For Ye Dong who suddenly appeared in the appearance of Yizhang's family, all the onlookers, even Liao Qiu, were stunned, because they clearly remembered that not long ago, this person was also bullying Liao Qiu. Like a different person, want to fight for Liao Qiu?

But these people no longer have the extra energy to think about these issues, because in the next second, Ye Dong and Fu Yunhan shot almost at the same time.

With a flick of Ye Dong's wrist, this Junior Brother Xu's arm was completely shattered, and then he punched his other arm. At the same time, he raised his feet and kicked him hard on both knees, and finally A streak of spiritual energy shot out from his fingertips, piercing through his xiati accurately.

A series of movements, Ye Dong was done in one go, without the slightest pause, the speed was so fast that it was dizzying.

Throwing it away casually, just throwing out this crippled guy, Ye Dong continued to shuttle quickly like a ghost.

A total of twelve people, less than two breaths in total, their legs and arms were all shattered, and Xiati was crippled and fell to the ground.

The great pain swept each of them completely, and they wanted to vent their pain by screaming loudly, but both Ye Dong and Fu Yunhan took good care of them and directly closed their voice consciousness, making them look like It was a fish that jumped ashore from the water, its face was full of pain, and it breathed heavily, but it couldn't make any sound.

But like this, Ye Dong still didn't feel relieved, he flicked his hands repeatedly, and the twelve spiritual energy hit their dantian again, completely shattering their cultivation base, making them truly twelve useless people.

Without the protection of spiritual energy, the degree of pain would naturally intensify. Five people died in pain. Although the remaining seven people still have a breath, but at this time, they really prefer to die good!

After coldly glancing at the twelve people, Ye Dong walked up to Liao Qiu, stretched out his hand and said, "Liao Qiu, it's okay!"

Liao Qiu didn't understand what happened at all. Although his face was calm, there was obvious doubt in his eyes. He didn't reach out to hold Ye Dong's hand, but just stared at Ye Dong.

Ye Dong returned to his original face without hesitation and said, "My name is Ye Dong, and I'm your brother's friend. I'm here to save you!"

"Are you a friend of my brother?"

Hearing these words, Liao Yue's face finally showed a gleam of expression: "Then what about my brother, has he come?"

Ye Dong didn't dare to answer this question at all, squatted down, and wanted to hug Liao Qiu, but Liao Qiu hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Don't hug me, I'm too dirty, I can move by myself!"

Liao Qiu's body was indeed very dirty. After many days of hard digging, coupled with being insulted by everyone, his clothes were already covered with dirt, phlegm and other dirty things.

Different from his elder brother's stubborn character of going his own way, Liao Qiu's character is pure kindness, otherwise, he would not have endured these insults to help his friends, nor would he have the heart to kill even a snow fox. Even in this situation, he was still worried that the filth on his body would stain Ye Dong's clothes.

Ye Dong picked it up without any hesitation at all, and at the same time turned his head and saw the little snow fox looking at him with small eyes full of fear.

"You should also run away quickly, the farther away from here the better, don't be caught again."

Xuehu seemed to understand Ye Dong's words. After rolling his eyes twice, they immediately turned into a ball of white light and rushed towards the entrance of the formation at an extremely fast speed.

Standing up, Ye Dong said to Fu Yunhan: "Brother Fu, please block me for a while!"

Having reached this point, Fu Yunhan knew that it was impossible to leave here safely today, and what happened to Liao Qiu filled his heart with anger, so he decided to go all out, nodded vigorously, and said, "Don't worry!"

Ye Dong hugged Liao Qiu, moved quickly, and walked towards the low igloo, telling Liao Qiu as he walked, "Liao Qiu, you will call all of you together later, otherwise there will be a scuffle. It’s easy to accidentally injure other people.”

There are only nearly a hundred people from the three major forces in this area, and the rest are practitioners who were captured as coolies, so Ye Dong must distinguish everyone.

Liao Qiu nodded and said, "Brother Ye, can you undo the seal in my body, I can help too!"

Ye Dong swept his spiritual sense, only to find that Liao Qiu's dantian was covered with a layer of electricity intertwined with cyan electric lights. It turned out that their dust bodies had been sealed by people from the three major forces.

Although this seal came from a master of the dust world, Ye Dong used the power of the ice attribute of the ice field under his feet to pour directly into Liao Qiu's body while walking, easily tearing the electricity to pieces .

"You can just wait with peace of mind, clean up these miscellaneous things, you don't need to do anything!"

As soon as Fu Yunhan watched Ye Dong leave, he felt dozens of spiritual energy rushing towards him. Obviously, what happened here has attracted the attention of the three major forces.

"Haha, I've been riding on my head for so long, today I'll let you see how powerful I am!"

The ones rushing over were all practitioners in the dusty state, but to Fu Yunhan, he was no match at all. He waved his hands again and again, and dozens of white icicles exuding a strong chill shot out directly from his hands, like a Like whips, they were whipped out fiercely.

Immediately, screams rang out for the second time, and in an instant, half of the people from the three major forces were hit by the icicles, and their bodies were torn apart in an instant, and they were torn apart abruptly.

Those who were lucky enough not to be drawn, the bitter cold alone was enough to make their bodies shudder several times, and they stopped their forward figures one after another, not daring to move forward.

Fu Yunhan stood there and laughed loudly, the laughter was extremely carefree.

At this time, Ye Dong had brought Liao Qiu back to the low snow house, and let out a long and melodious howl. In addition, Liao Qiu kept shouting. In a short while, at least seven or eight hundred people surrounded him. .

Ye Dong's howling hadn't stopped yet, and there was a clear howling sound from a distance. The howling sound shook the sky, and immediately many people covered their ears, vomited blood and fell to the ground.

This is obviously the emergence of a master of the dust world among the three major forces.

Ye Dong snorted coldly, and the aura in his body surged like a galloping horse, gushing out from his mouth crazily, and condensed into a big word - "Get lost!"

The six sounds of Sanskrit, the sound of anger!

The powerful sound brought out continuous sound waves in the air, not only easily stopping the howling sound in the distance, but the sound waves that gushed out continued to move forward, and the reverberation sound rolled forward.

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