Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 2222 is coming to an end

To fight, or not to fight!

Now, this difficult choice is placed in front of the gods and demons in Shenxiaotian.

No fight?

Killing people like Ye Dong is the order of the Taoist God, and the order of the Taoist God is irresistible in the entire Shenxiaotian, and even in the entire Taoist world.

Whoever doesn't listen to God's words, what awaits them will be the most severe punishment, perhaps even worse than death!


In fact, there is no deep hatred between them and people like Ye Dong, it's just because of Ye Dong's appearance that they feel that their dignity as a high god has been challenged, and this feeling is even caused by Taoism. produced under the bewitchment.

To put it bluntly, they are the tools of Dao God, tools used to deal with Ye Dong and perfect himself.

Moreover, the strength of people like Ye Dong, especially the fearless self-destruction of the countless people in the blood prison who were regarded as ants by them before, made them feel a surge of admiration in their hearts.

If you go back in time and go back tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of years ago, they are actually one of the ants, and they are actually looking up at the high god.

At this moment, Youshen remembered what the true Buddha said when he left, and it was also a concept that the true Buddha always insisted on—all living beings are equal!

All things are equal, all beings are equal, everything in this world is actually born equal.

It’s just that I don’t know when it started, maybe it started from the day when they worked hard and became gods. This kind of equality has been forgotten by them. Come over and impose on others, but forget that you were once one of them.

In that case, is it necessary to continue fighting?

What is the significance of this war?

What if you win, and what if you lose?

The gods and demons were all lost in thought, and Ye Dong and the others didn't take advantage of this opportunity to make a move, they just stood upright, watched them, and waited for their reply.

Finally, Vulcan, like an old man, shook his head with a wry smile and said, "It's meaningless, it's meaningless. With this time, why don't you try your luck at Finding Immortal Road!"

After leaving these words, Vulcan immediately turned around and left without the slightest hesitation.

With Vulcan taking the lead, Jin Shen glanced at Banruo from a distance, sighed and said: "Jin Wei, I am still in the Conferred God Battle, and my weapon is finally inferior!"

Similarly, after finishing speaking, Golden God also turned and left.

With the two of them taking the lead, the other gods and demons looked at each other, shook their heads with wry smiles, and turned around in the same way, obviously preparing to leave.

However, at this moment, the voice of the Taoist God suddenly came from the sky: "Whoever dares to leave will be killed without mercy!"


Two violent explosions suddenly sounded from the front of the crowd, shocking everyone's hearts. They hurriedly looked up and found that Vulcan and Jinshen who had just taken the lead to leave had been blasted into nothingness and dissipated in the air. among.

This sudden scene naturally shocked everyone deeply. Although they knew that the Taoist God was powerful, and although they knew that if they chose not to fight, they would definitely anger the Taoist God, no one expected that the Taoist God would actually suddenly fall. The killer, moreover, was as powerful as Vulcan and Jinshen, and he didn't even have the power to resist, and was killed in an instant!

"This, this, how can the Taoist God be so powerful?"

Although all the gods were afraid of the Dao God, the power of the Dao God was beyond their expectations, and even Ye Dong and the others frowned.

Being able to instantly kill two gods, this strength, let alone Ye Dong can't do it, even if all the current people unite together, they may not be able to do it!

That is to say, even if everyone works together to deal with the Taoist God, the final result may still be killed by the Taoist God!

"The Dao God is not so powerful!"

Suddenly, a weak voice came from behind Ye Dong, and everyone hurriedly followed the voice to see that it was Pan Chaoyang who had just woken up.

Although everyone knew that Pan Chaoyang controlled the way of fortunetelling, the deaths of Jinshen and Vulcan were seen by all. Could it be faked?

"Yes, Dao God is indeed not that powerful!"

Suddenly, another voice sounded, but this time the voice sounded in everyone's minds, and the person who spoke was Empress Feng Qiwu.

"Don't you all forget that when we become celestial beings, we will sign a contract unconsciously, even as a god, this contract still exists, so, as long as the Taoist god is willing, he can kill us at any time any one of them."

After Feng Qiwu said this, everyone came back to their senses one after another, but the faces of the gods became extremely ugly.

They naturally knew about this contract, but when they thought about it, after they became gods, the power of the contract must have been eliminated, but they did not expect that the contract still existed.

"Since Dao God can kill us at any time, why didn't he do it so long?" Ye Dong asked puzzled.

"I don't know the specific situation. Probably even if we control the contract, if we want to kill us at the same time, there should be a certain price. Just now, Dao God killed Jinshen and Vulcan, I am afraid it is a last resort, just to scare others! "

Indeed, the current Taoist God is panting, and the speed of changing faces is obviously much faster than usual, and his eyes are full of anger.

However, his eyes did not pay attention to the crowd, but fixedly stared at his clone in front of him.

There is only one step left to complete the final devouring. Naturally, this is also the most critical moment. After waiting for millions of years, he must not allow any interference, so that his previous efforts will be wasted.

Therefore, when he saw that the gods were not ready to fight again, he had no choice but to act, trigger the contract, and kill Jinshen and Vulcan, but the price of the attack made him feel powerless.

At the same time, Pan Chaoyang gave everyone an unbelievable answer: "Because the lifespan of the Taoist God is about to end!"

These words, like a mountain, smashed heavily into the sea, stirring up huge waves in everyone's heart.

Dao God's life is about to end?

This is simply unimaginable!

Pan Chaoyang said out of breath: "At first I wasn't sure, I just had a vague feeling, but now it seems that I can be sure. You gods should actually know better than us, because the Taoist god told you, This road to seek immortals is your last hope, but in fact, this last hope does not refer to you, but Dao God himself!"

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