Good morning, Mr. President

Chapter 011 Unprepared

Chapter 011 Unprepared "Xiaocai!"

"Before I came, I was worried that you would fall asleep!" Wan Li smiled and changed into her indoor slippers and came in, raising the fast food box in her hand, "I brought you nectar juice and fried dumplings! Are you hungry? Come and eat Bar!"

Wan Li opened the lunch box and looked at the crispy and steaming dumplings inside, Wen Caiqiang cheered up and smiled: "Okay..."

"It's not bad!" Although she didn't hear her voice, Wanli could also see a strange expression on her face, so she naturally interpreted it as being moved, "The fried dumplings here need to be queued for a long time. I bought it, if you like it, I will buy it for you next time."

Wen Cai smiled and nodded.

"Xiao Cai... It was your birthday yesterday! I'm sorry! I have too many things on my hands, and I forgot such an important thing!" Wan Li was very annoyed, that's why the night came so suddenly, "Wait until Sunday when you rest , shall I treat you to dinner? Do you have any special gifts you want?"

"No, it's okay..."

"How can I do it! Of course I want it!" Wan Li ate a dumpling, showing a cute smile, with two dimples on her face, "We can go to Guyan Lake Villa to soak in the hot springs. The hot springs there are famous. Afterwards, the skin is tender and smooth, and then I went to pick strawberries, and there are many other delicious fruits and vegetables..."

"Wanli..." Wen Cai's voice was low.

Wan Li glanced at Wen Cai with a subtle expression, with a smile on her face: "What's the matter?"

Finally made up her mind to speak, Wen Cai lowered her head a little at a loss: "Your current job..."


"Is the treatment good?"


"Then, do you have any savings that you can't use?"

"Why?" Wan Li blinked her eyes in doubt.

"Can you lend me some money?"

Wan Li's face darkened instantly: "Why do you want to borrow money?"

There was a tremor in Wen Cai's voice: "...I owe someone some money..."

Wan Li instantly remembered Jiang Churan's hostile face, and said in disbelief, "I owe you money?" Feeling very absurd, she slammed her hands on the table, shaking the dumplings on it and the woman's shoulders, "You've been doing this since college. With that guy Jiang Churan, because he doesn't even want a high-paying job in City H, he followed him to City A eagerly. He has ignored you these past few years, what are you trying to do? People like him , hang out with those gangsters all day long..."

"I promise this is the last time, in the future I..."

Wan Li suddenly interrupted her: "How many times do you have to be fooled by him before you can grow your brain? Even an idiot can see that he is only with you for money! No wonder the university professors used to say that you are only suitable for being a teacher. It is easy to be eaten alive outside! You have no defense against people at all! No wonder you have been able to live with Jiang Churan for so many years, and he has been fooling you around!"

Her warm lips trembled slightly.

"You are like this. You always think of people so well. You always think that as long as you treat others well, they will definitely see and be moved! You are just being useful to him now! Wait until he cheats you of your money." I will dump you without hesitation! If you don’t believe me, just wait and see!”

Wan Li angrily accused a lot, and said all the scruples that she didn't usually say in one breath. After she finished speaking, she found that Wen Cai's face was ugly, with almost transparent paleness, her lips were pressed extremely tightly and hard, almost Without the slightest color of blood.

Wan Li bit her lip, as if she was planning to say something, but she didn't say it in the end.

There was a narrow table between the two of them, and no one made a sound.

There was a terrible silence in the living room, and the atmosphere was a little weird.

Wan Li bit her lip and stood up. Before going out, she wanted to call Wen Cai, but she didn't.

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