Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 2316 The Proud Taoist God

Although all the gates on the road to immortality are randomly sent to each gate for the monks who set foot on this road, but in fact, the arrangement of the entire road to immortality is static of.

That is to say, when the Road to Immortals was opened, everyone had seen it with their own eyes. The entire Road to Immortals was paved with a thousand stars and starlight.

Each star represents a Dao pass, and the Caixia Gate that appears in each Dao pass is a teleportation array. According to the strength and realm of the monks entering it, and their perception of Dao, they are randomly teleported to a certain place. In a Taoist gate, every monk doesn't even know which star he is leading to.

The way that Demon Emperor Brahma found to be able to freely choose to go to other gates is actually to leave the teleportation array, and then combine the way of space to walk freely among the thousand stars that don't move at all.

If you want to do this, you must know the order of the positions of these thousand stars, especially when it is impossible to see them with divine sense, you can use your memory to remember them, and then use the way of space. Just like Ye Dong's teleportation back then, go to the corresponding star.

Brahma accidentally obtained a map of the road to immortality left by a senior back then, so mastering this method, although it is indeed quite troublesome, is extremely useful at critical times.

But because this is the road of seeking immortals, the space here is different from the space in the Taoist world, so even if it is the way of space, you can only travel through one space at a time.

For example, the Dao Pass of Dreams is actually the 330th third star, and the original Dao Pass of War is the 660th star.

So if Ye Dong wants to go from a certain gate to the gate of dreams, he must first know the position of the gate he is in. If it is the 660th star, then he must use the way of space to open one door at a time. The door, open the three space doors at 330 in succession, and pass through the three stars at 330 to reach the gate of dreams!

In addition, there is a simpler method, that is, when you have already comprehended 99 ways, the next stop will be sent to the fairy gate by the teleportation array.

At that time, the information of the entire road to immortality will appear in the monk's mind, and with the help of the way of space, he will naturally be able to easily go to the road he wants to go to.

These were all told to Ye Dong in detail by the Devil Emperor Brahma when he taught him the method, and this also made Ye Dong realize that his master had already comprehended nine hundred and ninety-nine ways, even the one of the soul. Dao, I have already realized it, and I will be able to go to Xianmen immediately!

Facing Ye Dong's astonishment, Devil Emperor Brahma smiled helplessly. Over a period of more than [-] years, he has crossed the opening of the Road to Seeking Immortals twice in a row. If he still can't comprehend all the Dao, then his life will be in vain!

However, if Ye Dong hadn't helped him escape from the Pass of the Way of Soul, it would be impossible for him to comprehend the final Way of Soul.

After knowing this, Ye Dong hoped that Master could go directly to the Xianmen, because since the Taoist God wanted to destroy the entire road of seeking immortals, then he was probably at the Xianmen, as long as he could be stopped, then Everything is naturally not a problem.

But in the end, Ye Dong still didn't express his thoughts. Although he didn't want to admit it, he was really worried that his master was not the opponent of Dao God.

At that time, if the Dao God is not stopped, but is swallowed by the Dao God, and the reincarnated Immortal King condenses two-ninths, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

Therefore, in the end Brahma told Ye Dong the map, and asked him to choose a few nearby gates to save people, and he was naturally responsible for the rest of the gates.

Therefore, the master and the apprentice also agreed that after meeting at the Xianmen, the soldiers divided into two groups and rushed to rescue people respectively.

At the same time, among the nine hundred and ninety-ninth stars, there is a hidden area that no monk can detect, just like the place where the demon emperor Brahma was imprisoned in the Dao of Soul Pass, and here, the Taoist God sits cross-legged!

Dao God is not alone, beside him, there are six people, each of them is sitting cross-legged with their eyes closed, and chains composed of Dao patterns surge out from above their heads, extending all the way, invisible to the end.

Apart from them, there were still two people lying under Dao Shen's feet, Zhan Jiutian and Jun Buhui!

It's just that both Zhan Jiutian and Jun Buhui looked sluggish, lying there, although not unconscious, but motionless, as if they were dead.

Dao God's ever-changing face had stopped changing at this time, revealing a handsome middle-aged man's face, with an indescribable madness between his brows.

Different from the other six people, Dao God's eyes are wide open, and there are hundreds of millions of stars in his eyes that are constantly changing and moving, which is the way of fortune taken from Pan Chaoyang.

Perhaps it was because he was still not used to the method of fortune-telling that he had just obtained, which made Taoist God's ferocious and maddened Lian face show a trace of exhaustion, and after closing his eyes slightly, he spit out He took a sip and said to himself: "Huh, the way of fortune is really extraordinary, I finally know now, Pan Chaoyang, it turns out that you are the reincarnation of the way of fortune! What I didn't expect was that it turns out I, who was the Immortal King in my previous life, am also proficient in the way of fortune-telling!"

In the voice, Dao God couldn't hide his pride!

"But Xiang Tianxing, you are hiding really deep. I haven't found you until now, but don't worry, you can't hide for long. Soon, I will find you. This time you must be on the road to seek immortals , I see you, there is no other way to escape!"

"Go to the sky?"

At this moment, Jun Buhui made a weak voice: "Is Lao Ba one of them?"

"Hmph!" Dao Shen glared at Jun Buhui and said, "What old man, do you really think you are disciples of the Blood Prison sect? Both of you are one-ninth of me, no, even Even your master Demon Emperor Brahma is one-ninth of me, I made you the heirs of the blood prison, I made you understand the way of war and sword, everything about you is given to you by me!"

"Bullshit! What one-ninth!" Zhan Jiutian also sneered: "I am the Great Jihad Jiutian, and I have nothing to do with you at all. Don't make friends with me here. There is also the second senior brother, and the eighth brother." Junior brother, as well as master and his elders, have nothing to do with you Taoism!"

"Your fighting skills have been taken away by me, and you still have such fighting spirit. You really deserve to be reincarnated from my original fighting spirit! Well, since you are about to reintegrate with me, I will I’ll tell you some truths, I’m afraid you haven’t remembered these truths yet!”

"Stop bragging here!" Zhan Jiutian's tone was full of disdain: "You don't even know where Lao Ba is, and you still have the face to say you know the truth!"

"Xiang Tianxing, his situation is indeed a bit special..."

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