Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 2241 Why Should You Remind

The continent with light spots exploded by itself when Ye Dong jumped on it with both feet!

If it wasn't for Ye Dong's quick reaction and slowing down by half a step, even if he wasn't hurt by the exploding continent, he might fall into the endless void because of being caught off guard!

This sudden scene not only shocked Ye Dong, who had landed on another road again, but also made both Xuedi and Qin Gu gasp, especially Qin Gu secretly thought it was a fluke, because if it was him just now If so, he believed that he felt that Ye Dong did not have such a quick reaction, so now...

The sarcasm on the faces of the other four people also changed to moving expressions, and at the same time they took a deep look at Ye Dong. It seemed that Ye Dong really caught their attention until then!

And Ye Dong happened to be looking at them too, and the two looked at each other, Ye Dong suddenly understood, and said in a deep voice: "It seems that you already know?"

Ye Dong's words naturally attracted the eyes of the Blood Emperor and Qin Gu, and the oldest-looking old man among the four finally responded, nodded lightly and said: "Counting you and us , a total of 34 people, but the other 29 have already fallen into the void!"

No wonder, before Ye Dong, together with these four people, a total of 34 monks encountered the same situation, but 29 of them reacted so quickly, so they fell into the void.

These four people obviously knew what was going on long ago, but they deliberately didn't say anything, just stood aside, the purpose was nothing more than to prepare to watch Ye Dong and the others follow in the same footsteps, but they didn't expect Ye Dong's reaction to be so fast, without falling behind. fall down.

As the old man's voice fell, Qin Gu suddenly said: "No, this land has already collapsed. Could it be that the 29 people fell at the same time? Or, there were other lands with light spots here before?"

Qin Gu asked a good question. They traveled all the way and passed at least a hundred pieces of land. They didn’t have any problems. They didn’t encounter any explosions. Only the land with light spots exploded, so unless there are other lands with light spots Otherwise, how could there be 29 people falling one after another.

Unexpectedly, Qin Gu's question caused ridicule on the faces of the four people again. Except for the old man who spoke, the other three even closed their eyes.


Suddenly, Ye Dong let out a cry of surprise!

I saw that the land that had just exploded, the pieces of soil floating in all directions, were actually moving towards the center, as if there was a suction attracting them.

But in a short while, the soil unexpectedly condensed into a brand new continent with a faint light!

It turns out that after this continent exploded and shattered, it could be reunited!

In this way, the drop of 29 people is also reasonable!

However, Ye Dong looked at the four of them coldly and said, "It's fine if you don't save them, but you don't even want to be reminded, but stand aside, mocking and watching!"

As survivors, these four people clearly knew the situation here, but when Ye Dong appeared, they didn't make a sound, they just waited with sarcasm, ready to watch Ye Dong fall too.

"Reminder?" The old man turned his face hard, with a hint of killing intent in his eyes, and said: "Why do you need to remind? This is the road to seek immortality. If you don't have the strength and the awareness to wait for death at any time, don't step on it. Since you're here, don't step on it." I want to be reminded by others."

In fact, what the old man said was the truth, whether it was the road to immortality, the Dao world, or the world of mortals, survival of the weak and the strong and the survival of the fittest were constant principles.

Especially in the current environment, reminding you can only be said to be good intentions, and not reminding you is actually the attitude that most people will choose.

And obviously the strength of these four people is not weak, otherwise it would be impossible for them to get away with it like Ye Dong, and there are more people than Ye Dong and the others, so Ye Dong was not taken seriously at all.

Although Ye Dong was angry, he was more helpless. He was not afraid of the other four, but he was powerless to refute the other party's words, let alone attack the other party because of this.

However, the Blood Emperor quit. The Blood Emperor himself has an extremely strong personality, and has not changed a little in a million years, especially when he regards Ye Dong as a descendant. How can anyone be allowed to be like this? Bully Ye Dong.


The blood emperor's figure swayed, and he appeared directly on the opponent's land. The land trembled violently, and a blood mist instantly filled the air, covering all four of them!

Ye Dong didn't expect that the blood emperor would be so straightforward, he shot as soon as he said it, and jumped over in a hurry.

After Qin Guwei hesitated, he also gritted his teeth and followed closely. After all, he and Ye Dong are on the same front now. If he chooses to watch at this time, once he is isolated, the probability of passing the level will be even lower.

"Grandfather, forget it!"

Ye Dong opened his mouth to stop him, but the old man sneered and said, "Since you want to seek death, you can't blame us!"


A silver saber suddenly appeared out of nowhere and turned into a silver dragon. Its body rolled in the air, and it rolled towards Ye Dong and the three at the same time, as if it wanted to kill the three of them together.

At the same time, the voice of the blood emperor sounded in the blood mist: "You all don't make a move, this piece of land can't stand the toss!"

The blood mist that was permeating the blood suddenly began to shrink at the same time as the blood emperor's voice fell, and rushed towards the bodies of the four people, while the blood emperor himself stood motionless until the silver dragon was about to touch him When it was time, he opened his hand and shook it in the air.


There was a muffled sound, and the blood emperor's palm directly held the body of the silver dragon, and a dazzling silver light lit up, and the silver dragon instantly turned into a silver knife. In this way, the blood emperor was holding the sharp blade.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, there was another burst of explosions like cannonballs, and countless small holes exploded on the bodies of the four people, as if they had become sieves, and in each small hole, there was a Blood arrows shot out!

"Blood seal!"

A hint of panic finally appeared in the old man's voice, but then it turned into madness: "You want to kill us? Let's die together!"

The blood arrows ejected from the old man's body suddenly exploded and turned into a fountain. Almost all the blood in the body rushed out with a horrible breath!

"Fast back!"

The Blood Emperor said in a deep voice.

With the way of blood, he sealed the blood of the other four people, and wanted to save their lives temporarily. First, he could get some news from them. may crash it.

However, I didn't expect the old man to be so explosive, forcibly breaking through the blood seal, releasing a powerful force like self-explosion, clearly intending to shatter this piece of land and bring everyone to die with him!

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