Seeing the sudden appearance of a man and a woman, everyone's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, even those beasts couldn't help but sigh in their hearts: "What a pair of golden boy and jade girl!"

The male looks handsome, his facial features are as if carved out of jade, with sharp edges and corners, while the female is beautiful and natural, especially a pair of distinctive snow-white pupils adds a mysterious atmosphere to her.

I can't believe that there is such a nearly perfect pair of Bi people in the world.

Because of the sudden appearance of these two people, the red wolf escaped a catastrophe for the time being, and at this moment, a smile appeared on its face, and it looked back at Ye Dong and the other three who were still in the state of cultivation, and shook its head He muttered, "Your luck is really not so good!"

This pair of bi people who looked like a couple of gods fell directly beside the red wolf, and a beautiful smile bloomed on the woman's face, she gently pulled her companion and said, "This is what I told you. Big Brother Wolf, behind him is Big Brother Ye, they are the ones who saved you!"

So the two bowed to the red wolf and said, "I have seen Brother Wolf, thank you for saving my life."

The red wolf waved his hand and said, "It's just a matter of raising your hands, you're welcome, girl Qingge, why did you come here?"

Naturally, the nine-tailed snow fox Xue Qingge and Ruochenfeng were the couple!

Back in the North Cold Land, Ye Dong and Red Wolf helped Xue Qingge enter the Ice God Palace, that is, the Fox Emperor Ice Palace built by a Snow Fox Demon Emperor many years ago. It was a life-saving for their husband and wife Grace.

It was only because of the early lifting of the restriction that the Fox Emperor Ice Palace left the ground. Although Ye Dong and Red Wolf managed to leave in the end, Xue Qingge stayed in the Ice Palace in order to accompany her husband. Disappeared into the sky together.

However, I didn't expect that two years later, the two of them would appear in the Indian beast tribe in southern Xinjiang!

The dialogue between Red Wolf and Xue Qingge naturally made all the Indian orcs understand that they were Ye Dong and Red Wolf's helpers, and they were aiming at the astonishing beauty they showed just now. The speed and strength will definitely not be weak.

However, after sniffing his nose, Sixiang suddenly showed a look of shock on his face, and blurted out: "They are nine-tailed snow foxes!"

Ruochenfeng stepped forward, his face was as cold as ice and said: "The holy beasts are not like four!"

The Indian orcs naturally knew the origin of the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox, so Meng De's face was uncertain, and he began to re-evaluate the strength comparison between the two sides.

He really didn't know why Ye Dong, who was not a member of the Indian beast tribe at all, could have the support of so many mutated spirit beasts. First, there was an earth spirit wolf monster with the blood of monsters, and now there were two nine-tailed snow foxes!

After pondering for a while, Meng De finally decided to take Ye Dong and the others down. No matter what, Ye Dong killed Huo Feng, and just because of this alone, it would not be an exaggeration to let him pay for his life.

Only this time, even himself and Sixiang had to attack at the same time!

"Old Niu, old Lu, you deal with the two nine-tailed snow foxes, and leave the blood wolf to me, and the rest of you, catch Ye Dong and the others immediately!"

Following Meng De's order, all the Indian orcs immediately moved into action, and Ye Dong's people were surrounded in a blink of an eye.

The red wolf licked Tian's own lips, and laughed loudly: "Sister Qingge, brother Chenfeng, I'm really sorry to have troubled you!"

Ruochenfeng laughed and said: "Brother Wolf is too polite, we just came out of customs, and we want to try our current strength!"

As soon as the words fell, Ruochenfeng rushed towards the elder Niu and his green bull!

The speed of the Nine-Tailed Snow Fox Clan is the fastest in the world, so when Ruo Chengfeng's figure had already arrived in front of the Niu Clan Elder, neither he nor the Qingniu had any reaction at all!

A glacier appeared across the sky, with magnificent waves, and instantly wrapped them up. Under the severe chill, both of their bodies were covered with a thin layer of ice balls!

Apparently Ruochenfeng's character suits his taste very much, Red Wolf couldn't help laughing out loud again, and rushed towards Mengde and Sixiang likewise not to be outdone.

Meng De frowned slightly and said: "Blood wolf, we Indian beasts don't want to be enemies with beasts. If you get caught now, I promise I won't hurt you!"


A wave of sound rolled over, followed by a red wolf running wildly on two feet like a human being!

The arrogant attitude of the red wolf made Mengde and Sixiang groan at the same time. Obviously they already understood that they must not argue with it. Since it is the most ferocious monster, its blood is full of blood. Violence and killing.

"Four alike, let it live!"

Even so, Meng De was still unwilling to kill the only remaining monster on Suzaku Continent.

Sixiang shook his huge faucet, two gases, one gold and one white, suddenly came out from under his feet, and he flew up into the air with his body, his mouth opened wide, as if he was sneezing, and a purple thunderbolt hit the red wolf .

At the same time, Meng De slammed his hands to the ground, and the ground within a radius of [-] meters was suddenly densely covered with a huge flash of electricity, and the electric snakes rushed towards the feet of the red wolf. Obviously, he was Prevent the red wolf from using the power of the earth attribute.

The red wolf's eyes were bloodshot, and he stood there, neither dodging nor dodging. He raised his head, his arms shook violently, and his two palms, which were twice the size of ordinary people, swelled infinitely, and grabbed the four images.

"Boom! Clap clap!"

The thunderbolt from Sixiang and the countless lightning snakes hit the red wolf's body almost at the same time, and a puff of sparks and smoke filled the heart, but the red wolf didn't seem to feel it. It had swelled to tens of meters in length, and grabbed the four-shaped body in one go.

Everyone couldn't help but click their tongues secretly, Red Wolf is fighting desperately, if you punch me, I will give you a punch back!

Although Sixiang was caught by the giant claws, it didn't panic, a golden light burst out from its huge body, like a sharp blade, it pierced fiercely into the red wolf's giant claws.

Under the severe pain, Bi's red wolf had no choice but to let go of his palm.

At the same time, other Indian orcs had also come to Ye Dong and the other three. Although they were a little afraid of Ye Dong, they had no choice but to act under the order of the patriarch.

Dozens of weapons, large and small, were raised at the same time, stabbing towards the bodies of the three of them.


A big python suddenly appeared under Luo Wenbing's body, with a light sweep of its huge tail, all the weapons were shaken away, and Luo Wenbing also suddenly opened his eyes, with multicolored light erupting from them, There was a strange sound in the mouth!

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