Blood Prison Demon Emperor

Chapter 701 The Crazy Fat Monk

Hearing this voice, the expressions of Faceless Crazy Saber and the others immediately changed, because they used to be on the same front as the fat monk, so they naturally knew that it was the fat monk who came.

If in the past, they relied on Jin Wuji, they might not be afraid of the fat monk, but now, they are traitors of Ziyou, and the strength of the fat monk is much higher than them, so they dare not go out to meet the fat monk. monk.

The fake Dongfang Bai said anxiously: "Why did the fat monk come here to ask for Ye Dong's woman? Could it be that Ziyou's people have arrived, let's go quickly!"

Faceless Crazy Knife calmed down a little and said: "Probably not. If all the people from Ziyou really arrive, they can easily destroy the current Wuji Sect. Let's not act rashly and see the situation."

So more than a dozen people bravely walked out of the house and looked up in the direction of the sound.

I saw the fat monk's obese body standing against the wind at a height of a thousand meters, with a ferocious expression on his face and rage.

At this time, a figure flew out from the Wuji School and came to the fat monk. It was Wei Tian, ​​one of the three current masters in the Wuji School.

In the past, if someone dared to yell so loudly at the gate of their own sect, the members of the Wuji sect would have taken action to punish them without saying a word, but now the situation is stronger than others, and they simply don't have the courage.

Although Wei Tian is also a master of the world, but standing there at the moment, his momentum was weakened first, and he bowed his hands to the fat monk with a smile on his face and said: "There is a master of the Buddhist sect visiting our sect, it is not far away. Welcome, and please forgive me, Master!"

The fat monk even showed a smile on his face and said: "I can't see that you are quite good at talking, but is there something wrong with your ears? I asked you to send Ye Dong's woman out. Didn't you hear? Since If you can’t hear, it’s useless to keep these ears, I’ll tear them up for you!”

As soon as the words fell, the fat monk shot suddenly. His fat figure did not affect his speed, and he came to Wei Tian in an instant like the wind.



Blood spurted, screams sounded, a pair of bloody ears appeared in the hands of the fat monk, and he threw them out without looking at them, still looking at Wei Tian with a smile on his face and saying, "I'll say it again, take Ye Dong's woman Hand it over, otherwise, I will wash your Wuji sect with blood!"

Many disciples in the Wuji Sect who were looking up were almost dumbfounded when they saw this scene!

This fat monk actually tore off a pair of ears of Elder Wei Tian without saying a word, which is too inconceivable.

"Shua hua" came two piercing sounds, and two other masters of the world also appeared at the same time, one of them reached out to support Wei Tian who was about to faint in pain, and the other pointed at the fat monk and said, "Fat monk, You are so courageous, do you really think that there is no one in my Promise Sect?"

The fat monk chuckled and said, "Hey, you still know who I am, but since you know my name, you dare to talk to me in such a tone, it seems that you don't take me seriously, damn it! "

As the fat monk stretched out his finger, a ball of green gas gushed out, instantly turning into green vines, and rushed out, and this person obviously did not expect the fat monk to strike again silently, without even the strength to resist. None, the body has been entangled by vines, unable to move.

"Hey, die!"

The fat monk's right hand suddenly clenched into a fist, and there was a muffled "bang", and the green vine shrank suddenly, strangling the man's body into several pieces.

After a rain of blood exploded in the air, the green vines disappeared without a trace, and several mutilated bodies fell from the air with pieces of flesh and blood.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the two masters of the Promise Sect had already been disabled and the other died, casting a shadow of death over everyone's heart.

Especially the Faceless Crazy Dao and others who had been in contact with the fat monk, their faces were even paler at the moment, fake Dongfang Bai trembled and said: "Crazy, crazy, the fat monk must be crazy!"

Faceless Kuangdao nodded and said: "Yes, he must be crazy. Although we don't know the relationship between Zi Xiaotian and Huo Xiaotian, Zi Xiaotian's people would never dare to slaughter Huo Xiao so recklessly. Oh man!"

Indeed, the death of the skinny monk has completely aroused the evil in the fat monk's heart, and now he is really like a lunatic, only killing and death can make him feel refreshed.

"Then what are we waiting for, let's run away!" the fake Dongfang Bai said, turned around and was about to leave.

"Escape?" Faceless Kuangdao sneered and said: "Although the fat monk is crazy, his strength has not diminished in the slightest. I bet that the entire Wuji sect must be under his spiritual consciousness now, no You may still have a chance of surviving if you run away, but if you run away, you will definitely die faster."

As if to verify the words of Faceless Crazy Saber, someone among the disciples of the Wuji Sect yelled, "Run!"

Immediately, at least forty or fifty disciples began to flee in all directions, each fleeing in a different direction, obviously because they were afraid of being chased by the fat monk.

Looking at those fleeing people, the fat monk stuck out his tongue to wipe the few drops of blood spattered on Tian's own lips, and laughed loudly.

Amidst the laughter, countless vines suddenly sprang up from various places in the underground of the Wuji Sect, like long green snakes, swimming swiftly and chasing after those who fled.

The sound of "Papa Papa" kept ringing, but all those who wanted to escape, no matter how far they ran, were all caught up by these vines and entangled tightly without exception.

"Anyway, you will die sooner or later, why worry, Buddha will give you a ride!"

Countless screams sounded at the same time, and huge blood flowers bloomed in various places in the Wuji Sect.

Seeing this scene, the fake Dongfang Bai couldn't help but glance at the Faceless Crazy Saber with a pale face. He didn't expect that he really guessed it. The fat monk had already laid an ambush in the underground of the Wuji Sect beforehand. If he wanted to escape, he had to Can die faster.

With the disappearance of forty or fifty lives in an instant, the remaining master of the Promise Sect who left the world was completely frightened, and the fat monk didn't even look at him, his whole body was full of evil spirits, condescending Looking at the members of the Wuji Sect below them, they said, "The Lord Buddha still said that whoever hands over Ye Dong's woman will live."

Most of the disciples of the Promise Sect didn't know who Ye Dong was, but some disciples who were in charge of guarding the dungeon knew that a woman had just been detained in the dungeon recently, so it didn't matter if she was the one the fat monk was looking for. People, several people have already shouted loudly: "Buddha, please forgive me, I will go and bring that woman out!"

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