mountains began to crumble , the river began to flow backwards, and the death of this world finally officially came!

At this moment, above the sky where countless huge black holes had already been exposed, there was a sudden terrifying coercion, and a huge arm descended from the sky!

Ye Dong has seen this arm for the third time, and it is the arm of the Taoist God, which made his pupils shrink. He thought it was the Taoist God who wanted to take him away, and he was about to use the Vientiane Returning Arm almost immediately. The meta map is up.

However, Pan Chaoyang, who was bleeding all over his face, opened his mouth suddenly, perhaps because he was too anxious, which made his expression look extremely ferocious and said: "Young master, don't, that is your last chance, he is not here to deal with you, he is here It is my lifeline, I finally understand, I understand!"

Pan Chaoyang roared there like crazy, and his words made Ye Dong's heart move slightly, almost rushing out of the picture of Wanxiang Guiyuan between his eyebrows, and he was suppressed back abruptly.


Dao Shen's arm dropped down, suddenly raised an arc, spread five huge fingers, and sure enough, he grabbed Pan Chaoyang.

Ye Dong didn't stop him. Of course, even if he wanted to stop him, unless he used the Vientiane Guiyuan Map, he would never be able to stop him, so he just watched and recalled what Pan Chaoyang said just now in his mind.

A silver lining!

The hand of the Taoist God is Pan Chaoyang's lifeline, that is to say, the Taoist God captured Pan Chaoyang, but it gave Pan Chaoyang a lifeline, and this lifeline should naturally mean that he wants to kill him.

"Tao soul!" Ye Dong muttered to himself, "Pan Chaoyang, so you are also one of the dao souls."

The Nine Souls of Dao, the main soul Dao God wants to fully integrate the other eight souls, but unfortunately he can't even find him, so he can only rely on the almost instinctive attraction of the Taoist to the existence of Dao Souls, and always pay attention to Ye Dong. Pay attention to the creators of the Tao, and snatch lives from them that may be the reincarnation of the Tao soul!

Jian Zunjun has no regrets, the Great Holy War Nine Heavens, and Pan Chaoyang in front of him, plus what Wang Lao said, the Dao God has already found a soul, so if the three of them are really Dao souls, then it is equal to There are still five Dao souls that have not been discovered!

At this time, the giant hand of the Dao God had already grasped Pan Chaoyang, and Pan Chaoyang had no power to resist at all, or in other words, he didn't want to resist at all, so he was caught by the Dao God.

His arms began to slowly retract into the hole in the sky, and Ye Dong, as if he had suddenly come to his senses, shouted at Pan Chaoyang: "Why!"

Pan Chaoyang pointed his finger in a certain direction again, and then suddenly burst out laughing. He was in a crazy state at first, but now he smiled like this again, and there was a kind of enlightenment, a kind of self-deprecating and a kind of self-mockery in his laughter. sad emotion...

Amidst the loud laughter, Pan Chaoyang took one last look at Ye Dong, then slowly closed his eyes, and muttered to himself with that madness: "So, I am the variable that can change the ending!"

As soon as the words fell, Taoist God's arm had retracted into the huge hole in the sky, and at this time, the destruction of this world had also entered a countdown state.

Ye Dong didn't dare to stay in the slightest, and stretched out his hand, everything including the rune Ye Dong rushed back to his soul in an instant, but his eyes stayed in one direction, it was Pan Chaoyang pointing at one after another. Go the direction twice.

"Law of space, open!"

Suddenly there was a loud roar, and several gods appeared in that direction, and the gods were also advancing at an extremely fast speed, like an arrow shot into the water, breaking through layers of water, bringing There were ripples, revealing a completely enclosed space, and in this space, a little girl was sleeping soundly there, with a sweet smile on her face.

Seeing this girl, Ye Dong's eyes suddenly widened, and at this moment, his heart, which had been frozen all along, finally felt a little warm.

Xiaoni was left by him in Ye's house in the Four Elephants Realm, but Ye Dong was not surprised when he saw her at this moment.

Although the entire Four Symbols Realm was destroyed, Xiao Ni's identity seemed to be to protect the special existence of the Taoist. Even gods feared her, so Ye Dong didn't believe that no mortal could kill her.

"Xiao Ni!"

With a wave of his hand, the space around Xiaoni exploded, and a gust of wind supported Xiaoni's body and sent her to Ye Dong's side.

Ye Dong scanned Xiao Ni with his spiritual thoughts, and he knew that her deep sleep was not caused by himself, but someone forced her to fall into a deep sleep.

Naturally, this person can only be Pan Chaoyang.

Before he had time to check Xiaoni's situation carefully, Ye Dong hurriedly sent her into the Love Realm first, but suddenly another childish voice sounded: "Big brother, can you take me with you?"

The one who spoke was the little boy conceived from the seed. At this moment, he also opened his eyes, witnessed the whole process of Ye Dong taking Xiaoni away, and looked at Ye Dong pitifully.

Ye Dong knew that he was Dan Chong holding Wu Dao Zhi, but looking at him, it seemed that he couldn't remember the past. After a moment of pondering, Ye Dong made another big move and sent him into the world of love Among them, and then took one step, leaving this world of death!

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