Good morning, Mr. President

Chapter 014 Playing with Fire and Self-Immolating

Chapter 014 Playing with Fire and Self-immolation Outside the window, the city is brightly lit, like a still gorgeous landscape painting.

Wen Cai sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the handsome and elegant man sitting opposite, not knowing what to do.

An hour ago, she had somehow found the courage to ask him that.

"That... are you still working?"

A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he didn't speak.

Wen Cai's heart was pounding: "Uh, I want you to accompany me, can I?"

He was taken aback, then suddenly smiled, his handsome eyebrows stretched wantonly in an instant, and the corners of his thin lips were deeply curved: "Okay."

It's embarrassing to sit in a hotel room and watch a man take off his blazer and unbutton the top of his uniform, "No, don't undress, just chat... I didn't come to you for that kind of thing .”

Subconsciously raised her head to look at his face, but saw his black eyes staring at herself extremely sharply and clearly.

"But I'm only responsible for accompanying the guests...not chatting."

The man stretched out his clean and slender hands, and began to unbutton his shirt one by one.

"...Huh?" Wen Cai didn't know the rules of this industry very well.

"Can't you just chat and do nothing else?"

"No." The man said concisely.

"But, as long as you chat, I will still pay you..."

Showing his firm and flexible chest, he looked lazy and said coldly, "No."

Wen Cai's heart beat faster than before.

She was about to refuse habitually, but she met his black pupils, which made her heart move, and she couldn't give an excuse to evade, not to mention that she might not live until tomorrow, and she wouldn't go crazy even once before she died. Very excessive.

The next move is completely without thinking and not controlled by the brain.

She seemed to be in a daze, and nodded without going through the filter of her brain.


Three o'clock in the morning.

The man reached out and pulled the quilt to cover the two of them, closed his eyes, and wondered if he had fallen asleep.

The room was pitch dark, and they couldn't see each other's expressions clearly.

Staring at the dark figure in front of him for a moment, Wen Cai breathed out with reddish eyes.

After a while, Wen Cai plucked up the courage and leaned towards him, "That..."


"Are you going to sleep?"


"But, but... I don't want to sleep yet."


"It's a bit, can you hold me?"

Fortunately, the room was dim, and he was secretly glad that he couldn't see the unsatisfactory redness of his ears.

Being held in his arms and clinging to that warm and firm chest, I felt very at ease.

It's so warm, this is the only warmth I've gotten in so many days.

The emptiness gradually dissipated in Wen Cai's heart. It would be great if she could be hugged like this all the time.

After all the tossing and tossing, my whole body was aching and tired, but the warm intimacy made Wen Cai want to chat with him.



"Actually, I have a boyfriend."

"I like him very much, and I want to be with him..."

"He said he would marry me, and I believe it's true..."

The man just listened to Wen Cai intermittently, his eyes were indifferent for a moment.

Wen Cai pretended not to notice his indifference, subconsciously swallowed her dry throat, "He is my senior, he is very nice."

"He's been so busy that we sometimes don't see each other once a week, but whenever he's free, he'll take me to the movies. He doesn't have a lot of money and can't take me to fine dining, but he's willing to run a few buy me my favorite pancakes..."

"By the way, he will occasionally surprise me..."

Wen Cai looked at the man who didn't say a word, and asked eagerly, "Do you think he likes me a little bit?"

"Not at all." The man spoke for a long time, uttering four words slowly.

Wen Cai was a little lacking in confidence, and whispered in a low voice: "In fact, he is very good to me, and he said..."

"You know it in your heart, if he liked you, you wouldn't be here now."

The man interrupted the words that he mustered up the courage to speak.

She blushed with embarrassment, and said in a low voice for a long while, "That's because I had a misunderstanding with him..."

"Really?" His voice was a little cold.

Wen Cai choked with sobs, his eyes were sour, and he was speechless.

Yes, she knew it all along, but she still had to deceive herself.

Before dawn, Wen Cai kept huddling in the man's arms to keep warm, until the frowning brows were completely relieved, and then fell into a deep sleep.

In the dream, she could be with her mother again, returning to her happy childhood, temporarily forgetting the cruel reality.

It has been a long time since she didn't understand the taste of happiness...

However, even if it is a beautiful dream, it is only a dream.


...If you think it looks good, please add it to the bookshelf ~ as an encouragement to encourage me to work hard to update! (?▽`)

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