Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 683 Soul Destroyer Bell

The most powerful holy beast dragon in the legend has many children, and nine of them are the most famous, so people often say that the dragon has nine sons.

Ye Dong and Banruo had already met Baxia, the eldest son among the nine sons, and now they heard about the sixth son of the dragon—Ban Shui!

Water-avoiding, also known as earthworm, can be seen from its name, it has the ability to avoid water, of course, its real strength is also extremely powerful.

The reason why the Soul Destroyer Sect suddenly appeared on this deserted island was for Longzi to avoid water.

Because it avoids water and eats the soul, just like Baxia loves to carry weights and sleep, it is a natural hobby.

When the dementor said this, Ye Dong's complexion changed immediately, he picked it up unceremoniously and said: "Don't you think that the souls of those ordinary people who have been arrested are food and give them away?" Gave shelter from water?"

Ye Dong's eyes flickered fiercely, and the dementor shook his head in fright, "No, no, we've been here for such a long time, and we haven't even found water yet!"

"What about those souls?"

"All, all are in the depths of the ocean!"

"Deep in the sea? What to do?"

"Find a hiding place out of the water."

Ye Dong was startled for a moment and suddenly realized that Bishui must be hidden in the depths of the sea, and since Bishui is a dragon son, his strength is naturally extremely powerful, in order for Ziyou to catch him like a tyrant, he must Find it out first.

The sea area is vast, and it is not so easy to find shelter in the vast seabed, so instead of letting a master find it, it is better to use the soul to lure him out.

However, it can also be seen from this that Ziyou does not regard humans as humans at all. In their eyes, humans are really worse than ants. First, they wanted to let practitioners from Suzaku Continent feed Baxia, and now they use human souls Use it as bait to lure out water!

Zhu Jing was already trembling with anger and said: "Then why do you use the souls of ordinary people, why don't you use the souls of practitioners, especially your own, all of you are powerful, and your soul must be full of fragrance. Wouldn't the bait be more suitable!"

Normally, the dementor wouldn't look at Zhu Jing directly, and wouldn't tolerate him questioning himself, but now the situation is different, so he can only answer honestly: "Avoid only likes to eat the souls of ordinary people. "

At this point, the matter has basically become clear. The dementors who suddenly came to the deserted island and the souls of the ordinary people who were detained were all just to let Ziyou find the dragon to avoid the water.

"Now immediately find all the souls from the sea, and then send them back to those people's bodies!"

"Yes yes yes!" The dementor nodded quickly: "But because there are too many souls, I can't summon so many souls at the same time by myself, I have to ask them to help me!"

Ye Dong frowned and said, "How many souls have you detained?"

"Count, tens of thousands!"

Tens of thousands of souls!

That means tens of thousands of lives!

A murderous look flashed across Ye Dong's face again and he said coldly: "You guys are really great! You'd better pray that there will be no accidents to my friend's soul, otherwise, I will let you live and die of!"

"Don't worry, senior, nothing will happen. We have tried many times. Whenever the soul is about to fail, we will replace a batch of souls...!"

Ye Dong swallowed all the rest of the soul master's words in Ye Dong's cold eyes, but it made Ye Dong understand why these soul masters would go to various islands for alms every once in a while. , They are just to replace the soul.

Thinking of this, Ye Dong naturally thought of those spirit crystals floating over from the sea, and his heart moved, maybe these soul masters should know what's going on!

This obviously the most senior dementor immediately began to gather his subordinates. After gathering [-] people, he turned and looked at Ye Dongdao: "Senior, we can't recall the soul here, we have to go inside the house." .”

Banruo can deal with them alone, let alone Ye Dong now, so Ye Dong is naturally not worried about what tricks they will play, nodded and said: "Let's go!"

So, together with Zhu Jing and the other four, the group walked towards a circle of buildings not far away.

Although these buildings look extremely simple from the outside, there is something different inside, especially the egg-like house in the middle, which leads to the ground.

Naturally, Ye Dong and the others followed the dementors into the house and went underground.

Of course, the underground here cannot be compared with the underground world of Fengxia City. After walking down a staircase for nearly a hundred meters, the group finally stopped.

A huge flat land appeared in front of everyone, and in the center of the flat land was a circular pool with a radius of about ten meters!

In fact, this is the real sea water. These dementors dug through the entire deserted island's underground, all the way to the sea below the deserted island.

If the surroundings are opened up now, everyone is already in the sea.

The dementors sat in a circle around the pool, and then a bell appeared in everyone's hands, among which the most senior dementor had the biggest bell.


As the senior dementor shook the biggest bell, the others also shook the bells in their hands. Everyone looked solemn and serious. Obviously, they should have started to recall the souls in the sea area. The strange thing is, Ye Dong couldn't feel the slightest aura fluctuation.

At this time, two golden lights suddenly shot out from Banruo's eyes, and they shot straight to the top of the circular pool. Under the golden light, strips of black gas were continuously rushing towards the sea water like little snakes.

It turned out that they also used soul ropes to summon souls!

Ye Dong and the others didn't speak, just quietly watched the movements of these people, after about half an hour, the senior soul master suddenly opened his eyes and said: "No, it seems that avoiding water has appeared, that The master's soul is in danger, hurry up, shake the soul-stealing bell faster, and snatch that master's soul out!"

The soul of a master?

Ye Dong couldn't help asking: "Didn't you say that avoiding water only likes to eat the souls of ordinary people? Why did you get the soul of a master?"

"This, this was ordered by the fat messenger. We don't know the reason, and there are not just one master, but three masters!"

"Three masters?" Ye Dong's heart skipped a beat suddenly, and an ominous premonition popped up in his mind.

"Well, it's a couple and a big black man, who seems to have some background, what kind of suzerain!"

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