Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 2261 Ye Dong's pride

Seeking the Immortal Road, through the ages, countless creatures have set foot on it, and except for a very small number of people who can knock on the fairy gate, or can return to the Taoist world, other creatures either died in it, Either there is no trace, or it is still trapped in it.

Although it is the road to immortality, although it is the road of hope, but this road is full of traps and dangers all the time, and these traps and dangers, often inadvertently, when you think it is the least likely to happen Appearing, just like now, together with Ye Dong, these creatures who have all set foot on the road of starlight have fallen into a trap without knowing it.

As the only road connecting Daoguan, how can it be without danger?

How can this kind of danger be easily discovered by others?

Regarding this, Qianxiu just glanced lightly, not worried at all about Ye Dong who was also caught in the trap, because he believed that Ye Dong would definitely be able to get out of this trap, it was only a matter of time.

The fact is indeed so, after Ye Dong forgot everything and let his thoughts fly, after walking like a walking corpse for nearly half a month, the two avatars in the back of his mind opened their eyes at the same time!

At the time of breaking through the earth, although Ye Dong acted in a play, the consumption of power and aura was real. The two avatars really gave all their power to him. The state of retreat is not restored one after another until it appears.

"The deity is lost!"

Blood Prison Ye Dong frowned slightly, and said.

Unfeeling Ye Dong had no expression on his face, he just opened his eyes and closed them after looking at them for a while, while Blood Prison Ye Dong ignored him and continued: "On this road of starlight, there is an illusion similar to the one created by the deity. The ability, unknowingly, lures people into illusions, although with the strength of this deity, it will definitely be able to wake up, but we don't have time now."

"My lord, wake up!"

Ye Dong, the Blood Prisoner, was also straightforward. After the words fell, he immediately opened his mouth and let out a loud roar.

Although this roar was earth-shattering, no one else could hear it. It just sounded in Ye Dong's mind, and directly shocked Ye Dong, who was walking continuously, to a halt. After a whirl in his mind, he shook vigorously. The head finally woke up.

"I'm actually delusional!"

After waking up, Ye Dong showed a wry smile on his face. It is understandable for others to fall into the hallucinations, but for him alone, falling into the hallucinations is really unimaginable.

He first had a ghost, then a dragon, and then a Taoist demon made up of the two. He also has the great eye of the great way, which can see through emptiness. In his mind, there is no illusion in this world that can affect him. , even Xue Qingge who has mirage beasts and reverse scale mirrors may not be able to let herself fall into the illusion.

But there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. On this road of seeking immortality, nothing is impossible!

But soon, Ye Dong's wry smile turned into a smug smile, and no one except himself knew the meaning of this smile.

Ye Dong seldom looks complacent, but he still can't help feeling complacent when he thinks of a thing he has done boldly, which has helped him twice at critical moments.

This matter is two avatars!

Ever since he learned that it was the clone of the blood emperor who came back from the dead in the ancient tomb, and learned from the clone that the blood emperor had tried his best to become a demon, but had sent a trace of sober sanity into the clone, Ye Dong himself was in retreat and merged. When I was at the second point, I did a bold thing.

He also sent his two wits into the two clones respectively. As for the consequences, he didn't even think about it at the time. Anyway, it feels very good now, after all, the two clones have their own. After two traces of sanity, it seemed that he had truly become another self, with independent thoughts and consciousness.

It is precisely because of this that in the Dao of Earth Pass, the two avatars took the initiative to fuse with Ye Dong's main body, thus helping him take ten more steps. wake.

If it was changed to before, the avatar could only act according to the consciousness of the deity, then this time, the deity may be lost on this road of starlight for a long time.

Although Ye Dong doesn't know what a soul lives from a soul, he is still very happy with such a change in his avatar!

"Since even I have fallen for the Tao without knowing it, it must be the case for everyone else!"

Ye Dong speeded up and began to gallop along this road of starlight.

After only running for a few miles, Ye Dong saw two people walking mechanically in a daze, totally insensitive to everything outside.

When he first saw it, Ye Dong was a little funny in his heart, but as he walked forward and saw more and more of these lost creatures, his expression gradually became serious.

In fact, this is a very terrifying situation. On a quiet road of starlight, countless creatures are like walking corpses, with an intoxicated look on their faces, neither speaking nor doing other movements, just tireless machines Walking, as if going on forever!

In fact, this kind of mechanical walking is completely standing still, and it is impossible for people to make any progress. That is to say, even if these people really walk for thousands of years, they will not reach the second gate. , can only go until the life completely disappears!

Ye Dong couldn't help hesitating, hesitating whether he should wake them up or not.

Although waking them up might bring him some unimaginable troubles, and there are even people like Jiang Ling among these people, but Ye Dong couldn't bear to see them lost here like this.

And at this moment, Ye Dong found another person appeared in front of him.

The clothes on this person are already in tatters, only a few rags are left, hanging there, as long as there is a gust of wind, it can be easily turned into ashes, and the other person's hair and beard almost completely wiped his body and face. It was completely covered, and the whole person exuded an aura of vicissitudes and decay, as if from the distant past.

This thought surprised Ye Dong suddenly, because he can be sure that he has never seen this person just now, and he should not be from the previous batches, because the time for the road to seek immortality is less than a year in total, unless this person It was such a sloppy dress, otherwise, in a year, the clothes would never have rotted like this!

"Couldn't he be the cultivator who entered here when the Road to Seeking Immortals was opened last time?"

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