In addition to Red Wolf, Liu Jizong, Fu Yunhan, Ma Zhongtian and Pan Chaoyang all rushed over. Obviously, they had already solved Liuyunzong, and Ye Dong's delay in returning made them guess that Ye Dong should be fighting with him. The Zhang family fought fiercely, so they naturally rushed over to rescue them.

Although there were not many people who came, they were all masters. Counting Ye Dong and Zhang Yang, there were six masters in the world. One person singled out the Zhang family's masters, and there were still two more masters.

Coupled with the thousands of snow wolves wandering around, the consequences of this battle are self-evident.

According to Zhang Yang's request, for all the Zhang family members, including the mad ancestor and the current head of the Zhang family, Zhang Gu, Ye Dong only abolished their cultivation, kept their lives, and gave Gave them enough food and mounts, let them leave the northern cold land immediately.

As for whether they can safely leave the North Cold Land as ordinary people, that is beyond Ye Dong's consideration.

Zhang Yang was very grateful for what Ye Dong had done for him, so when he left he said something to Ye Dong: "Young Master, when you are free, please call me out, I have I have something to tell you!"

Although Ye Dong didn't know what it was, seeing what Zhang Yang said was so solemn, he naturally took it to heart.

In less than a month, Ye Dong successfully wiped out the three major forces in the Northern Cold Land. It can be said that he created a miracle that everyone couldn't believe. Naturally, his name was passed down forever In this frozen world.

Even after several years, this deed is still talked about with great interest.

Now that the three major forces have been wiped out, Liao Qiu's body is gradually recovering, Tiannvluo has regained the original tranquility, and Ye Dong's promise to Liao Yue can be said to be all done.

However, this does not mean that the northern cold land has returned to its original silence, because the two news that spread still attracted countless practitioners to come to find out, so that the red wolf left Ye Ye temporarily. Beside Dong, with a group of snow wolves, wandering around in the northern cold all day long.

Ye Dong knew it was worried about Xue Qingge's safety, so naturally he wouldn't stop it.

As for Ye Dong himself, he stayed in Tiannv Luozhong with peace of mind, and while he was practicing, he was also helping Liao Qiu recover his body functions as quickly as possible.

Compared with Ye Dong and Red Wolf's leisure, Pan Chaoyang is busy going around, because although the three major forces are gone, they have too many things left behind.

Spirit crystal stones, dust tools, exercises, combat skills, all these things, the three thieves were all moved to Tiannvluo, and Pan Chaoyang distributed them.

Pan Chaoyang also knew that their purpose of doing this was nothing more than to please Ye Dong, let Ye Dong pick out the good things first, and then share the rest among the three of them.

Naturally, Pan Chaoyang would not be polite. After all, the three major forces have been standing for hundreds of years, and they have indeed collected a lot of good things, so he carefully selected them for Ye Dong, and finally put them in a space dust tool. Handed over to Ye Dong.

Ye Dong didn't want it at first, but Pan Chaoyang said unceremoniously: "Young master, you are also the suzerain of our Cihang Sect, not to mention rich as an enemy, but at least you have something decent on you, otherwise you will go out If not, then we will lose the face of our Cihangzong!"

This is the truth, although Ye Dong has several priceless treasures in his body, but there is really nothing too valuable in him, so he took them all bluntly.

According to Ye Dong's agreement with the three thieves in advance, since the three major forces are gone, he will naturally not tie them up by his side, so he released all the snow mountain thieves, only Zhou Meng and his group were unwilling to leave and were willing to follow Ye Dong Leaving the Northern Cold Land, head to Ye Family.

After all the dust settled, one night, Ye Dong quietly left Tiannvluo, found a secluded place, and summoned Zhang Yang.

At this time, Zhang Yang had completely recovered to the young man with a gentle smile on his face. After bowing his hands to Ye Dong, they sat on the ground respectively.

"Brother Zhang, last time you said you had something to tell me, what exactly was it?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Young master, can you release a little bit of the cold air on your body and show me."

Ye Dong's heart skipped a beat, thinking of the strange chill he absorbed from Liao Qiu's body, did Zhang Yang know its origin?

It is very possible that Zhang Yang lived on this land 5000 years ago, maybe he really knows.

So Ye Dong released a little bit of cold air, and after feeling the temperature of the cold air, Zhang Yang nodded and said: "Congratulations, young master!"

"Brother Zhang, don't be a fool, what is this chill?"

Zhang Yang smiled slightly: "The young master should know that there are various attributes in the world, right?"


"Then, has the young master ever thought about where and how these attributes come from?"

Ye Dong was held back by this question, and he shook his head to express that he didn't know.

Zhang Yang spread his hands and said, "Actually, I don't know the origins of other attributes, but I know where the ice attribute comes from and how it came about!"

Ye Dong frowned slightly, and there was a trace of cold air in his palm again: "Could it be that you're talking about?"

"That's right, that's it. It is said that long, long ago, there was no northern cold land on the Suzaku Continent, not even a trace of ice and snow. There was only a huge abyss. This abyss was called the Cold Abyss."

"I don't know how long it took, a cold air came out of the cold abyss, this cold air passed through the cold abyss, came to the earth, froze the air, condensed all things, so gradually there was snow, and there was snow. Ice, with this icy and snowy land, it has the ice attribute."

"Where did you hear that?"

"The story my mother told me when I was a child!"

Ye Dong was thinking seriously, but this sentence almost made him fall to the ground: "Story?"

"Hehe!" Zhang Yang said seriously: "Young master, although this is just a story, I think it is true, because I once came into contact with this cold air that can be regarded as the origin of the ice attribute. I was frozen into an ice sculpture, but I didn't expect that it would be a blessing in disguise, and I accidentally obtained the ability to use the power of the holy beast, and with the power of the ice dragon, I broke through the cold air package and escaped."

"In addition, young master, the story is not over yet. After the ice attribute was born, this original cold air gave birth to a beast and a weapon one after another. If you can get them, you can truly control the ice. The attribute of ice, thus displaying the true power of the ice attribute."

Ye Dong blurted out suddenly: "Ice Attribute Saint Beast and Ice Attribute Saint Weapon?"

"It turns out that the young master has heard of it. Yes, it is the ice-type holy beast and holy weapon. Moreover, it is said that they are hidden under the ice god field!"

[Author's digression]: I have read everyone's book reviews. Although I didn't reply to them one by one, I am very grateful for your support. If you have any suggestions or ideas, you can join the group and tell me, thank you again!

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