Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 2232 Dao Demon

Ye Dong didn't have any objection to finding the Dao God, but looking at the inscriptions on the surrounding walls made him hesitate a bit.

He wants to improve his strength a little more, and then go to find the Dao God, so that even if he really meets the Dao God, he will at least have the strength to resist. What's more, there are many dangers on the road to seek immortals, and stronger strength will always be beneficial .

Although the blood emperor in front of him is just a clone, but seeing Ye Dong's eyes, how could he not understand what he was thinking, and smiled slightly: "These are left by my deity, and they should be useful to you, besides, I He has just been resurrected, and his strength has not yet returned to the peak state, and it will take some time to recover."

Obviously, the blood emperor avatar was taking care of Ye Dong, and Ye Dong was naturally happy to agree, so the two decided to stay in the tomb for the time being, and leave after a while.

Ye Dong walked to the opposite side of the wall where the last words were engraved and sat down, staring at those words in a daze, and soon fell into a state of contemplation.

Counting it, Ye Dong has never practiced since he experienced 11 years of retreat in the Daoist Realm. Now it is rare to have such a period of time. For him, it is naturally very precious, and he will not delay it in the slightest.

As for the blood emperor avatar, after seeing Ye Dong enter the retreat, he smiled slightly and closed his eyes.

"How can the 720 acupuncture points be merged into two acupuncture points?"

Ye Dong thought about this question, knowing that it is very easy to open up the acupuncture points, as long as you find the specific position of each acupuncture point on the human body, and then continue to impact with spiritual energy until it is opened, but it is difficult to integrate, after all, the acupuncture points The positions of the acupuncture points are all fixed, so you can't forcibly change the position of each acupuncture point, and pile up all the acupuncture points together, right?

"The two acupuncture points are divided into body acupuncture points and soul acupuncture points. Naturally, one is related to the body and the other is related to the soul. I have never carefully classified these acupuncture points before. Now I just take this opportunity to study each acupuncture point carefully. One acupuncture point, see if it can be divided."

So Ye Dong followed the most stupid method, starting from the name of the acupoints, to the location, and then to the function, and began to study each acupoint carefully.

After summarizing all the 720 acupuncture points, he unexpectedly discovered that 360 acupuncture points are related to the body, while the other 360 acupuncture points are related to the soul, which happens to divide all the acupuncture points of the human body into two.

"One divided into two, isn't it exactly two acupuncture points, I seem to understand a little bit!"

This discovery made Ye Dong's mind suddenly enlightened.

"Fusing into two acupoints does not mean merging all the acupoints together, but it should mean that the two types of acupoints representing the body and the soul are connected together, and every 360 acupoints are connected into one acupoint!"

Ye Dong belongs to the kind of person who does what he thinks, especially when it comes to cultivation. It is because of this kind of boldness that his strength has been improved at an astonishing speed. In just a few decades, he has reached It takes hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of years for others to reach the level.

Now, since he finally found a way, he didn't think about it at all, and simply started walking along this way.

Time passed little by little as Ye Dong continued to try and grope, and the clone of the blood emperor who was always sitting beside him would open his eyes to look at him every once in a while to make sure he was fine. Then I closed my eyes again.

On this day, the Blood Emperor's avatar suddenly felt terrifying aura fluctuations coming from the entire tomb, and hurriedly opened his eyes, being startled by everything presented in front of him.

The huge tomb has been completely filled with the aura of heaven and earth, the amount of aura is too much, resulting in the formation of a cloud of aura, and in a state of rapid rotation, it turns into a tornado, constantly rushing towards into Ye Dong's body.

And there are only two places on Ye Dong's body to absorb spiritual energy, one is the dantian, and the other is the center of the eyebrows!

It can be clearly seen that in these two parts, two rotating cyclones have appeared, and as more and more spiritual energy poured in, the cyclones became more and more solid.

After a long period of time, the cyclones in the two parts actually condensed and formed. The dantian part was covered by clothes, so it was impossible to see the situation on the skin, but the part between Ye Dong's eyebrows was clearly visible, and a longan-like shape appeared. Cyclones of average size.

It seems that the cyclone has stopped spinning and solidified into a pattern, but in fact, the cyclone is still spinning, just because the speed is so fast that it presents a static state.

At this time, Ye Dong finally opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, but he stretched out his hand, and slightly touched his eyebrows and dantian respectively.

Immediately, the two cyclones unexpectedly separated from his eyebrows and dantian, as if they were stuck to his fingertips, and were slowly taken away from their original positions by him.

"Use my eyes of the great way to achieve the two acupoints of a person. The left eye is the soul, and the right eye is the body. Together!"


Two slight shocks came, and Ye Dong suddenly tapped the two cyclones on his fingertips, one left and one right, respectively, into his eyes.

But at the same time, in his eyes, there was a mass of fog like chaos gushing out, suspended in the air.

This scene made the Blood Emperor clone's eyes widen involuntarily, with a look of curiosity on his face. Although he knew that Ye Dong was practicing the technique of fighting in the sea of ​​blood and the way of heaven, but for the things in the eyes of Ye Dong Dao, it was See you for the first time.

Ye Dong's Eye of the Great Dao was gradually cultivated after he surrendered two demons, one is a succubus and the other is a dragon.

Both of these two demons are spirit demons, replacing Yin and Yang respectively to form the two points of the Yin-Yang Taiji Diagram, and later the two demons merged, which made Ye Dong's Eye of the Great Dao finally take shape.

Now, since Ye Dong has merged the second human acupoint into his eyes, and the eye of the great way has been completed, he naturally wants to force it out.

In the chaotic mist, one could vaguely see a brand-new demon with the lower half of a dragon's body, but with a charming and flowery face of a human beauty.

This monster was formed by gathering the ghost and the dragon. It can be said that it is a unique existence in the world, and it also has the ability of both monsters. At this moment, it is looking at Ye Dong with pitiful eyes.

Ye Dong smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, you helped me achieve the Eye of the Great Dao, and the credit is indispensable. Naturally, I will not treat you badly. From today on, you will enter my love world. In addition, since you are The brand-new demon, the previous name is not available, I will give you the name Dao Yao, and one day, if I create a great success in Dao, you will be my Dao demon, go!"

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