Good morning, Mr. President

Chapter 003 Restaurant Encounter

Chapter 003 Encountering alu in a restaurant is indeed as recommended in a magazine. It is a very romantic French restaurant, large and luxurious.

The location of the meal allows you to enjoy a delicious meal while admiring the spectacular view of the sea.

The guests who come in and out here are well-dressed and well-dressed. Even Jiang Churan is wearing high-end suits, and he looks a bit petty in comparison.Wen Cai took the menu with some shame, looked at the prices on the menu, and was terrified.

Jiang Churan looked at the dumb Wen Cai, took the menu in her hand impatiently, ordered two set meals from the waiter without hesitation, and looked at Wen Cai with doting eyes after ordering, "You, "He smiled in a good mood, "You don't need to save money for me, you can make a lot of money in the future, I will bring you to eat in such a high-end place every day..."

Hearing him say this, Wen Cai was flattered, but very happy.

"Chu Ran, do you remember our college classmate Zheng Yong?"

"Remember, what happened?"

"I received a call from him yesterday, saying that he is going to get married on the sixth of next month..."

"Really?" Jiang Churan didn't care.

"Yes," Wen Cai nodded and looked at him expectantly, "You can be with the person you like, even if you don't have a luxurious wedding, and you can't afford a lot of guests, as long as the two of you can get together every day, chat and eat together , Just thinking about it makes me feel very happy..."

Jiang Churan's face was a little stiff. At this time, the meal was served. Wen Cai was a little bit embarrassed about the next topic. He lowered his face and cut the steak, took a small bite, and said while thinking: "Chu Ran, speaking of it, we It's been three years since I graduated from university, do you think it's time to consider getting married?"

When she raised her eyes, she saw a slender man in the distance, and the hairpin in Wen Cai's hand immediately dropped to the ground.

Although I was not too sure, I only felt that the outline of the facial features were somewhat similar, but I suddenly became nervous.

When the man approached while talking and laughing with the woman, his figure gradually became clear.

Wen Cai saw it clearly, and confirmed that he was the man from last week——

Suddenly, my heart beat like a drum, and the extravagant and delicious steak became hard to chew.

Maybe because he noticed her gaze, the man also looked at her.

Wen Cai was even more frightened, her heart was pounding, and she quickly lowered her gaze as if she didn't recognize her.

It was only a few minutes, and the palms of my hands were sweating from nervousness.

Jiang Churan noticed her gaffe, "What's wrong?"

"No, no, maybe I ate too fast, so I got a little hot..."

Jiang Churan let out a casual "hmm".

"Is it true what you said last time?"

"Which one?"

"You called me last week and told me that you might be promoted?"

"Uh, yes, yes..."

Unexpectedly, Chu Ran still remembered this incident, and Wen Cai became embarrassed, "It was true to say so, but this week our president's niece came back and took over the manager's position... But as long as we continue to work hard, there will be opportunities ..."

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