Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 2330 The Evil Side

The aura emanating from the third light spot is also very familiar to Ye Dong, and the pictures full of murderous aura presented under the Yuan Zhi Dao Wen Gui Yuan made Ye Dong It is almost certain that this light spot represents Vientiane's fighting spirit!

To be able to become a fairy king under one person and above ten thousand people, Wanxiang must have gone through countless wars in his life. Naturally, his fighting spirit is stronger and stronger than anyone else's.

It is precisely because of having such a terrifying fighting spirit that today's Great Holy War Nine Heavens has been created!

With one's own strength, fight against the heavens!

Watching the image of Zhan Jiutian composed of countless light spots gradually disappear, Ye Dong also glanced at the world below him, and the name of this world also entered his mind.

Conquer the world!

A world invincible!

Ye Dong, the blood prison, closely followed the fourth light spot, and this light spot, under the influence of Yuanzhi Dao pattern, conveyed a sharp aura.

Sword Intent!

Wanxiang is a sword repairer, and when he reaches his strength, everything in the world can be used as an invincible sword.

Similarly, it is precisely because of his strength in sword cultivation that when he was hit, he actually separated the sword intent that accompanied him all his life, and thus reincarnated into the current Sword Master with no regrets. !

As for this world, the name that appeared in Ye Dong's mind was called - No Regret World!

The sky does not regret, the earth does not regret, people do not regret, the king does not regret, the world does not regret!

The existence of the reincarnation of these four light spots so far is known to Ye Dong, and among the remaining five light spots, except for one that is also known, the other four, Until now, I am afraid that no one except themselves knows the reincarnation of Vientiane!

Talking about conversation, at this moment, Ye Dong has both expectations and apprehensions in his heart, because he really wants to know what kind of creatures these four reincarnations have become, but he also has to be in the remaining four reincarnations. Among them, choose one, kill it with your own hands, and let the other party's gods be wiped out, so as to completely prevent the Taoist gods from being able to recover and become a complete Vientiane.

He very much hoped that among the four clones, there would be a vicious existence, an existence that committed heinous crimes but was still at large. In this case, he didn't need to have any hesitation and soft-heartedness, and directly killed him That's it!

With this mixed feeling of anticipation and apprehension, Ye Dong caught up with the fifth light spot!

To Ye Dong's surprise, the fifth light spot seemed to be a little bigger than the other eight light spots, but he couldn't be sure.

However, within this spot of light, there was nothingness. Although it was also darkness, Ye Dong felt completely different from the darkness he had experienced before. Somehow, he knew that this place was nothingness, not pure darkness. the darkness!

But this emptiness didn't last long, and soon a mist appeared in it, which looked a bit like primordial vitality.

Because it's just the feeling and the picture, Ye Dong can't judge what the fog is. He can only pay close attention to the changes in the fog and what will happen next.


Ye Dong seemed to have heard the loud noise, and saw that the mist was divided into two parts, one that looked hazy and lighter, rising slowly, while the other that looked more solid and thick, but is slowly descending.

One rises, the other falls, and the distance between the two streams of mist is getting bigger and farther, so that Ye Dong, a bystander, at this moment, can't see the mist above when he looks up, and can't see the mist below when he looks down. .

This feeling is like being in the middle of heaven and earth!

"Between heaven and earth?" Ye Dong was puzzled by this strange idea that came to him: "What is this in Vientiane that can bring me the feeling of heaven and earth?"

Just as Ye Dong finished thinking about it, countless light spots suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth like mushrooms after a spring rain. Even Ye Dong didn't know where they came from or how they appeared.

As these dots continued to grow bigger, Ye Dong finally recognized them. What kind of dots are these? Each dot is clearly a star!

In the twinkling of an eye, the sky and the earth are filled with countless stars, densely packed, shining brightly, looking extremely gorgeous and extremely beautiful.

"This is very much like the billions of stars in Chaoyang's eyes. It seems that this is the way of fortunetelling!" Ye Dong suddenly realized: "It turns out that Vientiane also mastered the way of fortunetelling, and was also separated, reincarnated as Today's senior brother Xiangtian Xing!"

Although Ye Dong felt that he understood, but for some reason, there was always a trace of doubt in his heart that he couldn't explain clearly, until the light spots exploded, and countless light spots condensed into a vague figure. It was only then that he became convinced that this figure should be his senior brother, and his fortune was going to the sky.

However, this figure seems to be somewhat different from Xiang Tianxing that Ye Dong had seen in the Dragon Tomb.

At the same time, the name of the world reincarnated by Vientiane's Way of Calculus also entered Ye Dong's mind!

"Strange name!"

Ye Dong shook his head, didn't think too much, and didn't stay too long, and continued to rush towards the sixth light spot. After all, these myriad things were separated and reincarnated. They didn't know his existence, and it was impossible for them to Give him time to figure it out, instead of deliberately slowing down and waiting for him, so he also has to hurry.

However, when Ye Dong from the Blood Prison rushed towards the sixth light spot, Ye Dong's true self frowned, because he clearly felt a slight fluctuation in the surrounding space just now.

It stands to reason that this place belongs to the Taoist God, but it is deep in the memory of Vientiane. It was Ye Dong who entered with the power of Guiyuan. Except Ye Dong himself, no one can shake everything here, even Ye Dong. It can't, after all, it's just a memory of the past, it doesn't really exist, but the fluctuations he felt made Ye Dong feel vigilant.

"Could it be that Dao God is about to break free from the static state?"

Fortunately, after Ye Dong continued to observe for a long time and found nothing, he came to his senses and thought that the fluctuation just now was probably just a fluctuation of the memory belonging to Vientiane, and he was really a little surprised!

The sixth spot of light entered a bubble world, and the pungent smell coming out of this world made Ye Dong frown, not to mention the smell coming from the spot. The tyrannical breath in the room all deeply stimulated Ye Dong.

"Fortunately, the Blood Prison avatar followed him. If it was my real self, this tyranny alone would probably affect me a little!"

Ye Dong secretly thought it was a fluke, because he had already guessed that this light spot was not simply tyranny, but belonged to the evil side of Vientiane!

This discovery brought joy to Ye Dong's heart. Since this is the evil side of Vientiane, even after reincarnation, this evil will inevitably remain. Isn't it just a target that he can use to kill!

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