Good morning, Mr. President

Chapter 001 Strange Dreams

Chapter 001 A Strange Dream Wen Cai had a strange but real dream. In the dream, she kissed a man who was not Jiang Churan.

That feeling was so clear that it seemed real, and even in a dream, I could feel the enthusiasm on my face.

After dating for more than a year, although she also kissed Jiang Churan several times, the feeling in her dream was completely different.

Then the involuntary warmth was completely chaotic.

Sometimes sad, sometimes my brain swells, trembling and making vague voices.

Just like this, I don't know how long it took, the room suddenly became quiet, and there was no more sound, making it difficult to distinguish whether it was a dream or reality.

Wen Cai lay uncomfortably, wondering in her heart, but she didn't have the strength to open her eyes.

The clearest thing in the daze is the cool mint smell on the man's body.

After an unknown amount of time, she finally got rid of that chaotic and weird dream, and woke up from the boundless darkness.

Wen Cai didn't sleep comfortably, the space was stuffy, and her whole body was wet with sweat while breathing rapidly.

Struggling to wake up, I suddenly felt something strange in my body.

Her whole body was sore, but the pain was within her tolerance.

The bed under him was extremely soft, and the vision in front of him was also very wide. The bedding smelled fresh and unfamiliar.

Wen Cai frowned, propped his forehead with one hand, and stood up reluctantly. When he saw the situation around him clearly, his pupils suddenly dilated.

On the spacious bed, the man was sleeping soundly lying on his side, his handsome face was full of peace...

That feeling is really beyond description——

It was only then that he slowly remembered the twists and turns of yesterday. When he went to find Wanli last night, he was forced to drink a glass of red wine, and then he was unconscious until now.

Looking at the handsome face that was sleeping soundly, Wen Cai felt a little dazed in her heart, only feeling that her mind was in a mess.

But after a while, Wen Cai took a sharp breath, and was so shocked that his mind went blank for a long time.

Desperately trying to remember what happened, the more I think about it, the more frightened I feel.Those scary images that she thought were weird dreams turned out to be real, and the strong sense of reality during the intimacy came back to her mind all of a sudden, making her spine numb.

This is the first time I have experienced such a crazy thing in my 23 years of life.

She was in a daze, and her head was still aching.

I was sweating all over, even my hair was wet.

In a daze, she lightly removed the quilt and staggered out of bed.

He took the black-rimmed glasses from the table and put them on, then found the clothes that were thrown everywhere, and put them on one by one.

The more she travels soberly, seeing the marks on her skin, the more she understands how absurd last night was.

I wanted to run after I put on my clothes, and I couldn't help feeling aggrieved in my heart. I thought about waking up the man to ask what was going on.

She opened her mouth for a long time, but she couldn't make a sound. After all, she couldn't pass the level of timidity.

Gritting her teeth, Wen Cai had no choice but to leave the room quickly, running away as if fleeing for her life.

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