Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 2145 still love

Ye Dong remembered that after he reached his ruthless Dao heart, in order to fight against Dao Tribulation, he forcibly erased the feelings of all things in Jing Xiaotian, thus turning them into what they are today.

Losing love, everything is like losing its vitality, turning into walking dead, so that they are here to face Mixian Road, kneeling down to the present by instinct.

If this is in the world of mortals, let alone mortals, even monks who don't eat, drink or practice will die for more than half of a year.

Fortunately, this is Jing Xiaotian, and the creatures here have much longer lives than those in other heavenly and mortal realms. Therefore, in a year, except for a few who are starved to death, most of them Most of the creatures are still alive.

As for the three gods who were entrusted by the demon god to kill Ye Dong at the time of the catastrophe, they had already returned to the sky after Ye Dong was swallowed by the robbery beast. With final preparations.

Therefore, in Jing Xiaotian now, the whole world is lifeless.

"This is the sin I made, and I will naturally find a way to solve it."

Ye Dong muttered to himself, it was absolutely impossible for him to let so many creatures just kneel like this.

"Since I erased your love, I will return it to you now, life and soul avatar, now!"

As Ye Dong's words fell, his brows split open, and the real dragon avatar who felt the way of love stepped out, rose with the wind, and instantly became the size of a normal person, sitting cross-legged, with a solemn treasure, and a golden light on his body Soar up ten thousand zhang to high.

"I, Ye Dong, have father, mother and relatives, this is family love!"

In Ye Dong's mind, his grandfather's love for him, the room his mother cleaned for him, the kindness of his father's seriousness, and the pictures of getting along with every relative.

These images condense into a series of patterns, overflowing from the body of the real dragon avatar, spreading in all directions, and spreading towards the entire Jing Xiaotian.

"I, Ye Dong, have a wife and a woman who loves me, this is love!"

Two women dressed in white appeared in Ye Dong's mind, one was Mo Linglong and the other was Liu Xiang'er. Gradually, more and more women appeared, including Yu Qianshuang, Gong Ziluo, Li Muxue, There is Xia Mingzhu...

Every woman is smiling, with affection in her eyes.

All the women also condensed into Dao patterns and floated away.

"I, Ye Dong, have brothers and friends, this is friendship!"

"I, Ye Dong, have a senior brother, a senior sister, and a master. This is the love of the master!"

"Tao produces all things, and all things have feelings! Today, I, Ye Dong, return all the feelings to you!"


There was a sound of rolling thunder from Jing Xiaotian's sky, as if applauding Ye Dong's words, and white clouds appeared in all directions, and a rain of love fell, nourishing everything.

Ye Dong looked at the people whose eyes gradually regained their clarity, at the mountain range with light clouds rising, at the river with waves rising again, at the plants that began to sway gently in the wind, finally a smile appeared on his face, Putting away the avatar, turned around and took a step forward, leaving Jing Xiaotian.

In the Battle of Conferred Gods, there is no entrance to the Path of Seeking Immortals, because this is an independent space opened up by the gods, so the creatures in the thousands of worlds here are still living their lives peacefully without any changes.

This is the fourth time for Ye Dong to come to Conferred Gods War. Here, he has too many memories that he doesn't want to think about.

Glancing at the thousands of worlds, looking at the busy beings, Ye Dong said to himself: "Since the gods will not let go of the creatures of the eight heavens, naturally, they will not let go of this place either." , This is a big meal they prepared for each of them. Although all these are created by the gods, they still have life after all. Devour them completely, so that at least they can keep their lives."

After pondering for a moment, a ray of golden light suddenly appeared in Ye Dong's eyes: "I don't know if my love world can accommodate these thousands of worlds! You can try it after the Nine Heavens Holy Land is taken back!"

The next moment, Ye Dong came directly to the last realm of the Conferred God War, the Conferred God Realm. With Xiaoni's help, he found the Nine Heavens Holy Land hidden among thousands of gravels.

The defensive formation deployed by Pan Chaoyang around him naturally did not constitute the slightest obstacle to Ye Dong, but when he stood at the entrance of the Nine Heavens Holy Land, his mood couldn't help but agitated.

Although he already knew that although the Four Elephant Realm was gone, all the creatures in the Four Elephant Realm were alive and intact, but when he really had to face it, it gave him a feeling of being close to home.

"Four Elephants Realm, my home, one day, I will definitely try my best to open up you again, and now, I am back!"

Ye Dong stepped into the Nine Heavens Holy Land, and with a sweep of his divine sense, he had a panoramic view of everything in the entire space.

After more than ten years of concerted efforts by many beings, brand new buildings have been erected in the Nine Heavens Holy Land.

Although the Four Elephant Realm is gone, because of special experiences, it presents a harmonious scene that has never been seen in any other world.

Here, there is no distinction of race, and all creatures live in harmony;

Here, there is no distinction between mortals and monks, and all creatures are equal;

Here, there are no sects and families, everyone is a complete family, and everyone is each other's relatives.

A school full of vitality and fun!

What is gained is bound to be lost. Although the creatures of the Four Elephants Realm lost a lot, they also gained a lot.

Looking at the familiar figures and familiar faces, Ye Dong showed a sincere smile on his face. Although he really wanted to meet them immediately and chat with them, but now not the right time yet.

Without letting anyone notice his appearance, Ye Dong quietly walked towards another independent space hidden deep under the earth.

This space is not big, but with beautiful mountains and clear waters, there are small caves opened up, and in each cave, there is an illusory figure sitting cross-legged.

"Yan Nangui, Demon Chief, Zhan Tian, ​​Demon Emperor..."

Ye Dong's voice was trembling, and he said the names of those figures one by one. A layer of mist gradually appeared in his eyes. He knew that this was the gentleman's world of the third senior brother, and the third senior brother would kill all of them in front of Ye Dong. The souls of all the people are hidden here, and they are handed over to Pan Chaoyang for safekeeping.

However, this is still not the purpose of Ye Dong's coming here. He took another step and appeared in front of Pan Chaoyang's closed cave. Looking at the closed door, he gently pushed it open and walked in.

The cave looks empty, but in Ye Dong's eyes, he can clearly see a complex formation, and in the center of the formation, there is a crystal ball with a few dozen golden crystal balls inside. light spot.

Looking at the crystal ball, Ye Dong had a complicated expression on his face. After a long time, he regained his composure, and said loudly, "Brother Wolf, Prajna, Long Cheng, Seven Cang Ming, would you like to fight side by side with me, Ye Dong again?"

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