Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 2345 Master

The Taoist God's way of finding the reincarnation of Vientiane is very simple, that is, to find the location of other reincarnations directly among the enlightened monks who were arrested by him, through a special induction relationship shared by each reincarnation.

This kind of search is extremely time-consuming, even with the current strength of the Daoist God, he can't rush it. He has to use a method similar to divine thoughts to check each monk from the inside out before he can confirm them. Whether it is the reincarnation of Vientiane.

Originally, Dao God thought that among the remaining two reincarnations, there should be at least one among the monks he captured, but what he didn't expect was that after searching around, he didn't even find a single one!

"Hasn't Xiang Tianxing set foot on the road of seeking immortals? This is impossible!" Taoist God frowned tightly: "The most strange thing is that the way of heaven's calculation can't even calculate Xiang Tianxing's position." , where is he?"

In desperation, Dao Shen searched carefully again, but still found nothing, he finally lost his patience, stood up, like Ye Dong, stretched out his finger in the air, and a golden door opened Open, it is the door.

And seeing this scene, the three masters also understood why Ye Dong was able to display the Taoism. It should be when he was in the memory of Vientiane. The way the gate is deployed.

The Buddha Immortal put his hands together, and said with a happy face: "It seems that the Taoist God has not found another reincarnation of Wanxiang!"

"Maybe it's not that I didn't find it, but that the reincarnation of Vientiane was not among those monks, and he didn't set foot on the road of seeking immortals. Therefore, the Taoist God is now leaving the road of seeking immortals and going to a certain Taoist realm to look for it."

Sure enough, the Daoist glanced at nothingness coldly again, as if he had exchanged a glance with the three deities, then turned around suddenly, stepped into the Taoist gate, and left the road of seeking immortals.

Although Dao Shen didn't know the specific whereabouts of Wangqing and Xiang Tianxing, and he couldn't figure it out with the art of calculation, but he also saw the whole process of the reincarnation of the nine light spots in Vientiane before, and knew that the last light spot fell on Sixiang within the realm, so now it is natural to go to find the Four Elephant Realm.

Compared with Dao Shen, Ye Dong's speed was obviously much faster, just when Dao Shen left Mixian Road, he happened to find the crystal ball.

Looking at the crystal ball surrounded by layers of flames, Ye Dong let out a long breath.

Those flames were of course restricted by Mo Linglong, and now that the restraint is intact, it means that the crystal ball is also safe.

These restrictions did not pose a threat to Ye Dong at all. With a wave of his hand, all the flames were destroyed, and he himself stepped into the crystal ball.

Since the Four Elephants Realm was destroyed by Pan Chaoyang and others, all the creatures were sent to the Nine Heavens Holy Land, and they also began to work hard in this independent world, multiplying, and possessing A whole new life.

Even because of the combination of monks and mortals, many scenes and environments in the original Four Elephant Realm have been reconstructed, making this place a new Four Elephant Realm.

The ups and downs of more than 30 years outside have not had any impact on this place. The creatures here live and work in peace and contentment, enjoy the rare quiet time, and gradually recover from the pain of the family's ruin.

Now, Ye Dong is standing above this brand new world, silently looking at everything here, his heart is full of emotion.

Sweeping through his divine sense, he had a panoramic view of the whole world. In it, Ye Dong saw many familiar faces, which also reminded him of many past events.

However, he did not show up in front of these people. The reason may be unbelievable, but the fact is that Ye Dong dare not!

Ye Dong is full of guilt for the creatures of the Four Elephant Realm. Although he did not destroy the Four Elephant Realm himself, the purpose is to help him realize the ruthless way. Therefore, Ye Dong has an inescapable relationship with all of this. It made him feel ashamed to face these creatures.

Now, Ye Dong is very relieved to see that they are living a good life, so naturally he will not appear in front of them.

"There will definitely be a day when I will stand in front of you again and give you a brand new home again, just like in a dream!"

Ye Dong muttered to himself for a moment, then disappeared and came to a cave.

Outside this cave, there are not only layer upon layer of formation restrictions, but the surrounding area is also guarded day and night, because this is where the souls of Ye Dong's relatives reside.

Ye Dong appeared so quietly that no one could find out, and he didn't try to break those restrictions, but just knelt down in front of the cave, and respectfully kowtowed three times: "Grandpa, father, mother, you wait Look at me, it won't be long before our family can be reunited!"

After doing all this, Ye Dong's figure disappeared again and appeared on a hill.

On the top of this hill, there is a lonely nunnery. People who live around know that in this nunnery lives a kind master who is proficient in Buddhism.

When the Four Symbols Realm was destroyed, many people had the idea of ​​committing suicide because of the pain of bereavement. Thanks to the master's careful enlightenment, people gradually came out of grief and had the courage to face the future. Life.

Although the master is not a monk and does not know spells, she has won the sincere respect of even the monks by relying on her actions.

Even, many monsters like to wander around this hill, not for other reasons, but to have the opportunity to hear the master's preaching.

However, in recent years, the creatures near this hill, whether they are monks, mortals, or monsters, are all worried.

Because the master is old!

As a mortal, she is like a candle in the wind, about to complete the journey of her life, which may be extinguished at any time.

The master has not gone down the mountain for a long time, has not preached the scriptures for a long time, and refused all the faithful men and women to serve him, so he sat alone in the nunnery quietly, looking at the clouds in the sky and the clouds around him. The flowers bloom and fade, as if they are waiting for something, and they seem to be looking forward to something.

It is said that the master is waiting for someone, a opposite sex whom she adored when she was young;

Some people say that the master is waiting for death, waiting for God to take her away and let her enter the next reincarnation.

No matter what the master was waiting for, on this day, like a statue, the master who sat there motionless suddenly turned his head and looked at the only mountain road leading to the top of the mountain. He smiled, and a cloud of mist surged in those cloudy old eyes.

And under the gaze of the master, a young man with white hair and a red cedar suit, walked from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain step by step, and appeared in front of the master.

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