Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 2126 Three Yedongs

Three Yedongs!

The deity is standing in the middle, Ye Dong on the left is shrouded in golden light, his eyes are dazzling with golden light, Ye Dong on the right is covered with blood mist, through the blood mist, you can see more clearly, on his skin There are strange runes that are constantly winding and wandering, even on the face, especially the blood-red pupils of the eyes, which are composed of ever-changing runes.

When these two Ye Dongs appeared, the energy fluctuations emitted by Ye Dong himself in the middle were more than a point stronger than before!

All the people who saw this scene were stunned. They naturally knew that the two Ye Dongs were clones, but they never expected that Ye Dong's strength could be restored again in the short time when Xiao Wuqing pulled him into Huangquan Road and left. promote!

You must know that Ye Dong at this moment is still in the process of crossing the catastrophe, and it is also the most terrifying divine catastrophe, which even leads to a catastrophe beast that has never appeared in ancient times. , This is simply an unimaginable thing!

Although the three Ye Dong together are inconspicuous compared to the Jie Beast's body that is as long as ten thousand feet, but the three Ye Dong are all calmly watching the Jie Beast swooping in. Below him, the claws of the robbery beast were still suspended in the air, and there was silence inside the claws, and Xiao Wuqing, who was inside, was not sure whether he was alive or dead.

Jie Beast didn't pay attention to the three Ye Dongs who suddenly appeared and the threat at all, and didn't slow down his speed at all. Instead, he spread all his wings in a more swift and fierce posture, flapped them together, and released them. Rockets shot out one after another, rushing towards Ye Dong.

The expressions of the three Ye Dong remained unchanged, they all let out a long howl, and raised their six arms at the same time, suddenly, in all directions of Jing Xiaotian, light blue lights suddenly emerged.

The divine light was vibrating and beating crazily, and when the two divine lights collided with each other due to too much vibration, the two divine lights would merge into one.

The speed of this kind of shaking and merging is extremely fast, and in an instant, the number of those light blue divine lights in the air can already be counted.

16 becomes [-], [-] becomes [-], [-] becomes [-]... until in the end there are only six huge light blue lights left, just facing the six rockets that the Jie Beast's wings fanned out!

"This is the law of water, condensed to the extreme, even I can only do this at most!"

In Shenxiaotian, a world with only endless oceans, an extremely beautiful woman said such a sentence.

As soon as her words fell, another cold female voice suddenly sounded: "Doesn't that mean that the current Ye Dong is already qualified to become a god? Or, he is even qualified to replace you as a water god?"

Water God's face darkened and said: "Ice God, don't be complacent, since he can attract God's Tribulation, it means that he must have the qualifications to become a god, and in my opinion, he should become a god by comprehending the power of the nine laws , the power of law that he is good at is not necessarily the law of water, maybe the law of ice!"

"At that time, he will replace your god position, eh, Ice God!"

Shen Xiaotian, there is an open secret among the gods, that is, the position enjoyed by each god is not eternal.

The position of god is just a title, and once the power of a new god in a certain field exceeds that of the god occupying this position, the new god will get this title, and the one who is replaced God, on the other hand, disappeared inexplicably, and his whereabouts were unknown!

For example, the god of water is the most powerful of all gods in controlling the law of water, but if Ye Dong's power in the law of water is stronger than her, then once Ye Dong becomes a god, he will take her place , become the new water god!

The reason why this change and transfer of god positions has become an open secret among the gods is because no one knows where the replaced gods went, whether they were alive or dead.

And all the gods who want to figure out this secret are not only impossible to know the truth, but even for a period of time in the future, their own gods will be occupied by new gods. Naturally, they will become part of the secret. no trace.

Therefore, no god dares to explore the truth of this secret anymore, and every god is trying to maintain his position as much as possible, and each of their descendants will also be responsible for searching for possible replacements for them in the eight heavens. The monks of the gods will kill them as soon as possible.

But now, Ye Dong used the power of the law of water to resist the rocket fired by Jie Beast. This behavior deeply shocked the water god, and even made the ice god, who had always been at odds with the water god, take this opportunity to attack the water god.

Hearing the Water God's counterattack, the Ice God was not angry, and said with a sneer: "To become a god with the power of the nine laws, it is only possible to have the strongest power of the law. Now the power he has shown in the law of water , you and I are obvious to all, do you think that his control over the power of the other eight laws can be stronger than the law of water?"

"Boom boom boom!"

Six loud noises sounded at the same time, interrupting the conversation between the Ice God and the Water God.

The divine aura of the Six Paths, which gathered all the power of the law of water in the entire Jingxiaotian, collided violently with the rocket fired by the Jie Beast.

Two kinds of light, blue and red, illuminated the entire Jing Xiaotian in an instant. As for the impact of the two diametrically opposite forces, the momentum was so earth-shattering that even Shen Xiaotian felt faintly, let alone Jing Xiaotian. All the lives of Xiaotian are gone!

For them, this was another catastrophe, but they were completely powerless to resist, and could only silently watch the twelve red and blue collisions that almost completely spanned the entire sky, waiting for death to come.

However, at the moment of the impact, the three Ye Dong's arms suddenly waved again, and then they saw an astonishing change in the six huge light blue lights.


The six gods exploded at an extremely fast speed, turning into the original countless gods, and even more finely divided, but at the same time as they exploded, these gods exploded at a faster speed than the explosion. condensation.

All of this happened around the six rockets, so from a distance, one can clearly see that the rapidly condensed divine light turned into ice, completely freezing the six rockets. .

"The Law of Ice!"

"He actually transformed the law of water into the law of ice in an instant!"

The voices of the Water God and the Ice God sounded almost simultaneously!

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