Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 2186 Resurrection

The appearance of Ghost King Zhongli attracted everyone's attention, and all of a sudden, the whole of Huangquan became quiet!

However, at this moment, Ye Dong let out a long howl suddenly, his figure was like lightning, and he came in front of the ghost king in an instant, punched him directly, and swung it out fiercely.

Ye Dongben was hiding in the technique of oblivion, the ghost king didn't know where he was at all, and now he was making a sneak attack again, so the ghost king didn't expect it at all.

As the ghost king was in a hurry, a black cloud suddenly rose above the black battle armor, and in an instant it turned into a ferocious black monster like a dragon and a tiger.


Ye Dong's punch just hit the monster's head. The monster didn't even have time to let out a scream. It turned into a black cloud and rushed back into the ghost king's body.


Behind the hideous mask of the ghost king, he let out a low muffled groan, and at the same time staggered, staggered and retreated more than ten steps in a row before barely standing still.

Obviously, although Ye Dong's punch didn't really hit the ghost king, the terrifying power contained in his fist still caused some damage to the ghost king.

At this time, Ye Dong's figure finally came out from the technique of forgetting and appeared in front of everyone. He looked at the ghost king in front of him calmly, and said lightly, "Ghost king, that's all!"

The words uttered from Ye Dong's mouth were like thunder, hitting everyone's soul hard, but the impact they caused was obviously different.

For Red Wolf and the others, although they were all intimidated by the ghost king's powerful aura just now, Ye Dong's actions completely shattered the awe in their hearts, allowing them to regain their confidence and fighting spirit in an instant. meaning.



The sound of angry killing that had just disappeared shouted from their mouths again, and the figure that had stopped just now also started up again.

However, for the people in Huangquan, the appearance of the ghost king was like seeing the flame of hope, but Ye Dong's words completely destroyed their little morale and confidence. The fearless figures who rushed over again almost forgot to resist.

Fight again!

However, this time the battle turned out to be one-sided. The morale of Ye Dong's men and horses was high. Wherever they went, a large number of Yin soldiers were harvested layer by layer like crops after autumn.

Even the meritorious officers of the third case and the four judges, who were still alive, lost the motivation to continue fighting, turned around one by one, and started to escape in all directions.

But Red Wolf and the others, how can they let them escape, and immediately pursue them!

All this process may seem long, but in fact it was completed within a few moments after Ghost King Zhongli appeared.

This filled Ghost King Zhongli's heart with shock and fear!

Originally, the reason why he would release his aura to the extreme was to strengthen the morale of Huang Quan's men and horses and intimidate the enemy. However, he never expected that he would kill a man far stronger than himself on the way. A strong character with a sharp hand.

Not only did he shatter his wishful thinking in an instant, but he also greatly shortened the duration of the war that could have lasted!

At this time, the ghost king had no intention of paying attention to his subordinates, but focused on Ye Dong who was not far in front of him!

The ghost king was surprised by Ye Dong's appearance, but Ye Dong knew about the ghost king's appearance a long time ago, and even guessed the ghost king's intentions, so he did not hesitate to use a sneak attack to give the ghost king a heavy blow. Shattered the confidence of all people in Huangquan!

"Ye Dong!"

The ghost king finally saw Ye Dong's true face and his origin.

No matter how blocked the news about the people in Huangquan, they still know a lot about Ye Dong's deeds.

If Dao God had told him about Ye Dong's entry into Shenxiaotian earlier, then maybe he and the whole of Huangquan would have been prepared, and it is even less likely that such a tragic situation will occur today.

It's a pity that the Taoist God doesn't have one!

Ye Dong calmly faced the ghost king and said, "Zhongli, release my senior brother and friends, maybe I can let you die happily!"

As for the ghost king, as for Huang Quan's nominal number one general, Ye Dong had no intention of letting him go, because the opponent's hands were stained with too much blood, if he were to be let go, it would be unreasonable!

"Hahaha!" The ghost king suddenly laughed loudly: "Ye Dong, I have heard about you for a long time, and I can finally see you today. To be honest, I really admire your courage. For tens of thousands of years, no one has dared to Entering Huangquan, and you not only did it, but also almost shattered my Huangquan! Rare, rare!"

"However!" Ghost King's words suddenly changed: "Do you really think that I, Huang Quan, have only this little strength?"

Ye Dong raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you think that you and the king of Hades, who has always been like a tortoise and dare not appear, can reverse today's situation?"

"That's right, we can't turn it around, but don't forget, this is the underworld, this is the underworld, we are the gods and soldiers of the underworld, we will never die, and you, living people, stepping into the underworld, how can you be so cruel?" The principle of returning yang again! The sea of ​​the underworld, give me the ghosts of the underworld, and be reborn!"

Ghost King Zhongli suddenly raised his hands high, and a ball of black light rushed out from his body, reaching the gloomy sky, and exploded, the light completely enveloped the whole world of Huangquan.

Immediately, one after another sounds like surging waves sounded from all directions, from under the earth, and from the sky.



The voices converged like a sea, completely covering the entire Yellow Springs, causing all the forces of the two sides that were fighting to stop.


Suddenly, clusters of water-like things popped out from under the dead Yin soldiers, and poured into their bodies very quickly.

Immediately afterwards, an amazing scene appeared!

These dead Yin soldiers, after the water entered their bodies, slowly started to move again.

Whether it was only half of the body left, or no head, or even a fuzzy mass of flesh and blood, they all squirmed.

"Hey, alive!"

"Hey, this feels so good!"

A thick, soft voice came from the pile of corpses, and the two figures stood up unsteadily. They were the bodies whose acupuncture points were induced by the blood prison Ye Dong earlier, and opened 720 acupuncture points in their bodies at the same time. Day tours and night tours are dead!

"Resurrection, they are really resurrected!"

: I'm sorry, I've been waiting for a long time, let's start with a chapter, and follow up with the rest!

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