Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 2170 Three laws are equal

Yuan Zhidao!

These three words are like three thunderclaps, reverberating in the sky of Shenxiaotian, and even making the sky dim, making the earth tremble, and making the gods tremble. !

The three rays of light shot out from between Ye Dong's eyebrows have merged into one, becoming a golden, bloody and black ray intertwined.

The three avatars were also fused together, regaining their complete souls, floating above the head of Ye Dong's main body, with his eyes closed and his face calm.

A majestic aura emanated from Ye Dong's real body, forming a storm that swept across the entire Shenxiaotian in an instant.

Suddenly, the eyes of Ye Dong's deity opened suddenly, revealing two golden rays of light, illuminating the whole world, and even the huge crack in the sky was filled with rich gold.

Amidst the light, a brand new Dao pattern was slowly born.

Wherever the ray of light went, the previously incomparably tyrannical and indomitable blood wave began to crazily collapse as if it had encountered a nemesis.

The blood wave turned into gas, steaming up, covering an endless area.


At the same time, the slender palm protruding from between Xingji's eyebrows exploded unexpectedly, filling the surrounding air.

Gradually, the endless gas condensed again, condensing at a faster speed than it collapsed just now, until finally it became a drop of red shiny blood!

In the fresh blood, there is a looming black crazily growing.


Xing Ji's shrill roar pierced the sky, and he was covering his brows with both hands, blood was flowing, and his knees suddenly fell to the ground. The severe pain made him unable to resist at all, and his huge body kept sending out Shaking violently.

But now no one has time to pay attention to him. Everyone's attention is focused on Ye Dong's body, on Ye Dong's eyes shining with the new Dao pattern.

"The eye of the avenue!"

"The eye of the avenue!"

"The eye of the avenue!"

The same four words were uttered almost sluggishly from the mouths of different gods.

They can all recognize that Ye Dong's eyes have been cultivated into the supreme eyes of the great way!

The avatars of Dao God and Blood Emperor, their reactions were no less than those of other gods, they were equally stunned, dumbfounded, and at a loss.

The blood emperor avatar suddenly turned around, and looked directly at the eyes of the Dao God with that cold gaze. After a while, he suddenly raised his head to the sky and burst out laughing: "Hahaha, Dao God, I really didn't notice that you also have the power of the great way!" Eyes, it’s just that these eyes don’t seem to match you, they were directly dug out from someone’s face!”

"However, it's a pity that your Dao Eye is just the existing Dao, and Ye Dong's Dao Eye is a brand new Dao Eye, his Dao... the Dao of Yuan!"

The blood emperor avatar did not continue to laugh at Dao God, but chanted these three words and fell into deep thought.

Dao God didn't pay attention to the ridicule of the blood emperor's avatar at all, he stared at Ye Dong, at this moment, he finally understood the reason for the birth of fear in his heart.

Because, Ye Dong, the Dao creator, actually created a brand new Dao—the Dao of Yuan!

"Impossible, impossible, it is impossible for him to create a brand new Tao. It has only been so long, and it is impossible for him to create a brand new Tao. Moreover, this Yuan Tao has nothing to do with his love. How on earth did he do it!"

Dao Shen was obviously in a state of madness, his whole body seemed hysterical, and he couldn't accept what was happening now.

In fact, what he said was right, it was absolutely impossible for Ye Dong to succeed in creating Dao in such a short period of time against the blood wave.

In fact, Ye Dong has already realized the Tao of Yuan, as early as when he was in the Taoist state, he has realized the Tao of Yuan, but at that time, he was eager for revenge, and he didn't want this brand-new Tao of Yuan at all. , still insisted on his ruthless way, and wanted to kill all enemies, so he forcibly extinguished the Yuan Zhidao that he had just comprehended!

Today, in order to fight against the brand-new Dao contained in the blood wave, Ye Dong knew that only another brand-new Dao could resist without the help of Wanxiang Guiyuantu, so he forced himself to fight against the new Dao in a short time. Inwardly, I realized the way of Yuan again, and I really did it!

Although, at this moment, his Yuan Zhidao has not achieved great success, but it is enough to counter the Dao created by the blood emperor's sub-province, which also has not achieved great success, and the power of Yuan Zhi Dao is obviously much stronger.

Ye Dong looked at the drop of blood quietly floating in the air. In the eyes of the Dao, the Dao pattern kept flickering, like elves, surrounding the blood.

Gradually, in this drop of blood, Ye Dong saw pictures one after another.

Those were two middle-aged men with exactly the same appearance, both possessed a rebellious and heroic spirit, sitting face to face, one of them opened his eyes, and the other closed them.

Naturally, this is the real body and avatar of Blood Emperor Dongfang Qing.

The one who opened his eyes was the deity. The deity stared at the avatar, and said to himself: "I understand, the practice of the three dharmas is divided into Tao, Buddha, and demon! The three dharmas are equal, and the three dharmas coexist."

"Tao God and the existing Dao, in essence, belong to the Dao of Taoism, and Buddhism and Demonic Dao are the Dao of Taoism, and they are equal existences. It is too difficult to create a brand-new way in the midst of it, so it is better to comprehend some kind of way in the way of magic and Buddhism."

"Buddhism is too far away for me, unless I give up my current cultivation and practice from scratch! What I understand now is the way of blood, so why not use this way as the foundation to understand the way of magic!"

"It's just the way of the devil, which is the most evil and evil. If I comprehend the way of the devil with my own body, once I succeed, then I will become a real devil from now on, killing living beings, no! Why don't I let my clone understand the way of the devil, no matter whether it succeeds or not, At least I still have my own deity guarding it, so that no catastrophe will be caused."

"Open your eyes!"

Following the roar of the blood emperor's deity, his avatar on the opposite side slowly opened his eyes. At this time, his eyes were still the same as the deity's, pure and pure.

Then, the screen began to change constantly. Every time there would be two blood emperors, one in the light and the other in the dark. The blood emperor at the place is the deity, who has always guarded his avatar tightly, preventing him from harming innocent people.

After countless images flashed by, there was only one blood emperor left, and those eyes were unforgettable for Ye Dong's life, so he judged that this was the clone of the blood emperor who understood the way of evil.

When all the pictures dissipated, the drop of blood returned to nothingness, but Ye Dong's gaze suddenly turned to the distance, and he said in a deep voice, "Tao God, I'm here to find you!"

: Complete!

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