Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 529 Entering the Gate

The entrance of the snow house has been sealed by Zhou Meng from the inside. A group of them squeezed into the snow house with their mounts, and in the large snow cave below, there were only Liu Jizong, Red Wolf, and Liao Yue's corpse.

Liu Jizong and Red Wolf lay down one by one, lying down on the other, listening to the sound of the rumbling wind and snow outside, feeling very comfortable.

Zhou Meng asked cautiously: "Senior, do you need to invite that senior in as well? This blizzard is much bigger than I imagined. He will be fine outside, right?"

Liu Jizong put his hands behind his head and said carelessly: "Don't say it's a blizzard, even if the sky falls, it probably won't kill him. Don't worry about him, just let him go!"

Now that Liu Jizong has said so, and seeing the relaxed attitude of this man and one wolf, it really doesn't look like he is worried about Ye Dong at all, so Zhou Meng naturally doesn't say anything anymore, he can only squeeze together with his companions, patiently Waiting for this blizzard to pass quickly.

The blizzard lasted for almost a whole day and night before it was considered over. Hearing that there was almost no movement outside, Zhou Meng carefully pried open a gap in the entrance of the snow house, pasted it up to have a look, and after confirming that the blizzard had completely stopped, Only then did the entrance open, and everyone filed out.

All human beings, including Liu Jizong, were stunned as soon as they came out. More than a dozen people stood in a row, staring at a cross-legged human ice sculpture not far in front of them!

Only the red wolf, after coming out, shook his body, glanced at the ice sculpture, and then jumped onto Xuelongma as if nothing had happened. The ground is so fucking cold!

The person in the ice sculpture was naturally Ye Dong. He sat cross-legged in this posture for a day and a night in the snowstorm. The snowstorm that fell on him had already frozen the snow that fell on him into ice.

Zhou Meng came back to his senses, pointed at the ice sculpture and stammered to Liu Jizong: "Senior, he, he..."

Liu Jizong suddenly clapped his hands and laughed, shook his head again and again and said: "This kid, he really didn't waste any time. He can practice even in a snowstorm. Let's wait, when he wakes up, and when we can continue on our way."

"He, is he practicing?"

Zhou Meng finally spit out what he hadn't finished speaking.

"Nonsense, if you're not practicing, what are you doing sitting here?"

After saying this, Liu Jizong jumped on his horse and closed his eyes, but his spiritual consciousness began to spread around to protect Ye Dong.

What Zhou Meng and the others admired Ye Dong now was the fact that he could hide from such a blizzard. However, instead of hiding, Ye Dongfei practiced in the blizzard. superhuman!

Ye Dong is indeed practicing, and he is attacking the Renzhong acupoint that he has not yet opened!

As early as when Ye Dong went to Fengxia City, he had already opened up Yingxiang and Renzhong acupoints at the same time. Later, although Yingxiang acupoint was opened up in the Great Formation, Renzhong acupoint was never opened.

Just after the blizzard completely covered his body, and his spiritual consciousness saw the white world, he felt the pure aura contained in the snowflakes.

At the beginning, Ye Dong discovered the aura of the sea in the sea, felt the aura of the earth in the earth, and now absorbed the aura of ice in the snowflakes.

This gave him a correct answer to a question that had puzzled him for a long time!

The aura of heaven and earth is everywhere, but how exactly are they produced?

If someone asks Ye Dong this question now, then he can give an affirmative answer - the aura that will never disappear between the heaven and the earth actually comes from every thing that exists in the heaven and the earth, even life, Regardless of matter, they will also produce aura while absorbing aura.

This is an endless process!

Whether it's flowing water or steady soil, whether it's fiery fire or flowing wind, whether it's endless blackness or this icy snow, they all generate their own aura!

This answer also allowed Ye Dong to further understand the source of the power of various attributes.

The aura of the sea is actually the aura of water, the power of the water attribute is naturally transformed from the aura of water, the power of the xing attribute of the earth is derived from the aura of the earth, and the power of the xing attribute of the wind is derived from the aura of the wind...

As long as you can feel the aura in each attribute, as long as you can absorb the aura for your own use, as long as you can turn the aura into strength, then you have the kind of powerful ability enjoyed by a master who has left the world—— Directly rely on the power of attributes between heaven and earth!

In fact, Ye Dong successfully used the power of the earth element when he was fighting against the faceless mad knife, but unfortunately he couldn't use it anymore.

In the underground world, facing the joint attack of the two monks, he once again successfully borrowed the power of the earth element, and even smashed the Wangxiang Tower with the full power of the earth, so that all the people in the dust world The masters were all amazed, thinking that Ye Dong had completely possessed the privileges of being a master of the world.

In fact, there is a gradual process in the middle.

When fighting against Faceless Crazy Saber, Ye Dong only caught a glimpse of the power of attributes;

When facing the second monk, he saw the door of attribute power;

When smashing Wangxiangtai, he touched this door;

Until now, he has officially stepped into this door!

From this moment on, although Ye Dong's realm is still in the realm of dust, his combat power has officially entered the ranks of masters in the realm of dust!

Ye Dong greedily absorbed the bone-chilling ice aura from the snowflakes all over the sky, and sent it into the blood prison, and the blood prison is really like a monster that can't eat enough, devouring anyone who comes. Things, no matter what attribute you are.

This is also something that other practitioners dare not even think about!

Why is it said that practice is a process of continuous progress and improvement? Why do high-level practitioners try to avoid letting low-level practitioners know about many things prematurely?

The reason is here.

Practitioners in the Spirit Seal Realm don’t even know that Reiki can be divided into Earth Reiki, Water Reiki, and Ice Reiki. For them, Reiki can only be pure or impure, and they only absorb Reiki when they practice. It is possible to absorb high-purity aura to improve one's cultivation.

If you let them know these divisions, it may make them feel at a loss, and some may even try their best to find a certain attribute of aura to absorb, then their path of cultivation will be over.

Only after reaching the dust body state, condensing the dust body, and knowing the attributes of the dust body, can it be possible to perceive and try to absorb aura of a certain attribute based on this attribute.

But even those who can really do this, they can only absorb other attribute auras that are consistent with their dust body attributes.

For example, a dust body with a fire attribute can only perceive and absorb the aura of fire, while a person with dual attributes like Liao Yue can perceive and absorb the aura of ice and fire.

Apart from this, it is absolutely impossible to absorb the aura of other attributes.

However, this standard is completely untenable here in Ye Dong!

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