Good morning, Mr. President

Chapter 009 only once

Chapter 009 There was only one night when I didn't sleep well.

Wen Cai was almost late in the morning. Fortunately, he met a colleague who was driving to work on the road. He took a ride, saved the time of waiting for the bus, and arrived a few minutes before.Put away the low emotions, desperately concentrate on the work, and just get through the day.

After that night, five days passed.

Chu Ran was still working non-stop, as usual, she didn't even make a phone call.

After thinking about it for a few days, Wen Cai seemed to be used to this peculiar way of communicating.

The first thing I do when I get home from get off work is to take a shower and then lie down and go to sleep.



The evening was as usual—

Eat, bathe, change clothes, sleep.

The phone rang, awakening Wen Cai from her sleep. She got up to answer the phone, and there was an anxious noise in her ears.


"Ah?" She was taken aback, not understanding why Chu Ran would call at this time.

Jiang Churan's voice was unprecedentedly anxious, "Wen Cai, you must help me!"

"What, what?"

"I borrowed money from loan sharks..." Jiang Churan's voice quickly returned to normal, "They said they need a guarantor..."

Wen Cai was taken aback when he heard the words: "Why do you need a loan?"

Jiang Churan paused for a few seconds, a little surprised, as if she didn't expect her to ask such a question.However, he still patiently explained: "My company wants to invest in a project, and the profit of this project is very high. Whoever can take over the project will have a bright future, so for our future, I will borrow it. 10 yuan loan!"

Wen Cai was shocked and dumbfounded: "...One hundred thousand? So much?"

Jiang Churan said in a persuasive way: "Well... this project only takes one month... the cost will be recovered soon and the profit will be huge... This is a rare opportunity. As long as I finish this project well, I will be able to marry You go through the door, let you live a good life!"

Wen Cai was stunned for a moment, and when she came back to her senses, she immediately said seriously: "It's too risky to borrow money from a loan shark."

Jiang Churan immediately counterattacked after hearing the words: "With our current conditions, if you want a house or a car, or a car, who would lend me such a large sum of money except usury? Didn't you always want to marry me? Now is a good opportunity! "

It is very difficult to ask her to nod in this situation, but it is also too difficult to be brave enough to say a categorical veto.

And Jiang Churan continued: "My luck is not as good as those rich second-generation official second-generations. I can enjoy the glory without doing anything, and I may not be able to give you a stable life in the future... You are right. Borrowing money is not a good idea, but I promise you only this time!"

When Jiang Churan said this, no matter how inappropriate Wen Cai felt, she agreed in a low voice.

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