Good morning, Mr. President

Chapter 006 Open mouth

Chapter 006 It's been a week since I saw Chu Ran last time, I don't know when I saw Chu Ran again.

Wen Cai gave a negative and pessimistic answer to this, but received a call from Jiang Churan when she was off work.

"Do you need to work overtime at night?"

Wen Cai was taken aback by Chu Ran's familiar voice on the phone, "Uh, no need..."

"Then get ready. I'll take my friends there for dinner tonight."


Jiang Churan also seemed to feel a little abrupt, and his voice added a bit of distress: "Are you tired from work all day? I told them not to come over, but a few friends who had a good time kept saying that they wanted to celebrate and I took it. It's a big order... Otherwise, I'll tell them now and invite them to dinner another day..."

Wen Cai shook her head quickly: "It's okay, it's right to invite friends to dinner."

"You are so considerate! I will trouble you that night, remember to buy some seafood!"

A word of praise made Wen Cai's face blush slightly, "Okay..."


To help Chu Ran receive his colleagues in the company, Wen Cai carefully selected crabs, fresh shrimps, and a fish, all fresh and plump, which she would not be willing to buy at ordinary times, and cleaned up the house thoroughly before wiping Within two days, all the tables and chairs were carefully wiped again.

Wen Cai had been busy in the kitchen for more than two hours. When Jiang Churan and his group came, all the dishes had just been cooked. When she opened the door and saw Chu Ran's friends, she realized that it was not what she thought. , Looking at these tall, thick-headed and rough-headed men in front of me, I was really a little stunned.

A group of people didn't feel uncomfortable at all. They entered the room and looked around, laughing before opening their mouths.

After everyone sat down on the chairs one after another, Wen Cai went to the kitchen to bring out the prepared dishes one by one.

"The taste is not bad. Although it can't compare with big hotels, it's passable."

The home-cooked dishes made by Wen Cai are as simple as she feels.

It is completely incomparable with the luxury and refinement of the hotel, but the taste is not much inferior to the hotel, full of fragrance.

After the friends had a taste, they scrambled to pick up the dishes, without any politeness to ask the host to sit down and eat.

They were at other friends’ houses, they ate and littered everywhere, and it didn’t matter that the floor was full of oil, because the floor was already dirty enough, and there were white stains on the paper towels, and the whole room smelled bad , it doesn't matter if you add more garbage.But throwing it on the clean floor, it looks a bit dazzling...

"Dirty your girlfriend's place, will it cause you to sleep on the floor at night?" A friend joked.

"What are you talking about, clean it when it gets dirty." Jiang Churan smiled generously.

"Ha ha……"

"Take it as your own home, what you usually do, what you do now."

"Yesterday on the road, I came across a BMW with the window half closed. A woman was twisting her waist on the old man's lap. Good guy... Hey, I'm a little thirsty. Do you have any wine?" To avoid the taboo, I told some knowledge, but halfway through the talk, I felt dry mouth.

Hearing the bold and unconstrained dialogue, Wen Cai felt embarrassed and embarrassed at first, so she hurriedly replied: "Well, there is a fridge, I'll get it."

There is always Chu Ran's favorite canned beer in the refrigerator.



"Come on, let's have a drink."

After drinking, not only Chu Ran's friends, but also Chu Ran himself became unrestrained. Several people talked about pornographic jokes back and forth, and the conversation became more and more indecent.It really surprised her that someone like Jiang Churan would say such unbearable things.

Wen Cai still couldn't believe it, and it was attributed to Chu Ran being so drunk.

A group of people played very lively, and soon started playing finger-guessing, drinking cans of wine one after another.

In this atmosphere, she obviously couldn't get in the way of other people's conversations. She glanced at Chu Ran implicitly, and saw that he was only engaged in guessing fists and had no time to pay attention to her. She stood awkwardly for a while, and found that No one paid attention to her, so Wen Cai walked away quietly into the room.

Noticing her leaving figure, several men chatted secretly.

"Is this the boss you're looking for?"

"Yes." Jiang Churan didn't hide it.

"Not bad! You are quite skilled, how did you make her so obedient?"

"Look at me, I play with you brothers all day long, how can I have extra time to care about her? I go to her once in a few weeks, and she is going to be crazy, just like tonight I cooked it myself and delivered it to my mouth for me to eat, so why should I think of any way to make her obedient?"

"Hahaha, you kid is really rude!"


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